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Possibilities for worgen and goblins wow power leveling

发表于 21.10.2009 06:28:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Possibilities for worgen and goblins 09sc10zmc21sa reports: Ever since word broke about the possibility of playing either a worgen or a goblin, I've been thinking a lot about how it would be to roleplay them. In terms of lore, each one fits in very nicely -- the goblins have the neutral city of Undermine not far from the great Maelstrom at the center of the world, and the worgen have lots of connections to other dimensions, possibly the Emerald Dream. Assuming the expansion is in fact going to be a combination of the Maelstrom and the Emerald Dream, each race could have a lot to do with why the Horde and the Alliance are eager to go and continue the adventure after Northrend. Then again, it's entirely possible that all this is just our own idle imaginations, and that the actual expansion will be entirely different! Looking forward to the future always has that problem. Sometimes you'll be right,cheap wow gold and sometimes you'll be wrong. cheap wow gold Some others are talking about how and why these races would join either faction. The goblins seem a shoo-in for the Horde, since they've already got so many connections with one another above and beyond the ostensible neutrality the goblins maintain between the Horde and the Alliance. The worgen connection to the Alliance is a bit tougher to figure out, but there are two apparent possibilities: either the humans of Gilneas have become worgen and wish to rejoin their former brethren, or the original worgen from their own dimension somehow join up with the Alliance in order to fight off a shared enemy such as the Burning Legion or the "Nightmare" of the Emerald Dream. wow gold Blizzard starts selling gold (coins) wow gold I don't have a lot of detail on this, but the news from Comic-Con is that Blizzard is finally starting to sell gold! Collectible WoW-inspired gold, silver, and copper coins, that is. What did you think I was talking about? wow gold On its own, the Alliance Tier 9 Warrior set stands up rather well. It's pretty soldierly, even knightly, and the similarities with the Paladin or Death Knight armor sets aren't so bad considering one of the best class sets back in the day were the Level 60 PvP Field Marshal sets, which were identical. But at this point, the whole design schematic gets tiring, specially when the coloration is so close to one another. Aside from the sword icon on the chest (which is a lion for Paladins and a skull for Death Knights), there's little here that truly separates the armor set as distinctively Warrior. They'll come in both Horde and Alliance versions, and are being made by DC Unlimited. DC also handles the WoW comic, so that's unsurprising. If we hear anything more on pricing and/or availability, we'll be sure to let you know. wow gold Scattered Shots: Cunning PvP Pets buy wow power leveling This is our last installment in our series exploring the different pet families. In the first post we explored raiding with a Ferocity pet. We identified the current recommended raid pet for each raid build. The next post in the series discussed why Tenacity pets have become the pets of choice for while grinding and farming. Plate wearing classes are a pain. They have a ton of Armor and Resilience reducing the damage our shots can do to them.wow power leveling And add to that, one Warrior can ruin our whole day by using Sunder Armor and weakening our defenses as they charge into our (yes smaller than before) kill zone. This week I'm going to talk about Cunning pets. I like to think of them as the "Fun Pets." The Spore Bat, a funny looking creature that can give those Warriors a small taste of their own medicine for once. By casting a Spore Cloud and dusting the nearby enemy. The Spore Bat causes Nature damage but also reduces their armor by 3%. That may not be a lot, but enough to make our shots sting a little more that's for sure. I think of Cunning pets as fun because of the different abilities they have.wow power leveling If you're lacking a particular ability or need an extra debuff, stun, even snare, the Cunning pets are there to help fill in the gaps. cheap wow gold WRUP: When real life attacks wow gold When talking to Editor-in-Chief Liz Harper this morning, I noticed something. A few of us here at WoW.com have sort of forgotten the P in WRUP. It's supposed to be What Are You Playing, not What Are You Doing In Real Life (WRUDIRL). Reading through this week's WRUP entries, I'm pretty sure Lesley isn't buying a camera in Stormwind, Lisa isn't vacationing in Nagrand, and I'm almost positive Matt Rossi isn't visiting a botanical garden in WoW.wow power leveling It's certainly possible, but unlikely. Honestly, it's probably more interesting this way. So what are we doing? cheap wow gold The first of these comes into play at level 10 and provides you with your choice of what will likely be your first green-quality staff or off-hand frill item, with another following at level 15 that grants you a nice green-quality robe. There's a chance, especially if you have a high-level main bankrolling your Mage, that you'll already have better gear than these quests provide by the time they become available,wow power leveling but the quests are worthwhile simply from a lore perspective in any event. Doing them just makes you feel like a Mage, and I can't think of many things more valuable than that. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky): Working my Rogue to 70. buy wow gold Alex Ziebart (@aziebart): When I'm not trying to get things done around here? Gearing up my Alliance Death Knight while I can still use my Alliance resources, because I'll be transforming him into a Horde character as soon as that becomes available.wow power leveling He'll probably become a Blood Elf simply because Blizzard won't let Trolls wear shoes. When I'm not doing that,wow gold I'll probably try to spend some quality time with my personal blog.
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