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[音乐下载] DECCA名盘再版-2010【柴可夫斯基(三大芭蕾舞曲)6CD】APE[UL]

发表于 29.8.2011 05:04:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Ernest Ansermet-2010【柴可夫斯基-三大芭蕾舞曲(Tchaikovsky-The Great Ballets)6CD】APE

英文名称:Tchaikovsky: The Great Ballets
版  本:6CD [DECCA名盘再版]
录  音:1953-1966年
指  挥:Ernest Ansermet
演  奏:瑞士罗曼德管弦乐团/Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
大 提 琴:詹德隆Maurice Gendron(洛可可变奏曲)
小 提 琴:黎奇Ruggiero Ricci(管弦组曲)
地  区:美国


被誉为「芭蕾音乐之神」的指挥大师安塞美(Ernest Ansermet 1883-1969)出生於瑞士,1903年在法国以数学拿到学位,在他全心投入音乐事业之前,曾经在洛桑大学担任数学教授。1912年在瑞士蒙特勒(Montreux)首度登台,之后在戴亚基列夫(Diaghilev)的俄罗斯芭蕾舞团担任指挥(1915-1923)。一次大战期间他认识了史特拉汶斯基,并开始对俄罗斯当代音乐产生兴趣。在大战结束的1918年,他成立了瑞士罗曼德管弦乐团(Orchestre de la Suisse Romande),并与此团维持将近五十年的合作关係(1918-1967)。在他们手中首演的作品包括史特拉汶斯基的「士兵的故事」、「普钦奈拉」、「狐狸」、「结婚」、普罗柯菲夫的「丑角」,以及法雅的「三角帽」等。安塞美驾驭乐团的能力高超,其演奏充满活力,表情则纤细而生动。尤其是他所詮释的芭蕾音乐和法国音乐,敏锐的节奏感和驱使乐团所呈现的色彩,更是其他指挥所望尘莫及。本辑6CD包含柴可夫斯基的三大芭蕾舞曲、第六号交响曲、第三、四号组曲,以及由大提琴大师詹德隆担任主奏的洛可可主题变奏曲,版权来自Decca,大师杰出的指挥艺术在此一览无遗。(Brilliant/Lins)

The three immortal Ballets of Tchaikovsky together in one 6-CD set
Tchaikovsky, who in his darker moments drowned in Russian gloom, could - write the most delightful, sparkling ballet music imaginable.
A superb 6CD set that brings together the very best of Ansermet's Decca Tchaikovsky recordings. As well as the three great ballet scores, the 6th Symphony receives a wonderful reading. This conductor in this repertoire in classic Decca recordings can still stand comparison with the latest versions in the catalogue.
'A wonderful display of consummate 'cello playing. The recording is faultless.' Gramophone, reviewing the Rococo Variations, March 1954. 'Ansermet's set is skilfully put together, and conducted with real sympathy and penetration, not as a ballet but (I mentioned this when discussing his versions of Tchaikovsky's other full-length ballets) as a dramatic tone poem. It's full of endearing human touches-the knitters, the young Aurora, the two white cats, and the wicked ogre' Gramophone review for Sleeping Beauty, November 1959. 'It is good to have this long -esteemed version of Swan Lake available again, with the sound brushed up to something very near to modern standards...As such it is recommended strongly'. Gramophone review of Swan Lake November 1978. 'Ansermet, as we would expect, holds our attention with his reading...Ansermet secures very expressive phrasing from his violas, especially in the descending phrase at the close of the first paragraph, and the ascending one which closes the first subject-group. More than most conductors, he makes the three statements of the second subject sound quite different in emotion : as of a joy and consolation hesitantly accepted (muted strings), unashamedly welcomed (UN-muted strings), and then tenderly considered (clarinet solo). The development section cracks in with exciting effect. The narrow-toned brass is fiery here, and very well recorded.' Gramophone review, Symphony No.6 June 1957


001. Swan Lake, Op. 20 Introduction (Moderato assai) No. 1 Scene (Allegro giusto)
002. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 2 Waltz (Tempo di valse)
003. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 4 Pas de trois Intrada (Allegro) Andante sostenuto Allegro semplice Presto Moderato Allegro Coda (Allegro vivac)
004. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 7 Subject No. 8 Dance with Goblets (Tempo di polacca)
005. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 10 Scene (Moderato)
006. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 11 Scene (Allegro moderato Allegro vivo) No. 12 Scene (Allegro)
007. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans1. Tempo di valse
008. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans5. Pas d'action Odette et le prince (Andante)
009. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans6. Danse des petits cygnes (Allegro moderato)
010. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans7. Danse generale (Valse)
011. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans2. Odette solo (Moderato assai)
012. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 13 Dances ofthe Swans7. Coda (Allegro vivace)
013. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 15 Scene (Allegro giusto)
014. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 17 SceneEntranceand Waltz of the Special Guests (Allegro Tempo divalse)
015. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 18 Scene (Allegro Allegro giusto)
016. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 21 Spanish Dance (Allegro non troppo tempo di Bolero)
017. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 22 Neapolitan Dance (Allegro moderato Andantino quasi moderato)
018. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 23 Mazurka
019. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 20 Dansehongroise (Czardas)
020. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 5 Pas de deux Intrada Valse Andante Valse Coda (Allegro molto vivace)

021. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 28 Scene (Allegro agitato Allegro vivace) 021.-022. 芭蕾舞曲「天鹅湖」(续)
022. Swan Lake, Op. 20 No. 29 Finale (Andante Allegro agitato Alla breve Moderato e maestoso)
023. Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33 洛可可主题变奏曲Op.33
024. Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 'Pathetique' 1. Adagio Allegro non troppo 024.-027. b小调第六号交响曲「悲愴」Op.74
025. Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 'Pathetique' 2. Allegro con grazia
026. Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 'Pathetique' 3. Allegro molto vivace
027. Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 'Pathetique' 4. Finale (Adagio lamentoso Andante)

028. Op. 66 Introduction (Allegro vivo Andantino) Prologue The Christening No. 1 March (Moderato)
029. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening No. 2 Dance Scene (Moderato con moto) No. 3 Pas de six
030. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Introduction adagio
031. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 1 The Fairy of the Crystal Fountain (Allegro moderato)
032. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 2 The Fairy of the Enchanted Garden (Allegro)
033. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 3 The Fairy of the Woodland Glades (Allegro moderato)
034. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 4 The Fairy of the Songbirds (Moderato)
035. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 5 The Fairy of the Golden Vine (Allegro molto vivace)
036. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Variation 6 The Lilac Fairy (Tempo divalse)
037. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening Coda (Allegro giusto)
038. Op. 66 Prologue The Christening No. 4 Finale
039. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell No. 5 Scene (Allergo vivo Moderato)
040. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell No. 6 Waltz (Allegro Tempo di valse)
041. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell No. 7 Scene (Andante) No. 8 Pas d'action
042. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell Rose Adagio (Andante Adagio maestoso)
043. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell Dance of the Maids of Honour and the Pages
044. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell Aurora's Variation
045. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell Coda (Allegro giusto)
046. Op. 66 Act 1 The Spell No. 9 Finale

047. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 10 Entr'acte and Scene (Allegro con spiritoUn poco piu tranquillo)
048. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 11 Blind Man's Buff (Allegro vivo) No. 12 Scene Dances of the Courtiers
049. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Scene
050. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Dance of the Duchesses (Minuet Moderato con moto)
051. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Dance of the Baronesses (Gavotte)
052. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Dance of the Countesses (Allegro non troppo)
053. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Dance of the Marchionesses (Allegro non troppo)
054. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 13 Farandole Scene (Poco piu vivo) Dance (Allegro non troppo)
055. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 14 Scene Prince Florimund and the Lilac Fairy No. 15 Pas d'action
056. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Pas d'action Aurora and Florimund (Andanate cantabile)
057. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Aurora's Variation (Allegro con moto)
058. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision Coda (Presto)
059. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 16 Scene (Allegro agitato)
060. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 17 Panorama (Andantino)
061. Op. 66 Act 2 The Vision No. 19 Symphonic Entr'acte (The Sleep) and Scene (Andante misterioso) No. 20 Finale The Awakening
062. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding No. 21 March (Allegro non troppo)
063. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding No. 22 Polonaise Procession of Fairy Tale Characters (Allegro moderato e brillante) No. 23 Pas d
064. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding Introduction (Allegro non tanto)
065. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding Variation 1 The Golden Fairy (Allegro Tempo divalse)
066. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding Variation 2 The Silver Fairy (Allegro giusto)
067. Op. 66 Act 3 The Wedding Variation 4 The Diamond Fairy (Vivace) Coda (L'istesso tempo)
068. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding No. 24 Pas de caractere Puss in Boots and the White Cat (Allegro moderato) No. 25 Pas de quarte
069. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Introduction (Adagio)
070. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Variation 1 Cinderella and Prince Charming (Allegro Tempo di valse)
071. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Variation 2 The Bluebird and Princess Florine (Andantino)
072. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Coda (Presto)
073. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding No. 26 Pas de caractere Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (Allegro moderato)
074. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding No. 27 Tom Thu (Allegro agitato Tempo di vlase Vivace assai)
075. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Cinderella and Prince Fortune No 28 Pas de deux (Aurora and Florimund)
076. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Entree (Allegretto Allegro moderato) Adagio (Andante non troppo)
077. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Variation 1 Florimund (Vivace Prestissimo)
078. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Variation 2 Aurora (Andantino)
079. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Coda (Allegro vivace)
080. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding No. 29 Sarabande No. 30 Finale and Apotheosis
081. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Finale (Allegro brillante Tempo di mazurka)
082. Op. 66  Act 3 The Wedding Apotheosis (Andante molto maestoso)

083. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Miniature Overture
084. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 1 The Decoration of the Christmas Tree
085. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 2 March
086. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 3 Children's Galop and Entry of the Parents
087. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 4 Arrival of Drosselmeyer
088. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 5 Grandfather's Dance
089. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 6 Scene Clara and the Nutcracker
090. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 7 Scene The Battle
091. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 8 Scene In the Pine Forest
092. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 1 No. 9 Waltz of the Snowflakes
093. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 No. 10 Scene The Kingdom of Sweets
094. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 No. 11 Scene Clara and the Prince No. 12 Divertissement
095. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Chocolate Spanish Dance
096. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Coffee Arabian Dance
097. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Tea Chinese Dance
098. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Trepak Russian Dance
099. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Dance of the Reed Pipes
100. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Mother Gigogne
101. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 No. 13 Waltz of the Flowers

102. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 No. 14 Pas de deux 102.-106 芭蕾舞曲「胡桃钳」(续)
103. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Variation 1 Tarantella
104. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Variation 2 Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
105. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 Coda
106. Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act 2 No. 15 Final Waltz and Apotheosis
107. Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in G major, Op. 55 1. 107.- 110. Elegie G大调第三号管弦组曲Op.55
108. Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in G major, Op. 55 2. Valse melancolique
109. Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in G major, Op. 55 3. Scherzo
110. Suite for Orchestra No. 3 in G major, Op. 55 4. Theme et variations
111. Suite for Orchestra No. 4 in G major, Op. 61 'Mozartiana' 1. Gigue 111.-114. G大调第四号管弦组曲「莫札特魂」Op.61
112. Suite for Orchestra No. 4 in G major, Op. 61 'Mozartiana' 2. Menuet
113. Suite for Orchestra No. 4 in G major, Op. 61 'Mozartiana' 3. Preghiera
114. Suite for Orchestra No. 4 in G major, Op. 61 'Mozartiana' 4. Theme et variations










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