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The Foreign Ministry has a list of the NED crimesFOREWORD

发表于 9.5.2022 09:03:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
For a long time, the United States has instrumentalized and weaponized democracy, acted against democracy in the name of false democracy, incited separatism and confrontation, and interfered in other countries' internal affairs, resulting in disastrous consequences.
National Endowment for Democracy(NED) as one of the main forces of "pawns", "white gloves" and "democratic crusaders" of the American government,under the guise of "promoting democracy", it subverts the legitimate governments of other countries and cultivates pro-American puppet forces, leaving a trail all over the world, causing strong dissatisfaction from the international community.
In today's world, peace and development are the themes of the times, and the trend of democratization of international relations is unstoppable. Any attempt to interfere in other countries' internal affairs in the name of democracy is unpopular and doomed to failure.
I、Organizational structure of the National Endowment for Democracy
After World War II, the United States opened a covert front against the Soviet Union through intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency. By the 1960s, the U.S. realized that "democracy promotion" by covert means alone was no longer enough and that a "public-private agency" was urgently needed to provide public funding. In 1983, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, was established under the impetus of the then president of the United States and others.
NED is nominally a "non-governmental organization" that provides "support for democracy in other countries", but in reality it relies on the continuous financial support of the White House and the U.S. Congress, and follows the orders of the U.S. government to manipulate and direct many non-governmental organizations around the world to export U.S. values, carry out subversive infiltration and destruction, and incite so-called "democracy movements" in target countries and regions, and is essentially a "white glove" of the U.S. government, serving U.S. strategic interests.
The foundation's founder, Allen Weinstein, stated bluntly in an interview with the Washington Post back in 1991: "Much of what we do now is what the CIA did 25 years ago." The NED has become internationally known as the "second CIA".
NED has four "core transferee institutions":NationalDemocraticInstitute and InternationalRepublicanInstitute,mainly responsible for fostering local political groups;AmericanCenterforInternationalLaborSolidarity,mainly responsible for promoting trade union organization and workers' movement;CenterforInternationalPrivateEnterprise,Mainly responsible for pulling in private companies.Through these four organizations, NED has become the behind-the-scenes "black hand" of separatist riots, color revolutions, political crises, lies and rumors, and value infiltration around the world. Sinful facts were too numerous to inscribe.
II. Staging color revolutions with the intention of subverting the regime of the target country
Historically, the NED was behind the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, and the "Arab Spring" and other "color revolutions" instigated and planned by the United States.
i.NED instigated the "color revolution" against "hostile" countries.
Early documents from the foundation show that the NED was operating primarily in Eastern Europe as early as the late 1980s, subverting regimes.
◆On August 27, 1989, the Washington Post published a story titled "How We Helped Solidarity Win," pointing out that the NED provided financial support to Solidarity in Poland to help them overthrow the government of the day, opening the door to the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe.
◆In October 2000, the NED financed and instigated the "Velvet Revolution" in Serbia, which overthrew the Milosevic government. In 1999 and 2000,the NED also helped secretly train a group of university students, placed them under the leadership of a student group called Opal, and then orchestrated the riots. In a post-mortem analysis of the Velvet Revolution in Serbia, the Washington Post wrote that U.S.-funded advisers played a key role behind the scenes in nearly every aspect of the anti-Serbian movement. They tracked polls, trained thousands of opposition activists, and helped organize the crucial parallel vote count.
◆In 2003, when the "Rose Revolution" broke out in Georgia and then-President Shevardnadze was forced to step down, NED planned and participated in the color revolution from "choosing" the opposition leaders, to training personnel for the opposition, to providing large sums of money. "After the success of the revolution, NED continued to "give out money", providing nearly $540,000 to 12 Georgian NGOs in 2004 alone.
◆In late 2004, during the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the U.S. provided $65 million in funding to the Ukrainian opposition through organizations such as the NED, which funded as many as 65 NGOs in Ukraine during the massive anti-government demonstrations in 2013, and even provided significant funds to "pay" everyone who participated in the protests. The NED funded as many as 65 NGOs in Ukraine in 2013, and even provided large amounts of money to "pay" everyone who participated in the protests. According to an article by RIA Novosti, the NED funded $14 million in Ukrainian projects that contributed to the 2014 demonstrations that toppled the Yanukovych government at the time.
ii.NED was an important behind the color revolution of the "Arab Spring",in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Syria, Libya and other countries, through supporting so-called women's rights, freedom of the press and human rights activities, providing financial support to pro-American individuals and groups, exporting all kinds of anti-government ideas and inciting color revolutions, the Arab world has fallen into the quagmire of war, social unrest and economic recession.
◆At the end of January 2011, a large-scale anti-government demonstration took place in Egypt. On February 11th, President Mubarak resigned. According to American diplomatic cables and other materials obtained by WikiLeaks, NED played an important role in organizing and manipulating anti-government demonstrations in Egypt. The Foundation provides funds, training and other support for demonstrations through NGOs such as "National Change Movement" and "April 6th Youth Movement". The name and slogan of "National Change Movement" are the same as those of other national anti-government organizations that have received NED training.
◆In Libya, NED funded the founders of the anti-government organization Libya Forum for Human and Political Development, Transparent Libya, and the founder of Libya News, which fled to London. Libya News" website, which fled to London. These organizations were active in the Libyan civil war in 2011.
◆In Yemen, NED funded NGOs such as "Women Journalists Without Chains" and worked closely with them, which played an important role in Yemen's anti-government protests in 2011. Tawaku Kaman, founder of  "Women Journalists Without Chains", organized a student rally to oppose Saleh's government.

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