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发表于 29.4.2009 22:29:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Greenfield 于 3.5.2009 20:11 编辑 " b8 P3 X% d) y4 X$ z% Z
  H" m( M3 _0 \7 l8 ]1 d
仁者乐山 智者乐水
. @7 ^# z# `) P0 v4 J7 {9 \. j$ K6 k
福来堡 山水社
. o6 Q" Y7 Q  V, d7 M$ Q9 Y( P' ^
# h1 J/ n- z) m7 C+ [! i3 |5 [6 e3 q徒步健行  领略黑森林人文景观 ! H; m6 _( g1 g6 N+ x* g
跋山涉水  感受原生态自然造化+ s+ P3 [9 L5 o! H8 C) h

1 \& g. Z! I- O" M6 X[山水社]穿越黑森林第19期0502观景山Schauinsland-A线

$ w& k+ O& q4 H7 F, z& P' p+ V0 K4 z$ c  p
090502/0900 市中心贝拓泉Eertoldsbrunen集合出发; G9 t4 @6 H' }2 J. X- w2 j

- v; R& }6 Y9 Y1 G0 u- g短消息或电话联络 017627606508 清野6 o. g+ R5 `% R0 R

! U! e( Z" w9 U8 r. A
' f) u7 |, ~0 m7 b" X! |" Z6 [5 I4 _7 y1 R6 {
 楼主| 发表于 30.4.2009 16:30:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Greenfield 于 30.4.2009 17:34 编辑
. y3 ?/ h/ y8 `8 u. ]7 D; Y2 Q1 ]' L3 u1 J9 x' M
* k. |  E) L- g. x: o9 D
  y7 ^: k. d' {) c* B1 B: `殊不知 至高至广天地
$ Q: Y+ T% B7 m) t) m健身 健智 健心
; D, @* I3 K" K欲行遍黑森林山山水水
# M( I7 Z' k7 t% I! O/ Z/ i0 e8 Y: q* T
怎奈何 恒久恒远日月" }3 F5 U+ a( U0 E/ g9 l
感受 感知 感慨
7 m" U" M# F% d待渡过福来堡时时刻刻& H2 ]  i/ Q" K9 G6 a
0 p+ ]% _2 I  N. B& e
《四时境遇》  M* j) c0 {) ?  R& r
( `5 q" C. M! ]2 `
阳光中 温息亲肺腑 甘浴如霖
/ Z" V7 ^% }9 J& \: C荫凉处 清风抚枝叶 靡音如琴
/ `4 g3 D2 e! s: Z" ?, m2 v隽峰顶 浓雾锁松柏 幻影如梦
7 G+ f. O- s1 f& }幽谷底 湿草袭岩土 了然如心
1 c& D& ^# v) F2 n/ O2 U/ D1 w% E1 q  h& W, Z
[民国九十八 清野]
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 楼主| 发表于 1.5.2009 07:14:17 | 只看该作者
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schauinsland% w5 w- y) |/ A3 @0 n) Y
1 ^- [" s# {, `# e( e: _
SchauinslandFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia6 `( P6 [# i8 f/ ~8 b, _8 O8 f% J
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* s7 ^: n. d, V3 R! i
7 f0 d. \" [' v6 {% b# e9 H( n0 [
Schauinsland, 2007

7 L& D5 r, |" _
5 }+ w( M* `+ \/ |5 }
; D' S, C) W/ B& S: Q
, @  Q, Y7 f, G' Z. g

6 l: q0 c) ^% |" U- |! y2 s' F$ D& n% E! X
2 f& {9 Q0 L" J! U7 d, M% X/ ^
+ ^) K$ s+ ~% q  A  A
The location within Baden-Württemberg
Elevation1,284 metres (4,213 ft)
LocationBaden-Württemberg, Germany
RangeBlack Forest
Coordinates47°54′40″N 7°53′58″E / 47.91111°N 7.89944°E / 47.91111; 7.89944Coordinates: 47°54′40″N 7°53′58″E / 47.91111°N 7.89944°E / 47.91111; 7.89944
TranslationLookn into the country (German)
The Schauinsland (literally "look into the country"; near Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), is a mountain in the Black Forest with an elevation of 1,284 m (3281 ft) above sea level.
; s$ D4 f% |$ Q. iThe area is good for a number of outdoor adventurous activities including hiking, skiing and mountain biking. There is also a solar observatory nearby[1], a Global Atmosphere Watch monitoring station, and the Eugen-Keidel Tower. Especially in autumn, during temperature inversion, there is a nice view from the Schauinsland to the Vosges mountains. Under appropriate weather conditions there is an excellent view of a large part of the Swiss Alps., ~) u  `8 r* _% V) m: }
The summit of the mountain can be reached on the Schauinslandbahn, an gondola lift that ascends from Horben. The lower station of this can be reached by bus route 21 from the terminus of Freibug city tram route 2 at Günterstal. All three lines are operated by VAG Freiburg, the city transport operator for Freiburg.[2][3]
: g% ?3 ^3 g. D8 I/ }4 S& TThere is also a 12 km (7.5 mile) long, twisty road leading up the mountain, which has been used for hillclimbing races. In some years, it also hosted the Großer Bergpreis von Deutschland, for example on September 27 1936 when it was won by Bernd Rosemeyer.2 ]- k- V( C  G; [
On 17 April 1936 a group of English pupils and their teacher Kenneth Keast were caught in a snow storm. They got lost, and five of them died. In 1938 the Engländerdenkmal of architect Hermann Alker (Karlsruhe) was erected by the Hitler Youth in commemoration.
- H1 l, }6 S* ?( sFor over 700 years lead, silver and zinc were mined in the area. Production ceased in 1954, but a museum and narrow gauge railway remain.
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 楼主| 发表于 1.5.2009 07:16:53 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 3.5.2009 19:32:05 | 只看该作者
) |2 i& k' f- H$ f+ n: A5 l. N" V/ a9 D  h, r! d
% @; a# B$ o4 J
0 H( n, u5 B; r, L浑云沌雾日峰间  侧风斜雨密织帘
. M" w! H' v7 k. b/ f4 Z榉橡菩提珠满枝 松杉柏林自生烟# s& L2 e: A. E) V! D% I, U

) f, C4 n  Z$ U' E鸟啼虫鸣声时短 花妍草鲜路回环
) Y2 q% n2 N* |! C+ z石径曲通望景塔 再登高阶目极峦1 I  V! }5 c& a( b0 {( ]' \
4 O2 M7 C' c; J
[民国九十八年 德国福来堡]. l) F" k6 k6 N

8 h2 d# v4 t6 y% K! b9 F- A1 z# T2 T- P$ g5 R' u3 W% }
敬请光临http://environmentalistsociety.spaces.live.com/山水緑社. Z- V/ I# ]  O! p3 R  n7 X
) M9 A. z: `0 N" t7 U
云雾日峰间 风雨密织帘; V4 u8 y1 e/ _' b- b# I( }
+ ]$ h& }& H- F' `

6 _# C( b3 e0 o+ D9 A) r' g树树珠满枝 林林自生烟
8 [' S  x* Y- u* p
- K2 G# ?; x5 |: W/ ]; D5 L; X
+ S1 b/ X; f: S/ v" w5 a: L8 o虫鸟声时断 花草路回还
4 W) _! {8 e( l9 T9 h5 g
, [$ g: |1 G+ O, E6 A9 v
7 _3 }. m# t: x/ D曲径忘景塔 高登目及峦
4 D! m  M& x  R9 f- K
. ^8 t# ?4 T8 y2 e$ t7 n  ^2 }0 P! A: c
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