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发表于 16.5.2003 11:01:36 | 只看该作者
<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 12:51 how are u doing.(任何时候见到任何人都可以说的一句<br>话)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 12:51 i am fine, how r u.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 12:53 fine too, actually you are the first one who come<br> up with a response online from overseas(很多人不知道该怎样用英语表述&quot;你是我<br>在网上遇见的第一个外国朋友&quot;这一句话。), so what&#39;s your time(你们那里的时间) <br>now, here in China, it&#39;s 12:53 am.<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 12:54 1:07 am<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 12:55 so good morning to u and in case(假如) i don&#39;t se<br>e u, good afternoon, good evening and good night(假如我们以后不能碰上,先祝你<br>每天早上,下午,晚上都好) ,you always stay in the night so late on the net l<br>ike this?<br>  Brain的建议:如果想在开始赢得别人的好感,一定要自己多说两句恭维对方的话,<br>这样对话就容易进行下去<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 12:57 yes because i am off from work<br>  如何进一步深入话题<br>  Brain的要点:建议从对方来自何方,从事何种职业入手<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 12:58 that&#39;s good, where r u and what are u doing up he<br>re now? (你一定要学会这句话)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 12:59 I am in the united states and using the my comput<br>er.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:00 u must work in the government<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:00 I do, but how did u know?(是呀,你怎么知道的)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:00 well, everything u have told me is technically co<br>rrect, but it&#39;s no use to anyone.(虽然从理论上说你告诉我都是正确的,但一点用<br>也没有)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:01 u must work in business(你一定是商人)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:01 I do, how did u know?<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:02 well, u don&#39;t know where I am, what I am doing he<br>re, but u still expect me to help u know that, u are the same before we met。<br><br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:02 :&gt;, Albright, we&#39;re even(我们扯平了) now, what is<br> your work exactly, if there is any chance for u to be interested telling me<br> that? (学会这句地道的美国话,能显示你的水平)<br>  Brain的要点:一般人不会在交谈的开始就把自己的职业告诉对方<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:02 i work in the university, i am teachers aide(助手<br>,相当于assistant).<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:02 o, i see, that is a career i have been pursuing f<br>or a long time(这也是我理想中的职业,故意奉承<!--emo&--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/bbs/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->。再例如:如果你问老外,Where<br> are you from?不管他回答那个国家,你一定要说&quot;That&#39;s a beautiful country.&quot;),<br> and how is that going on with you.<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:02 it is going great.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:04 i can imagine that, how long have you been workin<br>g today?<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:05 i didn&#39;t work today i am off work til sept we get<br> the summers off.(放假了,只到9月才开学)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:06 oh, i am too stupid to forget that, we here in Ch<br>ina have the summer holidays too.<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:06 that&#39;s right.<br>  Brain的小结:学会如何询问对方是保持继续交谈的前提,让我们回顾一下,请记住<br>以下几句经典询问句:<br>  where r u and what are u doing up here now?<br>  what is your work exactly, if there is any chance for u to be interested<br> telling me that?<br>  how long have you been working today?<br>  下一步怎么办!<br>  (Brain的建议:如果实在不知道怎么谈,就与对方谈中国,中国在西方人眼中是有<br>着5000年文化历史的文明古国,充满神秘色彩,但很多外国人对中国并不了解,你谈中<br>国,他一定会感谢兴趣的。)<br>  继续……<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:08 u live in the school or in your own apartment you<br> rent?(住在学校里还是租的房子)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:08 i live in apt and rent. what do you do? where do <br>you live?(什么事情都是相互的,你要是能比较好的引起对方的谈话兴趣,她也会反过<br>来询问你的一些情况的,这不,这个Nikky开始问我了!)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:11 i work for one of the largest companies in China,<br> the marketing dept(我在市场部,简洁明了介绍自己工作地点和职业)<br><br>--<br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:02:04 | 只看该作者
<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:11 what part of china do you live?<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:12 shanghai, have you ever heard of?<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:12 yes i have, it is busy there yes?<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:13 it&#39;s ok, not as busy as you think, a little bit b<br>usy in the downtown.(不象你想的那么繁忙,除了市中心外)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:14 i have heard of it i have not been there yet but <br>maybe some day.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:16 u should do, how many cities here in China are in<br> your memory besides shanghai? (试探一下这女子对中国了解多少)if some day you<br> really can be here , you can come to see me , i am just someone who have gr<br>aduated from college a year ago(我刚毕业一年)(又是一句客套话,百听不厌,所以<br>我们要百说不断)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:19 peking,chungking,tientsin,hong kong(北京,重庆,天<br>津,香港,这个Nikky还真知道不少中国城市,拼写有点怪), and I appreciated your<br> kindness.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:20 well, what is impressive to me is u know a lot of<br> Chinese cities beyond my imagination , you surely know one thing or two (对<br>…非常了解)about China and Chinese people , right?<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:22 yes i like to learn about other cultures.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:23 it is immediately apparent that you are the only <br>foreign people I know who knows such a lot of cities in China,swheresdo you <br>live, not the states again&#33;(告诉我确切的地方,不要再说你住在美国了。口语中通<br>常可用&quot;States&quot;直接表示&quot;美国&quot;)<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:24 i live in new york city<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:26 i don&#39;t have any idea about the big apple city(纽<br>约又称为&quot;大苹果城&quot;).<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:27 it&#39;s crowded(拥挤)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:27 traffic jam?<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:28 no ,people<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:33 here in shanghai, a lot of people and a lot of ca<br>rs, both, shanghai has become one of the most desirable places for people no<br>t only Chinese but kind of increasingly foreign people to live too.(上海已经<br>成为中国人最令人向往的城市之一,对外国人也不例外)<br>  Brian的小结:就象我们中国人平常打招呼一样,和老外打招呼也是非常容易的。<br>  简单回顾,举一反三:<br>  What part of China/America do u live?(最简单的一句话,你一定会用!)<br>  How many cities here in China are in your memory besides……?<br>  Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen has become one of the most desirable places fo<br>r the Chinese people to live<br>  If some day you really can be here , you can come to see me(很好的邀请,<br>尽管你知道她不可能来!)<br><br>--<br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:02:23 | 只看该作者
<br>  Brain建议:(如果有机会,试着聊一聊各自的衣食住行,这是每个人必须面对的问<br>题,也许在某些方面,大家都有相同经历,也是彼此极能产生共鸣的地方。)<br>  例如:先谈租房问题,打工族都面临的问题。<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:34 do u live in apt? (有没有人被这个缩写词弄糊涂?一<br>次在上海举办的韩国2001年IT智能小区展示博览会上我就被apt弄糊涂了,后来才知道是<br>&quot;apartment&quot;)<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:36 u bet(口语习惯用法,表示说的很对,下次遇见老外,碰<br>到她说的对或者你想表示认可的话,就用&quot;u bet&quot;), but totally a lodger and i got<br> to pay the rent , in shanghai, to find somewhere good enough is harder than<br> ever(太困难了)&#33;<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:36 it is hard here too, rent is so very high(纽约房租<br>也很贵的,这句话以我们学过的语法来看,肯定会被挑毛病的,&quot;so&quot;和&quot;very&quot;连用是什<br>么意思?可是没有办法,这可是从地地道道的老外嘴里吐出来的。)<br>  Brian (01-8-29) 13:38 the rent here in shanghai used to be very cheap(以<br>前房租很便宜的), but now it&#39;s hard to rent a apt with 20squre meter for 800R<br>MB, put in that will be around 100$<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 wow here it is a couple of hundreds sometimes tho<br>usands to rent.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:40 I can still recall my terrible experience when I <br>first try to find a apt for myself, exhausted almost each day after a long t<br>ime search and went back to the poor little restaurant I stay, for really a <br>long time I just don&#39;t want to do anything and look impassivelysintosthe mir<br>ror to dream if only I was a local shanghainese(上海人), maybe things will b<br>e better.<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:40 cool, it&#39;s lucky u&#39;ve overcome it, u know, this k<br>ind of things happened very frequently in united states too.<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:41 so you got to pay the rent too? but on one side ,<br> with the apt, you can cook for yourself , right? that will be cheaper than <br>to eating out and will save you a lot of money (在外面吃费钱)and to eat the <br>food u cook alone is wonderful enough.<br>  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:42 yes true but i do like to go out and eat on occas<br>ion(偶尔).<br>  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:43 that&#39;s understandable for a bad cook(可能是橱艺不<br>咋的吧).<br>  Brian的小结:外国人对吃一般都比较感兴趣,特别是中国的吃法,要和他们老外在<br>吃的方面有所切磋的话,你不一定要记得很多个菜名。说实话,每次在大型的外事场合<br>总会遇到陪老外吃饭的情况,很多所谓的翻译预先紧张的不得不把一个个菜名背的滚瓜<br>烂熟,生怕到时候遇到翻不出来的东西却不一定派的上用场。我不这样做,因为很多宾<br>馆的菜名除非把厨子喊来,否则根本不知道是用什么做的。我就曾经遇到过&quot;白鹤晾翅&quot;<br>实际上就是&quot;豆腐加酸白菜&quot;,所以我只需要简单对他们说&quot;enjoy your dinner, u know<br>, I am asked by my superior to give u what hell those courses(这些菜) are ma<br>de of, I know u have experienced many occasions and been tired of telling th<br>ose names, so just enjoy it, and if u think it&#39;s tasting, please let me know<br>&#33;&quot;这句话一说,老外一定会觉得你不一样。很多老外吃的场合见的很多,已经厌烦了半<br>瓶子水的翻译在一旁词不达意介绍菜名,所以你还是让他先吃吧。<br><br>--<br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:02:40 | 只看该作者
<br>  Nikky:I&#39;m back<br>  Brian:what&#39;s up?<br>  Nikky:no,i just had to get the dumpster out to the curb(把垃圾放到门边<br>) so they will empty it tomorrow morning(明早垃圾工人清空)<br>  Brian:I thought u were off line(我还以为你下线了呢.注:聊天时经常可以遇<br>到的情况)<br>  Nikky:no, I am still here, and the basketball, that&#39;s what my ex-boyfri<br>end told me too<br>  Brian:and u do like it, right? What kind of part u are in a basketball <br>game?(你打什么位置呀)<br>  Nikky:while, it depends, not the formal one, we often have 6 people, 3 <br>versus 3, that&#39;s a game we normally play, and just like the beach volleyball<br>(沙滩排球) u can see in the screening(荧屏,美国人特指&quot;电视&quot;).<br>  Brian:i see, so who is the one that u or the ordinary Americas admire m<br>ost in Basketball(你或者普通美国人最崇敬的篮球运动员是谁).<br>  Nikky:that&#39;s a stupid question<br>  Brian:it is.<br>  Nikky:i have no idea about that, what u expect me to say, Michael Jorda<br>n? I just like him, and &#39;admire&#39; might not be a proper word on him , he just<br> did sth he liked and never gave up(他只是做了他喜欢做的事情并且从不放弃。注<br>:一个普通美国人对乔丹的典型评价), that&#39;s sort of America way (这是美国人做事<br>的方式).<br>  Brian:America characteristic?<br>  Nikky:yeah, America characteristic, everybody in the world think that h<br>e just needn&#39;t to be back, he get almost everything he can get through the g<br>ame, there is just no need for he to do that, to do this stupid thing.<br>  Brian:u mean the most valued player(最有价值球员称号) in NBA<br>  Nikky:more than that, he is now more than just a basketball player(他不<br>仅仅是一个篮球运动员), he played a central role in a way that the sort of wo<br>rld need him, if he went away, NBA is not what it used to be(他一走,NBA就不<br>是以前意义上的NBA了), that&#39;s it, when a guy reached that level of his field,<br> i guess, it&#39;s just not a good thing for the NBA , for the whole America .<br>  Brian:i&#39;ve heard that he comes back to play for Wizards(湖人队) for fre<br>e, right?<br>  Nikky:well, money is not his priority(钱不是他首要的东西), he wants to <br>be defeated, for the past 20 years, he never been beat, probably he just wan<br>ts to find a different way in his inner(内心深处&lt;精简地道的用法&gt;).<br>  Brian的小结:可以听听一个美国人对于我们中国人都比较熟悉的另外一个美国人的<br>评价<br>  He comes back to play for Wizard for free(他回来了,为湖人对免费效力)<br>  Our priority right now is to make sure she is safe(我们的首要任务是要确定<br>她现在是否安全)<br><br>--<br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:02:58 | 只看该作者
  Brian:Jordan earned more than $30 million in his final season with the <br>Bulls(我听说在公牛队时他的年薪有3000万美元)<br>  Nikky:and more in the commercial endorsements(背书,合同用语,指广告)<br>  Brian:like what?<br>  Nikky:like NIKE<br>  Brian:my favorite Brand, but just too expensive, in Shanghai, it costs <br>me 500RMB to buy a NIKE, that&#39;s a lot. Besides the ad income, Jordan has a r<br>eported million stake in the company that controls the Wizards(乔丹在湖人队(注:应为奇才队)既是球员又是老板)<br>  Nikky:he tried to be a successful business man as well, but failed, his<br> was born for basketball.<br>  Brian:did u browse the newsgroup today, that his wife has filed(起诉) f<br>or divorce.<br>  Nikky:actually they didn&#39;t get along very well for a long time(Nikky说他<br>们俩很长时期以来就不能和睦相处了)<br>  Brian:so what&#39;s up, what happened, we Chinese generally like him and tr<br>ust him, we don&#39;t expect to see this painful things happen<br>  Nikky:i don&#39;t know either<br>  Brian:probably &#39;cause of the age, i know that his wife is 42 year old, <br>4 year older than Jordan(乔丹的老婆比他大4岁).<br>  Nikky:they have been married since 1989, and if the age is a problem, t<br>hey wouldn&#39;t last for a long time like that<br>  Brian:is Jordan a playboy? Maybe he want something for a change(寻求一下<br>改变) , u know , owning a lot of money is not a good thing, maybe he just me<br>t some young blonde(漂亮金发女郎), have u ever heard the news about that, th<br>e news, about Jordan and other women? It&#39;s so difficult to remain the same i<br>n this world.<br>  Nikky:we do have the gossip(流言蜚语) around him , but it&#39;s just gossip<br> around, u know, a tabloid(小报) used to claim that Jordan has an affair wit<br>h a local university girl, but that&#39;s just gossip, the world has a huge mark<br>et for the rumors like that.<br>  Brian:and paparazzi(狗崽队)<br>  Nikky:yeah, the paparazzi,<br>  Brian:he is a good father<br>  Nikky:he is a wonderful father, Their children are 13-year-old Jeffrey,<br> 11-year-old Marques and 9-year-old Jasmine(乔丹有几个孩子、多大、叫什么,Ni<br>kky如数家珍)<br>  Brian:u know a lot of things about him, Nikky<br>  Brian的小结:美国人对乔丹比较欣赏,毕竟这个世界上幸福的真正含义就是做你喜<br>欢做的事情,乔丹是这句话的最好诠释。<br>  They didn&#39;t get along very well for a long time(他们俩很长时期以来就不能<br>和睦相处了)<br>  This Hollywood movie star gets tired of the gossip(这个好莱坞电影明星厌倦<br>了流言蜚语)<br><br>--
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:03:19 | 只看该作者
<br>  Nikky:if u know who he is in America, u will surely understand why i&#39;m <br>capable of speaking out even the names of his kids.<br>  Brian:while, i used to think that he is a famous guy, but never thought<br> he is such famous, and u let me know that(我只知道他有名,但没料到会这么有名<br>。注:可以举一反三:我只知道他坏,但没料倒会这么坏。)<br>  Nikky:J, and maybe he just needs to spend more time to stay with her an<br>d their kids when he retired from the Bulls the first time in 1993<br>  Brian:we just couldn&#39;t find the explanation when the love is gonna die,<br> what we could do is face it, is it correct?<br>  Nikky:u are smarter than I think<br>  Brian:&#39;cause we hear too much stories about that, especially online lov<br>e stories<br>  Brian:do u think that his wife still in love with him?<br>  Nikky:i think that Juanita(乔丹的老婆) still loves him, probably drinki<br>ng is another factor that causes them to divorce.<br>  Brian:he should quit alcohol<br>  Nikky:but for a ordinary person, it&#39;s hard for one to stop quickly, tha<br>t&#39;s some sort of drug, once u are involved, u will hook it up for your whole<br> life.(就象毒品一样,酒这东西你一沾上就完了)<br>  Brian的小结:我不能喝酒,这一点很不象个男人,当翻译最大的一个好处便是只有<br>看着别人喝酒的份。<br><br>--<br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:03:37 | 只看该作者
<br>  Brian:Here is a story about a guy who loves drinking so much. Every aft<br>ernoon the guy goes into the bar and orders 4 hots of scotch(一种烈性酒) at <br>the same time, then proceeds to drink them all. One day the bartender(酒保) <br>asks him why he orders all 4 at once and the guy replies that he has 3 broth<br>ers who do the same thing every day at the same time so that they can all ha<br>ve a drink together no matter where they are. One day the guy comes in and o<br>nly orders 3 shots. Well the bartender thinking the worst asks the guy if on<br>e of his brothers had passed away(去世). U know what he say, Nikky?<br>  Nikky:The guy laughs and says &quot;No it&#39;s me, I quit drinking.&quot;<br>  Brian:Smart&#33; I am not a good drinker, even a little drinking will made <br>me flush.(一小杯酒就能让我上脸)<br>  Nikky:Me too, so we don&#39;t care about that drinking or gossip stuff, wha<br>t we want to see is how he&#39;s doing in the board(球场), that&#39;s the point.(美国<br>人才不管你的什么私生活呢,他们看重的是在球场的表现)<br>  Brian:What&#39;s unusual is he can still bring up with a high performance i<br>n the board, that&#39;s really fantastic&#33;<br>  Nikky:He is what he was yesterday(今如昨昔), and it is hard for a 38 ye<br>ar old man to keep that.<br>  Brian:Maybe he just don&#39;t know how to compliment(取悦) her wife after s<br>uch a long period time of marriage, he wants a divorce and so does his wife.<br><br>  Nikky:It&#39;s easier to compliment a woman than to compliment a man<br>  Brian:No, I really doubt it.<br>  Nikky:Why say that?<br>  Brian:Well, to compliment(取悦) a woman, there&#39;re a thousand things to <br>do, let me give u just a few exampless: u got to<br>  cuddle(抚抱) her,<br>  kiss her,<br>  caress(宠爱) her,<br>  love her,<br>  stroke her,<br>  tease her,<br>  comfort her,<br>  protect her,<br>  hug her,<br>  hold her,<br>  spend money on her,<br>  wine & dine her,<br>  buy things for her,<br>  listen to her,<br>  care for her,<br>  stand by her,<br>  support her,<br>  go to the ends of the earth for her....<br>  But to impress a man:<br>  show up naked.<br>  .... with Beer<br>  Nikky:Crazy u are&#33;<br>  Brian的小节:上面这一长串怎样获取女人芳心的伎俩和同样怎样得到男人心的方法<br>用12个字就能简单代替“男追女,隔座山;女追男,隔层衫”。<br><br><br>
 楼主| 发表于 16.5.2003 11:03:53 | 只看该作者
<br>  Brian:so u know the difference.<br>  Nikky:thanks for telling me the huge difference between man and woman.<br>  Brian:My pleasure.<br>  Nikky:single women complain that all good men are married, while all ma<br>rried women complain about their lousy husbands. This confirms that there is<br> no such thing as a good man.(单身女人埋怨世界上的好男人都结婚了,而结婚的女<br>人却都嫌自己老公邋遢,那好男人都到哪去了)<br>  Brian:is she not satisfied with Jordan? I just wonder is there any othe<br>r man in this world she can take to(喜欢,口语).<br>  Nikky:just forget it.<br>  Brian:alright. Are u tired?<br>  Nikky:a little bit.<br>  Brian:just a little bit? Tell me the truth.<br>  Nikky:well, the truth is I get to go to bed and need some sleep, what t<br>ime is it now in Shanghai, Brian?<br>  Brian:It&#39;s late, so maybe we can call it a day?<br>  Nikky:alright, a productive day(很有成果的一天). You tell me a lot of t<br>hings that I never know before, hope see u soon, my friend.<br>  Brian:nice talking to u too. Have a sound sleep(睡个好觉), Nikky.<br>  Nikky:i will, u too. Have a good day.<br>  Brian:ok, bye, Nikky.<br>  Nikky:bye, my friend.<br>  绝对高级对比句:Single women complain that all good men are married, whi<br>le all married women complain about their lousy husbands. This confirms that<br> there is no such thing as a good man.(单身女人埋怨世界上的好男人都结婚了,而<br>结婚的女人却都嫌自己老公邋遢,那好男人都到哪去了)<br><br>--<br>
发表于 27.8.2003 06:43:31 | 只看该作者
wizards is not 湖人,lakers is 湖人<br>u basketball idiot
 楼主| 发表于 27.8.2003 07:37:44 | 只看该作者
呵呵,改过来了。<br>当时转得仓促,没看得很仔细。欢迎常来指正啊。 <!--emo&(F)--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/rose.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='rose.gif'><!--endemo--> <br>
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