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发表于 23.9.2015 07:39:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
简历请以“姓名-毕业院校-申请职位”为主题,发送到邮箱 overseas_hr@novogene.com
我们建立了目前国内通量规模最大的基因测序平台,包括10台HiSeq X、10台HiSeq 2000/2500 、5台Ion Proton、4台MiSeq、1台HiSeq 4000、1台NextSeq 500等最先进的基因测序仪。高性能计算平台目前物理核数3,592个,计算峰值速度73T flops,总内存17TB,总存储3.2PB,有效地支撑了生命科学研究、农业育种、食品安全和医疗健康等领域对大数据分析和存储的需求。
Novogene, headquartered in Beijing withbranches in Hong Kong, the U.S. and U.K., is a leading genomics solutionprovider with cutting edge bioinformatics expertise and the largestIllumina-based sequencing capacity in China. Committed to quality service andscientific excellence, Novogene has achieved rapid growth and industryrecognition by working in partnership with diverse healthcare, educational andresearch institutions around the globe to realize the unlimited potential ofthe rapidly evolving world of genomics. The company has completed numerousmajor service projects with findings published by top-ranked journals such asScience and Nature series. Novogene is the first company in China to purchaseIllumina’s HiSeq X Ten System and is the only Illumina Genome Network partnerin China. After achieving tremendous success in China, the company is expandingglobally and established Novogene Corporation in the U.S. and Novogene CompanyLimited in the U.K. in 2014 to better serve global customers.
注:简历请以“姓名-毕业院校-申请职位”为主题,发送到邮箱 overseas_hr@novogene.com
1. 潜在客户挖掘,客户关系维护;
2. 根据客户需求提供项目解决方案,负责项目签订;
3. 跟进项目进展,促进项目顺利进行;
4. 积极了解并反馈市场需求、产品竞争等情况;
5. 能够独立完成销售回款任务;
6. 国际会议的组织参加。
1. 分子生物学、农学、医学相关专业,取得硕士及以上学位,专业基础知识扎实。全面了解基因组学前沿进展,有高通量测序相关经验优先考虑;
2. 1年及以上海外经历,英语读写能力优秀,听说能力突出。
3. 有遗传学、分子生物学、基因工程原理等相关课程学习经历,或有分子生物学实验经验;
4. 抗压能力强,性格坚韧,亲和力强,反应敏捷,具备较强的沟通和表达能力;
5. 执行力强,工作认真负责,具备团队协作精神;
6. 有销售经验、有国外客户资源者优先;
7. 晋升空间大,欢迎有志于在营销方向长期发展者应聘。
Regional Sales Manager
Position Summary
The Regional Sales Manager’s role is to ensure the achievement of sales withintheir given territory. The position will be responsible for managing allbusiness accounts in the assigned region, create strategies and execute tacticsto develop and implement sales plans that will contribute to the financialgrowth of the company. The person will work closely with other departmentswithin the company.
Preferred Background
- BS degree in life science minimum; advanced degree preferred;
- Strong working knowledge of NGS and genomics;
- 3+ years of life science sales experience; experience selling genomicsrelated technologies a plus;
- Demonstrated success in generating new customer leads and building abusiness;
- Ability to establish long-term customer relationships;
- Independent, working remotely out of home office.
Position Requirements/Functions
- Develop, establish and implement an effective sales plan tailored to theterritory and specific accounts to meet   the goals of the budget and financial growthof the territory;
- Maintain a current understanding and knowledge of the company’s products andservices to provide accurate information to clients and customers;
- Manage existing accounts and expand customer base in territory, developinglong-term profitable accounts;
- Participate in all sales activities and attend meetings;
- Travel required.
1. 分析潜在客户群体,挖掘相关客户信息;
2. 根据客户需求提供项目解决方案;
3. 跟进项目进展,提供技术方面的问题解答,促进项目顺利进行;
4. 整理销售反馈的市场需求、产品竞争等情况;
5. 协助销售完成回款任务;
6. 参加国际、国内会议,并完成宣讲工作。
1. 分子生物学、农学、医学相关专业,专业基础知识扎实。全面了解基因组学前沿进展,有高通量测序相关经验优先考虑;
2. 1年及以上海外经历,英语读写能力优秀,听说能力突出;
3. 有遗传学、分子生物学、基因工程原理等相关课程经历,有分子生物学实验经验优先;
4. 学习能力强,有较强的语言表达能力,反应敏捷,具备较强的沟通和表达能力;
5. 执行力强,工作认真负责,具备团队协作精神;
6. 有工作经验者优先
Oversea Technical Support
Location: Beijing, China
The overseatechnical support will communicate with sales or customers to providecustomized solutions and help sales to achieve given sales plan. He/she shouldcollect and report marketing information of given region and will also work closelywith other teams within the company. May have meeting attendant occasionally.
Preferred Background
- MS degree or advanced degree in life science or medical relevant;
- Proficiency in English, overseas study or working experience is preferred;
- Studied genetics,
molecular biology, geneticengineering etc., have experience in molecular biology experiments;
- Strong communication and presentation skills, quick learner;
- Able to bear pressure;
- Proficiency inoffice software.
1.生物信息学(Bioinformatics/信息学(Computational Science/统计学(Statistic/遗传学(Genetics)等相关专业,有留学背景者优先;
4.熟练掌握常用信息学工具(BLAST/ClustalW/Genome/Browser)和资源(NCBI Genebank/SwissProt/Gene Ontology);
Bioinformatics Specialist
Location: Beijing, China
Job description
-The Bioinformatics Specialist will consultwith researchers to analyze problems, recommend technology-based solutions, ordetermine computational strategies.;
-He/she will oversee the collection andanalysis of high throughput sequencing data generated by Novogene or other researchgroups;
-He/she will provide customized solutionsin data analysis directly to our customers and also assist in any after salesproblems.
- Master degree or above in Bioinformatics,Computer science, Statistic, Genetics or related discipline;
- Experience with at least onebioinformatics programming languages is required. (Python, Perl, C, C++, Java);
- Experience with next-generation sequencingdata analysis is preferred;
- Good oral and verbal Englishcommunication skills;
- Ability to work efficiently on a teamworkframe.
(一)、 岗位职责:
1. 完成所负责产品的市场分析与定位,实现产品销售和利润目标;
2. 负责为驻外销售或海外客户解答产品问题、培训产品知识;
3. 进行产品英文宣传资料编撰、技术宣讲及市场推广;
4. 根据市场需求升级现有产品、开发新产品,建设产品服务体系;
(二)、 岗位要求:
1. 扎实的分子生物学、遗传学或医学专业知识;
2. 认真负责的工作态度,自我驱动型的进取精神;
3. 较强的市场竞争意识、成本意识和服务意识;
4. 逻辑思维清晰,具备化繁为简、变难成易的剖析问题能力;
5. 良好的口头及书面表达能力,较好的团队沟通与协作能力;
6. 较强的抗压能力,能够适应短时间出差工作;
Oversea Product Manager
Position Summary
The ProductManager will be responsible for the product’s marketing analysis andpositioning to achieve products’ sales plan. He/she will conduct marketingsegmentation with the objective of developing unique marketing plans that aretailored to specific channels and customer needs. He/she will need to answerquestions about given products, organize training courses, prepare documentationand marketing materials and upgrade or develop new products according tocustomer demand.
- Master degree inlife science or medical relevant. Higher degree or overseas background ispreferred;
- Ability toquickly search and learn from literature, good oral and verbal English communicationskills;
- Ability to workefficiently on a teamwork frame;
- Naturalleadership instincts with ability to innovate;
- Excellent organizationskills;
- Comfort ina fast-paced and dynamic environment;
- An analyticaland metrics driven work style;
- Knowledge ofnext-generation sequencing or related working experience is preferred.
(一)、 岗位职责:
1. 跟进项目进展,及时完善项目信息,促进项目顺利进行;
2. 把握项目的时间节点,保障项目在周期内完成;
3. 审核各项报告,各项任务单准确并及时下达;
4. 对于项目出现的问题,及时与实验部门、信息部门及客户方沟通,最终协调解决;
5. 能够解决基本售后问题;
6. 优化项目运营过程中的流程,提高运营效率;
(二)、 岗位要求
1. 分子生物学、生物技术相关专业;
2. 工作责任心强、严谨细心,条理清晰,有一定的统筹能力;
3. 具有良好的沟通能力、人际关系处理能力以及组织协调能力,能够承担较大的压力;
4. 善于发现并解决问题,逻辑思维能力强;
5. 熟练使用办公软件;
Oversea Project Manager
Location: Beijing, China
Preferred Background
- MS degree or advanced degree in life science or medical relevant;
- Acquainted knowledge of NGS and genomics;
- Strong working responsibility, patient, prudential, and earnest;
- Strong logic thinking, solving problem and understanding ability;
- Good interpersonal and communication skills, able to bear pressure;
- Proficiency in officesoftware.

Position Requirements/Functions
- Feedback the project information timely, follow up the project progress and
promotethe project go smoothly;
- Manage online projects and ensure projects delivery on schedule;
- Review and examination reports of each project stage,
assignorder with operation managers;
- Solve problems in project implementation and after-sales by communicate withother involved departments;
- Optimization of the process in projects operation, improve operational efficiency.

 楼主| 发表于 29.9.2015 07:17:57 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 24.9.2015 00:44:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 26.9.2015 17:00:14 | 只看该作者
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