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shape of my heart

匿名  发表于 9.6.2006 01:12:21
老歌手Sting原是Police乐队的主唱和贝斯手,英国人。曾经流行一时的经典英文歌&quot;All For Love&quot;(电影“三个火枪手”的插曲),就是他和Bryan Adams和Rod Stewart合唱的。<br />除了&quot;All for Love&quot;,我还喜欢他的&quot;Shape of my Heart&quot;,也是电影“这个杀手不太冷”(又名里昂Leon)的片尾曲。不知道是先喜欢电影才喜欢歌,还是先喜欢歌再喜欢电影的,总之,我觉得这歌曲非常适合这电影,有点如出一辙的味道。每次听来都会想起Mathilda和Leon之间的感人片段。<br />&quot;Shape of My Heart&quot;出自Sting的Album &quot;Ten Summoner&#39;s Tales&quot;,很值得一听!<br /><br />最近看电视,见到David Craig翻唱了这首歌,反而Sting做了配音,出来的效果也不错,另外,之前好像也有个女子组合改编了这首歌,变成Dance版的。怎样都好,我最喜欢的依然还是Sting唱的原版。<br /><br />还有就是Sting被称为诗人歌手,因为他的歌的词都很美,很有深度<br />这首歌是以一个人通过打扑克牌沉思开始的<br />这个人打牌不是为了赢钱,也不是为了要名<br />他是想获得某些灵感和启发<br />(扑克牌的四个花色在设计之时是有代表意义的:spade是我们说的黑桃,代表权力;club是梅花,代表武力;diamond是方片,代表金钱;heart是红心,就是代表爱)<br />作者反复吟唱i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier  <br />i know that the clubs are weapons of war  <br />i know that diamonds mean money for this art  <br />but that&#39;s not the shape of my heart<br />就是说他要的不是权力,不是武力,也不是金钱,也就是说他要的是爱<br />最后一句也说这些都不是我内心所要的,也可以说表义这些都不是红心的形状,不是我的红心的形状<br />他还唱到he may play the jack of diamonds  <br />he may lay the queen of spades  <br />he may conceal a king in his hand  <br />意思是他可以扮演金钱的仆人(jack是扑克牌中的J,就是仆人和士兵的意思);也可以打权力的皇后这张牌(扑克牌中的Q),他也可以藏一个王牌在手中<br />这里讲的是作为一个现实的人,他可能有权力,或者金钱,或者有王牌,有很多角色和面具,但这都不是真实的他,对于他爱的那个人来说,他只有一个面孔,只有爱<br /><br />可能我的表达不是很好,因为我觉得诗歌的东西就是要意会,希望我这些提示能帮助大家更好的理解这首美妙的歌<br /><br /><!--Image http://ajkart.com/House%20of%20Cards%20copy.JPG--><a href='http://ajkart.com/House%20of%20Cards%20copy.JPG' target='_blank'><img src='http://ajkart.com/House%20of%20Cards%20copy.JPG' border='0' alt='用户发表的图象' onload='javascript:if(this.width>(screen.width*0.8-400)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-400)'></a><!--End Image--><br /><br /><a href='http://www.passkey.com.cn/bbs/board/upload/shapeofmyheart.mp3' target='_blank'>http://www.passkey.com.cn/bbs/board/upload...peofmyheart.mp3</a><br /><br />shape of my heart<br /><br />歌手:Sting<br /><br />he deals the cards as a meditation <br />and those he plays never suspect <br />he doesn t play for the money he wins <br />he don t play for respect <br />he deals the cards to find the answer <br />the sacred geometry of chance <br />the hidden law of a probable outcome <br />the numbers lead a dance <br />i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier <br />i know that the clubs are weapons of war <br />i know that diamonds mean money for this art <br />but that s not the shape of my heart <br />he may play the jack of diamonds <br />he may lay the queen of spades <br />he may conceal a king in his hand <br />while the memory of it fades <br />i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier <br />i know that the clubs are weapons of war <br />i know that diamonds mean money for this art <br />but that s not the shape of my heart <br />that s not the shape......the shape of my heart<br /><br />and if i told you that i loved you <br />you d maybe think there s something wrong <br />i m not a man of too many faces <br />the mask i wear is one <br />well, those who speak know nothin <br />and find out to their cost <br />like those who curse their luck in too many places <br />and those who fear are lost <br />i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier <br />i know that the clubs are weapons of war <br />i know that diamonds mean money for this art <br />but that s not the shape of my heart <br />that s not the shape of my heart <br />that s not the shape......the shape of my heart  <br /><!--Image http://www.mov99.com/dvdbbs/uploadfile/2005-6/200562914352967.jpg--><a href='http://www.mov99.com/dvdbbs/uploadfile/2005-6/200562914352967.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.mov99.com/dvdbbs/uploadfile/2005-6/200562914352967.jpg' border='0' alt='用户发表的图象' onload='javascript:if(this.width>(screen.width*0.8-400)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-400)'></a><!--End Image--><br /><br />也听听两位巨星唱的<br /><!--Image http://www.revefrance.com/reve_pic/reve/CRAIG%20DAVID3.jpg--><a href='http://www.revefrance.com/reve_pic/reve/CRAIG%20DAVID3.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.revefrance.com/reve_pic/reve/CRAIG%20DAVID3.jpg' border='0' alt='用户发表的图象' onload='javascript:if(this.width>(screen.width*0.8-400)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-400)'></a><!--End Image--><br /><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br />宝贝甜心演绎的<br /><a href='http://www.mt.net.mk/mediacorner/mp3/08%20-%20Shape%20Of%20My%20Heart%20-%20Sugababes.mp3' target='_blank'>http://www.mt.net.mk/mediacorner/mp3/08%20...20Sugababes.mp3</a><br />几个版本都被我找齐了&#33;

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发表于 12.6.2006 23:25:50 | 只看该作者
哇~~~~~竟然没看到~~~~!!!<br />狂顶~~~~~~~~~~~~
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匿名  发表于 12.6.2006 23:40:52
发表于 12.6.2006 23:41:56 | 只看该作者
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匿名  发表于 13.6.2006 02:02:41
发表于 14.6.2006 17:29:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 14.6.2006 21:52:44 | 只看该作者
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发表于 14.6.2006 21:57:19 | 只看该作者
He deals the cards as a meditation<br />And those he plays never suspect<br />He doesnt play for the money he wins<br />He doesnt play for the respect<br />He deals the cards to find the answer<br />The sacred geometry of chance<br />The hidden law of probable outcome<br />The numbers lead a dance<br /><br />He may play the jack of diamonds<br />He may lay the queen of spades<br />He may conceal a king in his hand<br />While the memory of it fades<br /><br />And if I told you that I loved you<br />Youd maybe think theres something wrong<br />Im not a man of too many faces<br />The mask I wear is one<br />Those who speak know nothing<br />And find out to their cost<br />Like those who curse their luck in too many places<br />And those who smile are lost
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匿名  发表于 14.6.2006 23:22:26
<!--QuoteBegin-E.T.+14.06.2006, 22:52 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(E.T. @ 14.06.2006, 22:52 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->thats not the shape of my heart..<br />[right][snapback]1006756[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />i m not a man of too many faces <br />the mask i wear is one <br />
发表于 15.6.2006 16:36:58 | 只看该作者
有人说,格莱美选了斯丁为第一,那就不知道该选谁作为第二了。。。<br /><br />不用想太多了,是褒义 <!--emo&(y)--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbs_up.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbs_up.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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