<!--Image http://www.oumei.net/sicon/images/nirvan.jpg--><a href='http://www.oumei.net/sicon/images/nirvan.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.oumei.net/sicon/images/nirvan.jpg' border='0' alt='用户发表的图象' onload='javascript:if(this.width>(screen.width*0.8-400)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-400)'></a><!--End Image--><br />涅磐乐队组建于1986年,乐队成员主要有主唱兼吉它手库特·考伯恩(Kurt Cobain)和贝司手克里斯·诺伏塞列克(Chris no-veselic)。他们均来自于华盛顿州的小城亚伯丁。该乐队很长时间内都只是西亚图市内一支颇有名气的地下乐队。1991年,他们推出了乐队的第二张专辑《没关系》(《Nev-ermind》)。其中的一首《青春的活力》(《Smell Like Teen Spirit》)以其铺天盖地的喧嚣躁动气氛和令人无法抗拒的魅力一举征服了无数的年青听众。这张揉合了硬摇滚和朋克风格的唱片发行仅5 周便卖到了60万张,在第七周时已在全美专辑销量排行榜上位列第4,并最终登上了榜首。5个月后,该唱片的发行量已经超过了300万张, 涅磐乐队也因此而成为全美国首支达到白金唱片销量的朋克摇滚乐队。 <br /><br />凭借着这张唱片的发行,涅磐乐队也以其崭新的音乐风格风靡美国摇滚乐坛。他们为摇滚乐坛注入了新的生机。涅磐乐队唱出了年青一代心中对人生的许多问题无法得到解答的困惑,而考伯恩本人也坦然承认了他对这些问题的迷惑不解。也许正因为如此考伯恩于1994年自杀身亡,结束了自己年轻的生命,无数歌迷在痛惜之余,也不由得再一次为他的歌曲所深深打动。由于困惑,他的歌才有了深深震撼人心的力量;但也正是由于对人生的困惑无法解答,他才走上了自杀的道路。<br /><br />Nirvana--- where did you sleep last night<br />My girl, my girl, don't lie to me<br />Tell me where did you sleep last night<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br />My girl, my girl, where will you go<br />I'm going where the cold wind blows<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br />Her husband, was a hard working man<br />Just about a mile from here<br />His head was found in a driving wheel<br />But his body never was found<br /><br />My girl, my girl, don't lie to me<br />Tell me where did you sleep last night<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br />My girl, my girl, where will you go<br />I'm going where the cold wind blows<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br />My girl, my girl, don't lie to me<br />Tell me where did you sleep last night<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br />My girl, my girl, where will you go<br />I'm going where the cold wind blows<br /><br />In the pines, in the pines<br />Where the sun don't ever shine<br />I would shiver the whole night through<br /><br /><br /><!-- media_n_start --><OBJECT ID=realwindow CLASSID="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" HEIGHT=240 WIDTH=352>< ARAM NAME="controls" VALUE="ImageWindow">< ARAM NAME="console" VALUE="MediaClip1">< ARAM NAME="autostart" VALUE="false">< ARAM NAME="src" VALUE="http://entdown.163.com/ent/0403/24/sleepn.ram"><EMBED SRC="http://entdown.163.com/ent/0403/24/sleepn.ram" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" CONSOLE="MediaClip1" CONTROLS="ImageWindow" HEIGHT=240 WIDTH=352 AUTOSTART=false></embed></OBJECT><br><OBJECT ID=realcontrol CLASSID="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=352>< ARAM NAME="controls" VALUE="ControlPanel,StatusBar"><PARAM NAME="console" VALUE="MediaClip1"><EMBED type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" CONSOLE="MediaClip1" CONTROLS="ControlPanel,StatusBar" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=352 AUTOSTART=false></embed></OBJECT><br><a href="http://entdown.163.com/ent/0403/24/sleepn.ram" target="_blank">--- 右击鼠标,然后保存 ---</a><!-- media_n_end --> |