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[音乐下载] [交响乐] V.A.-《贝多芬全集(87CD)》专辑[卷十七][APE/整轨]

发表于 16.8.2011 06:30:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jiangjun507 于 16.8.2011 07:30 编辑

卷十七、民歌改编曲:《25首苏格兰民歌》(OP.108)、《25首爱尔兰民歌》(WoO.152)、《20首爱尔兰民歌》(WoO.l52)、《12首爱尔兰民歌》(WoO.154)、《12首各国民歌》(WoO.157)、《26首威尔士民歌》(WoO.155)、《12首苏格兰民歌》(WoO.156)、《7首英国民歌》(WoO.158b)、《6首国籍不明的民歌》,洛特(Lott)等演唱(1996、1997年录音)。CD编号453 786-2(7张)。

Vol.17: Folksong Arrangements
Disc: 1
1. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 9. Behold, My Love, How Green The Groves - Catrin Wyn Davies/Thomas Allen
2. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 10. Sympathy - Toby Spence
3. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 11. Oh! Thou Art The Lad Of My Heart, Willy - Felicity Lott
4. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 12. Oh, Had My Fate Been Join'd With Thine - Thomas Allen
5. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 13. Come Fill, Fill, My Good Fellow! - Thomas Allen/Janice Watson/Timothy Robinson
6. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 14. O, How Can I Be Blithe And Glad - Sarah Walker
7. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 15. O Cruel Was My Father - Sarah Walker
8. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 16. Could This Ill World Have Been Contriv'd - Thomas Allen
9. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 1. Music, Love And Wine - Catrin Wyn Davies/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
10. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 2. Sunset - Thomas Allen
11. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 3. O Sweet Were The Hours - Thomas Allen
12. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 4. The Maid Of Isla - Christopher Maltman
13. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 5. The Sweetest Lad Was Jamie - Sarah Walker
14. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 6. Dim, Dim Is My Eye - Sarah Walker
15. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 7. Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie - Sarah Walker
16. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 8. The Lovely Lass Of Inverness - Sarah Walker
17. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 17. O Mary, At Thy Window Be - Christopher Maltman
18. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 18. Enchantress, Farewell - Toby Spence
19. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 19. O Swiftly Glides The Bonny Boat - Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene/Timothy Robinson
20. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 20. Faithfu' Johnie - Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
21. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 21. Jeanie's Distress - Sarah Walker
22. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 22. The Highland Watch - Thomas Allen/Timothy Robinson/Janice Watson
23. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 23. The Shepherd's Song - Christopher Maltman
24. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 24. Again, My Lyre, Yet Once Again - Felicity Lott
25. 25 Scottish Songs, Op.108: 25. Sally In Our Alley - Toby Spence
Disc: 2
1. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 1. The Return To Ulster - Christopher Maltman
2. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 7. His Boat Comes On The Sunny Tide - Ann Murray
3. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 4. The Morning Air Plays On My Face - Christopher Maltman
4. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 2. Sweet Power Of Song! - John Mark Ainsley/Christopher Maltman
5. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 5. On The Massacre Of Glencoe - Ann Murray
6. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 10. The Deserter - John Mark Ainsley/Christopher Maltman
7. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 12. English Bulls; or The Irishman In London - John Mark Ainsley
8. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 6. What Shall I Do To Shew How Much I Love Her? - John Mark Ainsley/Christopher Maltman
9. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 21. Morning A Cruel Turmoiler Is - Christopher Maltman
10. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 3. Once More I Hail Thee - Christopher Maltman
11. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 8. Come Draw We Round A Cheerful Ring - Ann Murray
12. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 9. Our Bugles Sung Truce; or The Soldier's Dream - Christopher Maltman
13. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 18. They Bid Me Slight My Dermot Dear - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
14. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 13. Musing On The Roaring Ocean - Ann Murray
15. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 14. Dermot And Shelah - Ann Murray
16. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 25. O Harp Of Erin - Ann Murray
17. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 22. From Garyone, My Happy Home - Ann Murray
18. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 11. Thou Emblem Of Faith (Upon Returning A Ring) - Christopher Maltman
19. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 15. Let Brain-Spinning Swains - Christopher Maltman
20. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 16. Hide Not Thy Anguish - Ann Murray
21. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 19. Wife, Children And Friends - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
22. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 17. In Vain To This Desert My Fate I Deplore - Ann Murray/Thomas Allen
Disc: 3
1. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 23. A Wand'ring Gypsey, Sirs, Am I - Ann Murray
2. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 20. Farewell Bliss And Farewell Nancy - John Mark Ainsley/Christopher Maltman
3. 25 Irish Songs, WoO 152: 24. The Traugh Welcome - Ann Murray
4. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 6. Sad And Luckless Was The Season - Toby Spence
5. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 3. The British Light Dragoons; or The Plain Of Badajos - Toby Spence
6. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 1. When Eve's Last Rays In Twilight Die - Toby Spence/Christopher Maltman
7. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 4. Since Greybeards Inform Us That Youth Will Decay - Ruby Philogene
8. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 2. No Riches From His Scanty Store - Ruby Philogene
9. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 5. I Dream'd I Lay Where Flow'rs Were Springing - Ruby Philogene/Christopher Maltman
10. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 9. The Kiss, Dear Maid, Thy Lip Has Left - Christopher Maltman
11. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 7. O Soothe Me, My Lyre - Ruby Philogene
12. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 15. 'Tis But In Vain, For Nothing Thrives - Ruby Philogene
13. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 11. When Far From The Home - Ruby Philogene
14. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 13. 'Tis Sunshine At Last - Toby Spence
15. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 8. Farewell Mirth And Hilarity: Norah Of Balamagairy - Christopher Maltman/Felicity Lott
16. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 19. Judy, Lovely Matchless Creature - Toby Spence
17. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 12. I'll Praise The Saints With Early Song - Felicity Lott
18. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 18. No More, My Mary, I Sigh For Splendour - Toby Spence
19. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 20. Thy Ship Must Sail, My Henry Dear - Felicity Lott
20. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 14. Paddy O'Rafferty - Ruby Philogene
21. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 16. O Might I But My Patrick Love! - Felicity Lott
22. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 10. Oh! Thou Hapless Soldier - Felicity Lott/Christopher Maltman
23. 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153: 17. Come, Darby Dear! Easy, Be Easy - Ruby Philogene
Disc: 4
1. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 2. O Harp Of Erin - Ann Murray
2. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 12. He Promised Me At Parting - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
3. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 4. The Pulse Of An Irishman - Thomas Allen
4. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 3. The Farewell Song - Sarah Walker
5. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 8. Save Me From The Grave And Wise - Ann Murray/Toby Spence/Thomas Allen
6. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 9. O Would I Were But That Sweet Linnet! - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
7. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 10. The Hero May Perish - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
8. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 6. Put Round The Bright Wine - Thomas Allen
9. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 5. O Who, My Dear Dermot - Janice Watson
10. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 7. From Garyon, My Happy Home - Ann Murray
11. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 11. The Soldier In A Foreign Land - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley
12. 12 Irish Songs, WoO 154: 1. The Elfin Fairies - Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene
13. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 1. God Save The King - Janice Watson/Timothy Robinson/Thomas Allen
14. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 2. The Soldier - Ann Murray
15. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 3. Charlie Is My Darling - Ann Murray/Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
16. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 4. O Sanctissima - Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
17. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 5. The Miller Of Dee - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
18. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 6. A Health To The Brave - Ann Murray/Thomas Allen
19. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 9. Highlander's Lament - Janice Watson/Timothy Robinson/Thomas Allen
20. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 8. By The Side Of The Shannon - Thomas Allen
21. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 11. The Wandering Minstrel - Timothy Robinson/Janice Watson
22. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 10. Sir Johnnie Cope - John Mark Ainsley
23. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 7. Robin Adair - Janice Watson/Timothy Robinson/Thomas Allen
24. 12 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 157: 12. La Gondoletta - John Mark Ainsley
Disc: 5
1. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 1. Sion, The Son Of Evan - Catrin Wyn Davies/Christopher Maltman
2. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 4. Love Without Hope - John Mark Ainsley
3. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 17. The Dairy House - John Mark Ainsley
4. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 15. When Mortals All To Rest Retire - Ruby Philogene
5. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 3. The Cottage Maid - Catrin Wyn Davies
6. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 14. The Dream - Catrin Wyn Davies/John Mark Ainsley
7. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 7. O Let The Night My Blushes Hide - Ruby Philogene
8. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 19. The Vale Of Clwyd - Catrin Wyn Davies
9. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 11. Merch Megan; Or, Peggy's Daughter - Christopher Maltman
10. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 2. The Monks Of Bangor's March - Catrin Wyn Davies/Christopher Maltman
11. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 10. Ned Pugh's Farewell - Christopher Maltman
12. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 13. Helpless Woman - Ruby Philogene
13. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 20. To The Blackbird - Christopher Maltman
14. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 16. The Damsels Of Cardigan - Ruby Philogene
15. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 9. To The Aeolian Harp - John Mark Ainsley
16. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 12. Waken, Lords And Ladies Gay - Catrin Wyn Davies
17. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 22. Constancy - Catrin Wyn Davies/Christopher Maltman
18. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 5. The Golden Robe - Catrin Wyn Davies/Christopher Maltman
19. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 6. The Fair Maid Of Mona - Catrin Wyn Davies
20. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 8. Farewell, Thou Noisy Town - Christopher Maltman
21. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 18. Sweet Richard - John Mark Ainsley
22. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 21. Cupid's Kindness - Catrin Wyn Davies
23. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 23. The Old Strain - Ruby Philogene
24. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 24. Three Hundred Pounds - Ruby Philogene
25. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 25. The Parting Kiss - Christopher Maltman
26. 26 Welsh Songs, WoO 155: 26. Good Night - Christopher Maltman
Disc: 6
1. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 4. Ye Shepherds Of This Pleasant Vale - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
2. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 3. Up! Quit Thy Bower - Felicity Lott/Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
3. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 7. Polly Stewart - Thomas Allen
4. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 10. Glencoe - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
5. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 2. Duncan Grey - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
6. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 8. Womankind - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
7. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 1. The Banner Of Buccleuch - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
8. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 6. Highland Harry - Felicity Lott
9. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 12. The Quaker's Wife - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
10. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 9. Lochnagar - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
11. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 5. Cease Your Funning - Felicity Lott
12. 12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156: 11. Auld Lang Syne - Felicity Lott/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
13. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 1. Adieu, My Lov'd Harp - Sarah Walker
14. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 7. Lament For Owen Roe O'Neill - Malcolm Martineau
15. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 5. Erin! O Erin! - Timothy Robinson
16. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 4. Red Gleams The Sun On Yon Hill Tap - Timothy Robinson
17. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 2. Castle O'Neill - Malcolm Martineau
18. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 6. O Mary, Ye's Be Clad In Silk - Timothy Robinson
19. 7 British Songs, WoO 158b: 3. O Was Not I A Weary Wight! (Oh Ono Chri!) - Sarah Walker
20. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 3. Mark Yonder Pomp Of Costly Fashion - Toby Spence
21. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 1. When My Hero In Court Appears - Sarah Walker
22. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 4. Bonnie WeeThing - Catrin Wyn Davies/Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
23. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 5. From Thee, Eliza, I Must Go - Catrin Wyn Davies/John Mark Ainsley/Thomas Allen
24. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 6. Untitled - Malcolm Martineau
25. 6 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c: 2. Non, Non, Colette N'est Point Trompeuse - Toby Spence
Disc: 7
1. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 6. A Madel, Ja A madel - Toby Spence
2. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 21. Tiranilla Espanola - Toby Spence
3. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 7. Wer Solche Buema Afipackt - Christopher Maltman
4. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 2. Horch Auf, Mein Liebchen - Toby Spence
5. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 10. Poszla Baba Po Popiol - Toby Spence
6. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 16. Schone Minka, Ich Muss Scheiden - Ruby Philogene/Thomas Allen
7. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 18. An A Bergli Bin I Gesasse - Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene
8. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 15. Kak Posli Nasi Podruzki - Toby Spence
9. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 5. Teppichkramer-Lied - Janice Watson
10. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 14. Akh, Recen'ki, Recen'ki - Janice Watson
11. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 3. Wegen Meiner Bleib D'Fraula - Christopher Maltman
12. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 13. Vo Lesocke Komarockov Mnogo Urodilos - Janice Watson
13. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 23. Da Brava, Catina - Christopher Maltman
14. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 1. Ridder Stigs Runer - Thomas Allen/Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene/Timothy Robinson
15. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 11. Yo No Quiero Embarcarme - Toby Spence
16. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 17. Lilla Car (Vaggvisa) - Janice Watson
17. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 20. Como La Mariposa Soy - Janice Watson/Ruby Philogene
18. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 9. Oj, Oj Upilem Sie W Karczmie - Christopher Maltman
19. 23 Songs Of Various Nationalities, WoO 158a: 19. Una Paloma Blanca - Janice Watson



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