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发表于 12.2.2007 02:57:00 | 只看该作者
<br />My Photos - A Spring for All<br /><br />China&#39;s Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, is the most important festival for Chinese people all over the world. How will you spend the Spring Festival? Will you stay with family, visit friends, study, work or travel? Will you put up Spring Festival couplets and paper-cuttings, raise red lanterns, eat boiled dumplings or set off fireworks?<br /><br />Will you be taking pictures to mark the occasion? If you do, please log onto the Spring Festival Photo Collection at bbs.chinadaily.com.cn. We invite you to share your Spring Festival photos with us and all. Photos of people, animals, plants, landscapes, activities, any pictures connected to the festival are welcome. We will create a special coverage section for these pictures. Share your pictures and let everyone enjoy them? The festival is for us all.<br /><br />Requirements: <br />hoto submissions shall be uploaded tohttp://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/ anytime before March 5, 2007 (Registration of the forum is needed before you log into to submit photos.). We do not accept digitally or otherwise enhanced or altered photos. However, minor adjustments, including spotting, dodging and burning, contrast and slight color adjustment, are acceptable. <br /><br />hotos shall be in .jpeg, .jpg or .gif format. Photos submitted may not be larger than 1,024k (1Mb) each. Please provide a caption with the pictures, stating the place, time and what the pictures are about. Scans of non-digital photographs are also acceptable.<br /><br />We suggest you post a new thread and upload all your pictures to the thread every time. <br /><br />How to submit photos? It&#39;s VERY easy. <br /><br />Step One: register at <a href='http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/index.php' target='_blank'>http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/index.php</a>.  It&#39;s free but a valid email account is required. <br /><br />Step Two: Login with the registered ID, then click on the following address <a href='http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=42' target='_blank'>http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=42</a><br /><br />Step Three: Click on the button New Post (it is on the upper-right corner of the page), and then you can upload the photos as attachment. <br /><br />If you have any questions or technical problems about the contest, please email us at pix@chinadaily.com.cn .<br /><br /><br /><br />丁亥将至。<br />北京,纽约,莫斯科,伦敦,柏林,里约热内卢,开罗,开普敦,吉隆坡,悉尼......<br />世界各地龙的传人,这个春节你在哪里?<br />你是即将踏上返乡的旅程,还是继续在异乡漂泊?<br />我们相隔万里,我们未曾谋面<br />但网络让我们心相通,春节让我们心相连<br />请拿起你的相机,记录下这缤纷的节日,分享你的对于春节和这个春天的感受。<br /><br />在这个论坛里,我们开设了共享春节图片专区,希望世界各地的朋友用相机记录自己身边的春节故事、节日感受,并上传至中国日报网英文论坛 <a href='http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=42' target='_blank'>http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/forumdisplay.php?fid=42</a><br /><br />上传方法:<br /><br />1.登陆中国日报网英文论坛,如果您还不是网站注册用户,请在http://sign.chinadaily.com.cn/register.shtml?f=bbs进行注册;<br />2.进入News Talk 下面的My Photos - A Spring for All区;<br />3.点击右上角的“NEW POST”,发表新帖;<br />4.点击页面中“ATTACHMENT”上传图片(如果需要),然后“POST NEW THREAD”完成上传工作;如果需要上传多幅照片,只需要重复上面的操作即可。<br /><br />由于受上传空间和上传速度的限制,请将您的图片大小控制在1MB以内,另请您注明图片拍摄的地点、时间和图片主题,感谢您的配合。<br /><br />活动相关问题或技术问题,请发邮件至pix@chinadaily.com.cn 联系。
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发表于 12.2.2007 22:15:03 | 只看该作者
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