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By Carl Danner& H1 T# r2 Z( Q N
0 J- O Y4 I/ R
Lefties get to play many rightys, but righties play relatively few lefties. If this seems unfair, that's because it is. Tough.( U. S* j( B5 h3 _
3 Q' e/ h+ ] q5 {' f& H* `) E' X
For either participant in a mirror-image match, two things are important. First, on many shots you need to aim your angles straight ahead rather than crosscourt, especially for backhand to backhand play. So many righties forget this, and instinctively set up a left-handed forehand with a backhand counter or block. Second, you need to account for different amounts of sidespin than you are used to. Notice I said different amounts, not different spins, because a lefty's forehand has the same sidespin as a well-struck righty backhand -- just more of it. Think of it in those terms, and then adjust for the bigger ball break that comes with the extra sidespin.
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During points, I recommend either player (the righty, or the lefty) consider a simple approach: Defend crosscourt to the backhand, and attack crosscourt to the forehand. For service returns, hard pushes, and blocks, going crosscourt to the backhand can cramp your opponent and force them to come back crosscourt to your forehand. That's good. Alternatively, when you get the attack, there's nothing like going at your opponent's wide forehand for a point winner off either of your sides, but especially the backhand -- where you can take the ball early over the table and angle it away.
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The tactical problem is the same for either player in a mirror-image match. Leftys just get to do it more often.
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如何對付左撇子, y7 ?! s& S9 B O, J
9 J+ O, g$ U7 [' ]+ U, Y
左撇子經常可和右手持拍者打 但右手持拍者卻很少有機會和左撇子打 你説這不公平嘛 但事實就是如此 你就認了罷, _: Z+ z% n( P; p7 P
& t% h" j" y- x& {1 e* U5 L在右手對左手的比賽中 要注意兩個要點 第一 你要經常打直線而不是打斜線 尤其是反手對反手時 許多右手持拍者忘了這點不自覺的反手打斜線剛好送到左撇子的正手 自己怎麼死的都不知道 第二 要注意左撇子回的側旋量的不同 我是説側旋量的不同 而不是説側旋方向的不同因為對手在同樣的站位下 如平常右手持拍者用反手回 但左撇子會用正手回 左撇子的正手側旋方向和右手持拍者的反手側旋方向是一樣的 但是因為用正手回左撇子會有更強的側旋 你就要預判第二跳的側拐會比較大* [ L" R' Z1 |: R; z3 T8 |6 C9 `1 V
. @/ {2 ]8 m4 ?
與左撇子打相持時 有個簡單的打法 斜線打到你反手位的球 就用防守手法 斜線打到你正手位的球 就用進攻手法" K, Z* E% `+ W: K
接發球 搓球或推擋時 打斜線到你左撇子對手的反手位 通常他會被迫回斜線而打到你正手位 當左撇子對手側身攻你時 不論你在正手位或反手位 別忘了這是打他正手位直接得分的好機會 尤其是你在反手位你可打他正手位的角度更大 讓他撲不到 0 C9 R3 F+ u% B9 E, i" n6 D: q: e" i
+ T6 S; f6 I: {在右手對左手的比賽中 這些戰術運用對左手和右手球員而言 都是一樣的 只是左撇子球員用到的機會更多而已 |