原帖由 rena_luo 于 15.5.2008 17:15 发表 # t9 X# V: i. n6 f z
已经发给所有认识的德国同学了,有没有英文版啊?这样还可以发给其他国家的同学,麻烦哪位英文好的给翻译一下!谢谢了! 9 Q y- f0 Y! o* M2 Q
: j7 L k9 `; i- F, p
; N! N$ d2 z5 x6 ^. P4 ]. R" ?" p4 i+ u
Topic: Mourning Event for Victims who have Suffered from deadly Earth Qake in Chia, Si Chuan.! c- H4 x1 \' e
( P; l( J$ q4 v7 {5 H
Organisor: DCGM (Deutsch-Chinesische Association Munich e.V.) und CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Munich e.V.), v. Y, ]0 w% V$ u X
, M" ]2 f |$ F' @; ~2 J; _) STime: 18:00-22:00 Uhr, 16.05.2008, A* U' a3 z3 a/ e, s7 {3 y) c
Place: Odeonsplatz, Munich
2 y& \; J" v$ _: d; h
! u3 ~2 u$ ^2 k' d3 w) k% ~5 QIn order to express our mourning for those victims who suffered from deadly Earth Quake catastrophe, we will perform a Mourning Event and Donation Event as well.9 x& A: f; a; S
8 F0 K' l( w) G& m9 }1 \4 Q2 D* yEssential contents and manners of this Event:
: `3 A8 V6 H! c i- ?lighted candles and flowers will be used to show our deep grief and sorrow. Meanwhile, act of Donation will be also held to contribute fund to victims. No matter how old you are, male or female, which skin color you have, please join us for expressing your grief to all the human beings who are suffering in this catastrophe. May God be with them!5 p) T( U l0 i% M6 V3 Z9 q
0 B! v) G' {" X% T2 c+ @' N% S
Lives of human beings seem to be so weak in front of the natural catastrophe. As the dead toll keeps rising, we are about to show our deepest sorrow by lighting up hundreds of candles and bringing with the most beautiful flowers to all those people who have unfortunately lost their lives, especially those kids, they are just a child!!!' R. \1 g& I; S# C4 G: z9 _
2 v/ G5 G& g, n: u, ~. {( b
Donation will be officially delivered to Germany Red Cross Society e.V. after this event. Even if the money, which are contributed from this donation event, can not be transfered to disaster area immediately, it will be defintely used for helping rebuilding destroyed cities, countryside and affording those children who have lost their parent during earth quake.
* [( ]. a3 a( c" K7 W7 n- F* [2 B7 f# U: b" t$ T) J$ L8 g4 y
The German-Chinese association Munich is the offical organisation which is focusing on exchanging chinese and german/bayerisch culture, which is not only in classic and traditional manner, but present culture experience as well.
" w) v" k. n, ^5 A) s
, d0 K+ z( p# T/ T) v+ n1 r$ {& }, p7 P, _+ q3 P3 R# V
This event is organized by both DCGM (Deutsch-Chinesische Association Munich e.V.) uand CSSA (Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Munich e.V.) .
% O) V$ z4 \, l( P7 }
r! i1 s7 H3 a8 d e) R" u3 PWe call on all the persons to show your grief and sorrow for this serious deadly natural catastrophe in China. Do anything that you can to help people down there.
9 \2 [6 J9 k/ \" L! v! p
2 r. N. w& N# D2 LDonation Bank Account$ ]) \2 W9 Q( A5 B) M& e% h
DCGM for Victim in Earth Quake in China. P! ^# V7 e* X3 d% i8 X! }9 G
: E$ s. j4 b5 Z4 R4 o
+ T9 s0 b# Y+ }2 `
) P- }) F* M5 A, s- S# f
Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft München
3 F" s- K, Z- B% T- D# L9 z: r7 |Sparkasse München4 H" e0 s# x' K; p" X: Y
Konto 471 037 18
5 e4 A3 l, g& X3 ~, ]# i5 W5 YBLZ 701 500 00/ _# ]& ?! m4 U7 I6 l4 N o
Verwendungszweck: Erdbebenopfer China
5 h g1 J- Q9 `9 M. X2 P9 j+ |9 \. T! W: j
[ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 15.5.2008 23:46 编辑 ] |