本帖最后由 将你军 于 11.1.2011 08:07 编辑
The Gucci brand is one of the most prestigious luxury goods brands in the world along with Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Fendi. Thus, it's no surprise that many knockoff and fake Gucci products (like gucci tote bag, shoes and wallets) are sold every year. In fact, some knock-off gucci handbags are so well-made that sometimes it not easy to tell them apart from the real products like fake gucci bags. You have to be extremely observant and know quite a lot about real discount gucci handbags to know the difference.One of the best ways to spot a fake coach outlet stores is if the price is deeply discounted. coach factory outlet online keeps a strict price controls on all its products, and rarely, if ever, discounts any of its wear. If a price seems too good to be true, it's either fake or stolen, but probably fake. Another way to spot a fake is the quality. All coach factory outlet bags are hand-made, and they have a great dedication to quality. If the zipper is shoddy, or the logo is crooked, then it is not an authentic coach outlet online store.