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发表于 4.2.2005 11:01:57 | 只看该作者
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>发信人: jiangxw (Goodman), 信区: Christianity<br>标  题: 该如何处理犯罪的信徒?<br>发信站: 北大未名站 (2005年02月04日07:51:10 星期五) , 站内信件<br><br><br>该如何处理犯罪的信徒? <br><br>第4日<br><br>读经:哥林多后书二章4至11节<br><br>该如何处理犯罪的信徒?<br><br>要处理一名犯了罪的会友,对任何教会来说都是棘手的难题。然而,为了整体教会、为了<br>基督的圣名,甚至是为了当事人本身,教会都必须作出处理。加拉太书六章1节为我们提<br>供了一个重要原则:“弟兄们,若有人偶然被过犯所胜,你们属灵的人,就当用温柔的<br>心,把他挽回过来”。让我们细心思想这句话。<br><br>我们可以在哥林多前书第五章,找到今天这段经文的背景。当中涉及一位信徒与一位女仕<br>同居,但两人并没有结婚。教会知道这事,却没有作出处理。教外的人也知道这件事,当<br>然对此印象不佳。<br><br>保罗曾经写信提议教会的领袖与那位犯罪的弟兄面谈,并将他逐出教会;但教会却没有这<br>样做。他们也许说:“我们的思想开通”,或“我们不想伤害弟兄”。<br><br>但保罗却坚持要他们作出处理,他也许写了另一封现已遗失的信去敦促他们。教会最终依<br>照保罗的建议去做,将那个犯罪的弟兄逐出教会。结果却出乎意外的令人振奋──那位弟<br>兄竟然认罪悔改!<br><br>可是,当那位弟兄愿意悔改,教会却似乎不大愿意宽恕他。他们不明白教会执行纪律的目<br>的,正是要挽回犯罪的肢体。<br><br>医生为病人动手术的目的是甚么?当然是为了让病人尽快康复。教会执行纪律的最终目的<br>是甚么?就是要帮助犯罪的肢体尽快与基督及教会复和。保罗说:“我劝你们要向他显出<br>坚定不移的爱心来”(8节),就是去宽恕他、以爱心待他和挽回他。<br><br>失足的信徒需要我们去爱护、宽恕和帮助;当然,还可能需要作出严惩。但箴言二十七章<br>6节说:“朋友加的伤痕,出于真诚”。<br><br>请再读加拉太书六章1节。让它深?你的心中,以致当有信徒失足犯罪的时候,你便记得他<br>最需要是你的爱。<br><br>反思:<br><br>主啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢?(诗一三零3) <br> <br><br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br><br>HANDLING A SINNING CHRISTIAN <br>DAY 4<br><br>BIBLE READING: 2 Corinthians 2:4-11<br><br>The discipline of an erring member is almost the hardest task any church can <br>face. Yet sometimes it is absolutely necessary for the sake of the church and<br> <br>for the sake of Christ and even for the one concerned. A key verse is <br>Galatians 6:1: &#39;lf someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual, should <br>restore him gently&#39;. Think over those words.<br><br>The background of this passage is in 1 Corinthians chapter 5. A church member<br> <br>was living with someone who was not his wife. The church was aware of this <br>and had done nothing about it. The outside world knew of it too and was not <br>impressed.<br><br>aul wrote telling the church to meet and expel the man from their <br>membership. But the church had not done so. Perhaps they said: &#39;We are <br>broadminded&#39; or &#39;We don&#39;t want to hurt our brother&#39;.<br><br>aul insisted, possibly in a letter which we don&#39;t have, that they should do <br>as he said. Finally the church did act as Paul had advised and they expelled <br>the sinning brother. The result was perhaps, unexpected, but encouraging - <br>the man repented&#33;<br><br>But now that he had done so, the church seemed reluctant to forgive him. They<br> <br>did not realise that the purpose of church discipline is the restoration of <br>the sinning member.<br><br>What is the ultimate purpose of surgery? The speedy recovery of the patient. <br>What is the ultimate purpose of church discipline? The recovery for Christ <br>and the church and the sinning member. Paul said (v.8), I urge you to <br>reaffirm your love for him&#39;. Forgive him. Act graciously. Take him back.<br><br>Those who fail need our love, forgiveness and help. It may take strong action<br> <br>as well. But Proverbs 27:6 says it so well: &#39;Wounds from a friend can be <br>trusted&#39;.<br><br>Read Galatians 6:1 again and let it speak to your heart, before dealing with <br>a friend who has failed. He needs your love most of all.<br><br>IF YOU, O LORD, KEPT A RECORD OF SINS, O LORD, WHO COULD STAND? (Psalm 130:3)<br> <br><br><br><br>--<br>Love never ends.<br><br><a href='http://bbs.fhl.net/php/boards.php?China_gospel_reload' target='_blank'>http://bbs.fhl.net/php/boards.php?China_gospel_reload</a><br><br>※ 来源:·北大未名站 bbs.pku.edu.cn
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