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[英语] 每日一句

发表于 6.10.2010 22:05:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




 楼主| 发表于 6.10.2010 22:09:43 | 只看该作者

20101006---I wasn't born yesterday, (you know).

本帖最后由 mirandawang 于 8.10.2010 18:41 编辑


I wasn't born yesterday, (you know).

中文解释:(别哄我了), 我又不是三岁小孩.
英语解释:something that you say in order to tell someone that a person is not stupid and cannot be easily deceived.
eg: You'd better think of a better excuse about the dent in my car. I wasn't born yesterday, you know! You can't expect your mother to believe that - she wasn't born yesterday!
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 楼主| 发表于 7.10.2010 22:16:31 | 只看该作者

20101007---She turns me off.

本帖最后由 mirandawang 于 8.10.2010 18:40 编辑


She turns me off.
反义应该是She turns me on. 她让我眼睛为之一亮.
一位长发美女从你眼前走过, 你的目光便不自觉地投射在她身上, 全身的血液也开始跟著沸腾起来. 这要怎么用英文形容呢? 这就叫 She turns me on.
这好像是说, 她把你身上的电源都给打开了.
另外, turn-on 也可以当作名词用, 它用来表示任何令你觉得很不错的人, 事, 物. 另外你可以说 She is such a turn-on. 就是说她给我的感觉还蛮不错的.

turn off大部分时候的意思是关掉。这里延伸出来的意思就是使厌烦。
a. To affect with dislike, displeasure, or revulsion: That song really turns me off.
b. To affect with boredom: The play turned the audience off.
c. To lose or cause to lose interest; withdraw: turning off to materialism.
d. To cease paying attention to: The student turned off the boring lecture and daydreamed.
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 楼主| 发表于 8.10.2010 17:35:41 | 只看该作者

20101008---We're all in the same boat.

本帖最后由 mirandawang 于 8.10.2010 18:40 编辑


We're all in the same boat.
to be in the same boat就常用来比喻“处于同一境况”,往往指不幸境况
Bill:I was just told I have to take a pay cut.   比尔:我被通知要减薪。
George:We were all told that. You’re not alone. 乔治:我們都收到通知,不止你一人。
Bill:But I really can’t take this cut, I won’t be able to survive. 比尔:但我实在不能接受,我无法活下去的。
George:We’re all in the same boat. It will be tough on all of us. 乔治:我們坐在同一条船,未来日子大家都不好过。

再说一个以boat这个字为主的习惯用语:To miss the boat.
Miss就是失去的意思。 To miss the boat从字面来解释,它的意思是:误了上船的时间。但是,作为俗语,to miss the boat就是失去了一个好机会。
eg: We found exactly the house we wanted, but we waited to buy it in the hope the price would go down. But we missed the boat; when we called the agent back, he'd just sold it to another family.
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 楼主| 发表于 9.10.2010 12:58:20 | 只看该作者

a close call or a close shave

中文解释幸免于难, 死里逃生
英文解释:A narrow escape.
That skier just missed the tree--what a close call.
That was a close shave, nearly leaving your passport behind.
The first phrase dates from the late 1800s and comes from sports, alluding to an official's decision (call) that could have gone either way. The second, from the early 1800s, alludes to the narrow margin between closely shaved skin and a razor cut. (This latter usage replaced the much earlier equation of a close shave with miserliness, based on the idea that a close shave by a barber meant one would not have to spend money on another shave quite so soon.)




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 楼主| 发表于 10.10.2010 12:16:52 | 只看该作者

pain in the neck or pain in the ass

中文翻译:2者基本相同,都有令人讨厌的人或事的意思,只是前者比后者多了一个意思:a bothersome annoying person 非常讨厌的人。
英文翻译:something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness

M: [Phone rings] Hello? I'm sorry. I'm not interested. No. No thank you. Look, I said I am not interested! [sound of phone hanging up]
M: That was someone who wanted to sell me a magazine subscription over the phone. Those people are such a pain in the neck!
L:嗯,我也不喜欢别人在电话里跟我推销东西。可是你叫他们什么?A pain in the neck?
M: That's right. Pain. A pain in the neck is something that is just very very annoying.
L:噢,我明白了,“a pain in the neck”就是指讨厌到了极点。
M: Exactly. I can't stand telemarketers. When I get home and finally sit down, they always call. What a pain!
L:那是真的很讨厌。哎,“a pain in the neck”是不是只能形容人呢?
M: Not always. Things or situations can be a "pain in the neck".
L:噢, 所以,“a pain in the neck”还可以拿来指某样东西,或者是某种处境。那我可不可以说“It is such a pain in the neck when the electricity goes out”?
M: You've got it! And it really was a pain in the neck, too! I couldn't do anything last week when we had the blackout. I couldn't cook, couldn't watch TV......
L:哎哟,不能看电视算得上什么“pain in the neck”。那天我开车回家,马路上连红绿灯都坏了,那才叫不方便呢。
M: Yeah, well that's all over now. [muffled sound of drumming] Oh man! It's my neighbor again! He always plays his drums in the evening. It's such a pain in the neck.
L:原来是你的邻居,他又在练习打鼓啊。唉,我也有个讨厌的邻居,她那只狗总是叫个不停,有时候晚上睡着了又给那狗吵醒了。真是个“pain in the neck”。
M: Yeah, well if it's that bad, why don't you ask your neighbor to do something about it.
L:有啊。可是她不但不改,还和我们耍态度呢。这个人啊,也是个“pain in the neck”。
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 楼主| 发表于 11.10.2010 14:59:03 | 只看该作者

I'm not myself today.我今天心神不宁。

Teacher: What’s wrong with you?
William: I’m not myself today.

“I’m not myself”这句话是什么意思呢?我都不是我自己了?那么我是什么呢?看来这句话不能光从字面上来理解。那么它是什么意思呢?让我们来打个比方吧:你昨天晚上失眠了,第二天上课,无论老师问你什么你都不知道,那么老师会很生气地问你:” What’s wrong with you?” 那么最好地借口就是:”I am not myself today”“我今天状态不佳".
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 楼主| 发表于 12.10.2010 21:35:47 | 只看该作者

Think nothing of it.

1. You're welcome.; It was nothing.; I was glad to do it.
2. You did no harm at all. (A very polite way of reassuring someone that an action has not harmed or hurt the speaker.)

1. Mary: Thank you so much for driving me home.
John: Think nothing of it.
Sue: It was very kind of you to bring the kids back all the way out here.
Alice: Think nothing of it. I was delighted to do it.
2. Sue: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bump you!
Bob: Think nothing of it.
Jane: Ihope I didn't hurt your feelings when I said you were too loud.
Bill: Don't give it a second thought. I was too loud.

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 楼主| 发表于 13.10.2010 20:02:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 mirandawang 于 15.10.2010 21:49 编辑


Don't beat around the bush.

中文解释:别拐弯抹角/ 旁敲侧击/ 兜圈子。
when you talk about things indirectly, not stating exactly what you mean.
Dean was very worry about his brother Sam,he would not to see him to die.so he asked Sam:"Sam,Do you like to enjoy the normal life?works from 9:00AM TO 5:00PM,with you beauty wife and chirdren,and...." "Dean!"Sam interrupted him:"what do you want to say?Don't beat around the bush!""I want you merry you life..."........
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 楼主| 发表于 14.10.2010 21:03:54 | 只看该作者

You bet!

中文解释:没错,当然, 真的, 的确。用在表示同意对方说法时使用,是You bet I am.的略语。
:Of course; surely.
因为 bet 是下赌注的意思,所以 "You bet." 就是指,"You can bet money on that." (你可以把钱下注在上面),就是说这件事百分之百正确。
I think people in that neighborhood are snobs.
Oh, you bet.

K:  Hi, Matthew
M:Hey, Kiele, what happened with that English teacher you were hiring to teach your cousin.
K:  Oh, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me about that…
M:How come?
K:  Well, I spoke to the teacher on the telephone. And our conversation seemed to be going well. And when I asked her if I could call her back, she said something I didn’t quite understand.
M:What did she say?
K:  It sounded something like ‘you bet’. Is this a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’?
M:Well, the good news it that it’s a ‘yes’, but I can understand how it made you feel confused.
K:  Great. So, can you explain? I mean, I know that a ‘bet’ is when two people disagree on something uncertain. They ‘bet’ an amount of money on each possibility. And when the case is decided, the person who guessed – or bet correctly will win all of the money.
M:Yes. That’s it. So I might bet with you that the weather tomorrow will be rainy, for example.
K:  I’d never bet money on the weather! And anyway, still I don’t understand how ‘you bet’ can mean ‘yes’.
M:Sure. Think of ‘you bet’ as an abbreviation – a shortened form of a much longer phrase.
K:  What is that phrase?
M:It’s something like: ‘Yes. And I’m so sure that the answer is ‘yes’ that I recommend that you bet your money on the answer being ‘yes’. As well as saying ‘you bet, you might also say ‘you can bet on it’.
K:  Oh, I see. And are you saying that I can use this phrase even though I disagree with gambling?
M:Yes. That’s definitely true. Although it was originally related to gambling, people don’t even make the connection any more. So, are you going to call that teacher on the telephone again?
K:  You bet I am!
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