you want to learn the German-English???? The poor English of such a country is quite famours. 5 }$ m& d8 N" U# {8 }HaHa....I can give you some hint of how to improve your English. Nobody can help you except yourself.
原帖由 cachoom 于 8.9.2008 10:02 发表 3 C9 v8 J7 }9 z6 V6 G5 |" u
you want to learn the German-English???? The poor English of such a country is quite famours.# L7 R( _4 G1 q
HaHa....I can give you some hint of how to improve your English. Nobody can help you except yourself.
2 r% k& w% z) B6 Z: u+ }& ~1 ]# J" o
wow~ + L: j; V: o" Y ; B: \" z6 j% E8 t O6 v# \) m+ w) C7 gwhat about your hints? just your words on the end or something else?