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发表于 25.5.2003 08:58:37 | 只看该作者
READ ME FIRST&#33; (for Build 4008)<br><br>Windows Longhorn is an ALPHA OS(meaning test version). It CAN NOT UPGRADE & will ONLY INSTALL ON C WINDOWS<br><br>************ ************ ************ ************<br><br>What is Windows Longhorn?<br><br>Answer: Windows Longhorn is the test version of the next version of Windows. Try thinking of it was Windows XP 2005 or 2006<br><br>Windows Longhorn is a FULL OS & not just a simple program.<br><br>Can I upgrade from another version of Windows?<br><br>Answer: NO&#33; Though you can either boot from the cd or start the install from within Windows, it will over write everything. Becuase this is an ALPHA... Most, if not all, of your programs will either no longer work and need to be reinstalled. It is best to just let it format your PC and install from there.<br><br>BACK UP YOUR WORK BEFORE INSTALLING&#33; Better safe, then sorry&#33;<br><br>************ ************ ************ ************<br><br>How to install <br><br>1 ) First get your hands on a good copy of Longhorn 4008 (longhorn_usa_4008_x86fre_procd1.iso 687,122,432 bytes). <br><br>2 ) Burn to a cd. <br><br>3a ) Install from an opertaing system such as XP (seems to work best&#33;) <br><br>3b ) Use this key to install: CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y<br><br>4 ) Longhorn has a new setup it will not ask you any questions throughout setup so just start the install and leave if you wish&#33; <br><br>5 ) After the setup is complete you will find yourself at introduction screen similiar to that of Windows XP asking you for the users on the computer. <br><br>6 ) Fill that out and login. <br><br>7 ) Run TweakNT and check remove timebomb. You will be prompted to restart immediatly. Go ahead and restart. <br><br>TweakNT Timbebomb Killer <br>(xbetas.com/content/files/TweakNT.exe)<br><br>8 ) Afterwords lets preform the activation crack: <br>a. ) Boot up into safe mode, by pressing F8 before the boot screen. <br><br>b. ) Run the file winxp_crk.exe as Administrator. <br><br>Activation Killer<br>(www.xbetas.com/content/fi...P_CRK.EXE) <br><br>c. ) Reboot into normal mode. <br>d. ) Click &quot;Activate Windows&quot; either on the start menu or when it popups up in system tray <br>e. ) Choose to activate by telephone. <br>f. ) Type in &quot;401111&quot; in all fields, omitting the quotes. <br>g. ) Click next.<br><br>ALL DONE & ENJOY&#33;&#33;<br><br>TweakNT Timbebomb Killer <br>(xbetas.com/content/files/TweakNT.exe)<br><br>Activation Killer<br>(www.xbetas.com/content/fi...P_CRK.EXE) <br><br>************ ************ ************ ************<br><br>Bonus Tweaks&#33; <br><br>Now the tweaking...You do not need to preform all these steps but each one helps optimize your computer. <br><br>9) First off right click the taskbar and click properties. Uncheck Sidebar, Group Similiar Items, Hide inactive icons. Then click the Start Menu tab. In there select the &#39;Classic Start Menu&#39; option and click ok. <br><br>10) Next, right click on the desktop and click properties. From the themes dropbox click &#39;Windows Classic&#39;. Then click the &#39;Settings&#39; tab. Increase your resoultion here if you wish. Then move on to the &#39;Appearance&#39; tab. Click effects button and uncheck Tranisition Effect, <br>Smooth Edges, Show shadow under menus, and Show window contents while dragging boxes. Click OK. <br><br>11) Right-Click &#39;My Computer&#39; and select properties. Click the &#39;Advanced&#39; Tab. Click the Settings button under Performance. Another box will pop-up and in there select &#39;Adjust for best performance&#39; and click ok. Then click on the &#39;Remote&#39; tab. Uncheck any boxs in there and click ok. <br><br>12) Now for the dirty part. Click start &gt; run. Type &#39;services.msc&#39; (without the quotes). All the services i have listed below should be disabled to increase performance&#33; <br><br>Automatic Updates <br>Castle Service <br>Error Reporting Service <br>IPSEC Services <br>Remote Registry <br>System Restore Service <br><br>To disable these services double-click them and from the dropdown box choose &#39;disabled&#39; and click OK. <br><br>13) Now goto Start &gt; Run...type &#39;msconfig&#39; (without the quotes). Click the &#39;Startup&#39; tab. Uncheck everything and click ok. <br><br>14 ) Now to remove all the unnecessary stuff from longhorn&#33; <br><br>a ) Open the file C WindowsInfsysoc.inf in notepad <br>b ) Delete all instances of the word hide and save changes and exit notepad. <br>c ) Click Start &gt; Control Panel <br>d ) Click 揂dd or Remove Programs? <br>e ) When the Add or Remove Programs dialog appears, click 揂dd/Remove Windows Components?<br>f ) The Windows Components Wizard should appear within a few seconds/minutes depending on the speed of your computer. <br>g ) Uninstall the following components: <br><br>Automatic Updates <br>WinFS (Windows Future Storage Services) <br>Windows Storage Full-Text Index <br><br>15) Now to tweak the explorer. Open My Computer. From there click tools &gt; folder options. <br>Then click the view tab. Uncheck the following: <br><br>Automatically search for network folders and printers <br>Choose smart icon size when opening new windows <br>Display File Icon on Thumbnails <br>Display file size information in folder tips <br>Display simple folder view in Explorer抯 Folder list <br>Hidden Files and Folders ?Select Show hidden files and folders <br>Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) <br>Use NEW breadcrumb bar <br>Use Domain folder sharing wizard <br>Use simple file sharing (Recommended) <br><br>and check the following: <br><br>Disable Preview Pane <br>Display the Contents of system folders <br><br><br>************ ************ ************ ************<br><br>Special Notes: <br>1) You can use any Windows 2003 key and even activate with it but it will use up all your activations on that key. <br><br>2) Also, do not attempt to remove the build info from the desktop because if you do and restart windows will give you an error that states it cannot reteive the activational status and will fail to start.<br><br><br>Windows Longhorn - Alpha Build 4008 <br><br>CODE <br><a href='ftp://Apps4Muieri:www.muieri.net@' target='_blank'>ftp://Apps4Muieri:www.muieri.net@</a> horn 4008 <br>-down-<br><br>CuteFTP seems to connect best<br><br>Can download or buy a copy here: www.cuteftp.com<br><br>Windows 9x & Me I have been informed that users who use Windows 9x & ME, can not start the install from Windows. You will have to boot from the CD.<br><br><br>============================================================================<br>Microsoft.Windows.Longhorn.Build.4015<br><br><a href='ftp://Leech:Unlimited@' target='_blank'>ftp://Leech:Unlimited@</a><br><br>============================================================================<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>[0303]Longhorn_Build_4008/longhorn_usa_4008_x86fre_procd1.iso
发表于 25.5.2003 09:05:49 | 只看该作者
sigh&#33;我都吓怕了,以前下过一个build4008,结果刻盘安装error多的要命,最后干脆罢工了。<br><br>不过还得再试试 <!--emo&:d--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/teeth_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='teeth_smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
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