呃, <br>够难懂的, 不知道作者是什么信仰状况。<br>这里补充些 Dostoyevsky 的背景。<br>- Fyodor Dostoyevsky<br><br>The social background of Dostoyevsky, was entirely different from that of Tolstoy. Known for his novels, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky was the son of a financially insecure,middle-class family and had to struggle to establish a reputation as a write<br>r. <br><br>As a young man, he became embroiled in the movement for political reform under the repressive rule of Czar Nicholas I. He began to use his writing talents to propagate the ideas of the French utopian Socialists in radical pamphlets. This activity led to his arrest and conviction in 1849. Dostoyevsky was sentenced to be shot, but through the mercy of God, his sentence was mysteriously changed to four years of hard labor in prison in Omsk, Siberia.<br><br>During his time in prison, Dostoyevsky was impressed with the pleasant temperament of many "extraordinary people" who lived in chains. The only book allowed in prison was the New Testament, which he read frequently. It taught him a new faith in Jesus Christ which alleviated his suffering and bitterness. Prison life gave Dostoyevsky a new sense of destiny - a life of service to the poor, insulted, injured masses of Russia.<br><br>Upon Dostoyevsky's release, he began to gain fame as a writer. Socialist radicals were eager to glorify him as a political prisoner, but Dostoyevsky spurned them and their beliefs - especially their rejection of the promises of Jesus Christ. His sympathies were on the side of social reform through the spread of Christian principles immersed in his novels.<br><br>The principle idea behind The Idiot, he wrote his niece, "is to portray a pos<br>itively beautiful man ... There is only one positively beautiful man in the w<br>orld - Christ."4 Another novel, The Possessed, reflects Dostoyevsky's opposition to a socialist revolution and an expression of nationalist faith in Russia's future that can take shape only as his nation turned to faith in Jesus Christ. Likewise, The Brothers Karamazov, considered by many to be the greatest novel ever written, is permeated throughout with a persistent theme of a search for faith in God.<br><br><br><a href='http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/X0658...f_Communis.html' target='_blank'>http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/X0658...f_Communis.html</a><br> |