本帖最后由 zhaofangzi 于 18.8.2010 19:50 编辑
MacOS TimeMachine 备份到网络硬盘
1。 没有Time Capsule
2。 桌面PC硬盘更便宜,容量更大
3。 同样可使用WIFI备份
Create SMB share -> Create sparsebundle -> Resize sparsebundle -> Done!
1) Create a SMB share on a Windows machine with name "TimeMachine"
2) Set up read/write rights for a Windows user
3) Mount the SMB share from MACOS Finder with the Windows user
4) Enable MACOS TM backup to SMB share
Console$ defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
Now you can configure TM to backup to the share, but it will fail to create the sparsebundle image on the share!!!
5) Create a sparsebundle image on a local disk
Console$ hdiutil create -size $512m -fs HFS+J -type SPARSEBUNDLE -layout SPUD -volname "TimeMachine" Macbook_001533c6ff58.sparsebundle
I want the image to be 512 MB, the created image is in fact much smaller, 50 MB in my case.
The image name must be ${machine_name}_${MAC_address}.sparsebundle, in my case Macbook_001533c6ff58.sparsebundle
6) Copy the created sparsebundle image to the share
7) Resize the copied sparsebundle
Console$ hdiutil resize -size 20g -imageonly /Volumes/TimeMachine/Macbook_001533c6ff58.sparsebundle -verbose -debug
I want to resize the image to 20 GB, the resize image is in fact much smaller, still 50 MB in my case.
If resized successfully, you will see:
CBundleBackingStore::closeDataFork: releaseBands returned 45
CBundleBackingStore::closeDataFork: returning 45
closing 4 /Volumes/TimeMachine/Macbook_001533c6ff58.sparsebundle/token closeDataFork 2002
returned from DIHLResizeImage with 0
hdiutil: resize: completed successfully
8) Now you can tell the TM to start backup. Good luck!
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20071108020121567 |