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发表于 4.8.2009 22:25:43 | 只看该作者
9# 一剑
3 C! R2 j  p3 e- j7 b9 B  E
- A6 P# t3 H% q9 S5 s9 f恐怕不是“稍”高吧,呵呵。蔡志强是曼海姆队的法宝之一,沈捷更不用说了,亚琛多少年的精神领袖。其他人水平差不多么?我个人觉得不是这样的。吕文佳、马静、邓宜乐、刘雅倩等等,都是明显比其他人高出一块的高手,无论是技术还是意识。个人感觉:慕尼黑除了沈捷和蔡志强(这两个“外援”,呵呵)之外,只有李勇能达到他们的level.
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:28:54 | 只看该作者
+ c7 d! d* j6 G3 Y) L
  A2 s! x5 |1 ^+ N9 f0 P( _) w; _: M比赛的胜负是次要的,我也没有决定胜负的实力和资格。
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:31:23 | 只看该作者
10# 月之女祭司
5 q$ b6 d1 U. e  {& ^4 D0 ^* O! n5 k& j1 q: ?' l9 A
呵呵,曼海姆前几年水平据说也不高……老邓跟我说他们一开始“什么都不知道”。) p1 ^6 @2 B2 F
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:37:06 | 只看该作者
看都不会看,还说没差距……你可以问问沈和蔡慕尼黑水平到底怎样。- |+ S7 F3 c3 m
$ O7 t( k% L" y
不知道为什么说慕尼黑有差距就跟踩了某些人尾巴似的。水平不好又不丢人,死扛着不承认才可怕。 .../ T. G8 D) z3 Q/ s+ N
月之女祭司 发表于 4.8.2009 23:19

+ [8 V* n! ?+ h; Y1 b4 \! R/ D( v. f1 {4 i; _# B3 V' \
算了吧,你们的水平高在那里? 靠到处拉人提高水平也没什么可骄傲的。
6 k! X6 g" Z6 h2 T
! t) s8 K6 y+ l- ]' u我可真是纳闷了,你口口声声说的事实到底在那里? 你们哪怕4:1赢一场,我也不说什么了,我可真没看出你们强在什么地方,相反,我倒是觉得慕尼黑厉害些。
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:41:50 | 只看该作者
9# 一剑
: ?. U$ O' X* o
( g" a% ]6 z2 C; l! A: R% X% g恐怕不是“稍”高吧,呵呵。蔡志强是曼海姆队的法宝之一,沈捷更不用说了,亚琛多少年的精神领袖。其他人水平差不多么?我个人觉得不是这样的。吕文佳、马静、邓宜乐、刘雅倩等等,都是明显比其他人高出 ...
0 k, `4 a7 z$ t" w$ gSiegfried_Li 发表于 4.8.2009 23:25
9 ~) a" J7 e/ _# K4 H: K  ?* n
# I$ [# g5 Z8 g7 m5 S$ E4 C# R

; w" M' A) E- J! m, E& _蔡志强是曼海姆队的? 沈捷是亚琛的?  / _: k8 R7 n/ S) z$ V

. W6 F  {4 W9 b那就啥也别说了。
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:45:25 | 只看该作者
我个人有幸当了一把炮灰,最大的感受就是能从客队身上学到不少东西,更加深刻地认识到局限在慕尼黑华人这个圈子里个人水平很难进一步得到提升。, L! \" p) y; B$ T/ b6 V

* A& E- ?* {# [+ d- a比赛的胜负是次要的,我也没有决定胜负的实力和资格。 ...' j) Z% D% O. I/ C7 v
Siegfried_Li 发表于 4.8.2009 23:28
+ h' l# n2 U' s8 `" ?
2 ?0 D5 A3 d* @, z- I  E) }
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:48:36 | 只看该作者
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发表于 4.8.2009 22:52:41 | 只看该作者
0 f7 n' Q; g' c' O月之女祭司 发表于 4.8.2009 23:48

/ v% |+ O" z7 R6 s5 d8 P- Z+ M) o2 ~* q% w! E+ t  O
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发表于 5.8.2009 08:13:40 | 只看该作者
Hi all,
' V" @9 j# T* B4 M9 O( q$ t8 L' \. U( K( C
I would like to say, the aim of the event is more of a gathering with fun and joy. To get to know more people and also enjoy each other skills.
- i1 E& Z, E( ~3 bFriendship is first and competition is second.
) o, ]3 C7 i! T! u1 x* Q1 L- f( Z& M& ~5 P& E# ~
All had so much fun and laughter and it was really a great and successful event. I must admit that.) N% u" U. `* z( I/ T" c
. M! l: `, c% G, i/ A
I, too liked the rest of the people enjoy this rare and special event. To have such big event in Munich in the nearby future would not easy. This is perhaps the "greatest" badminton event in Munich. Players from Aachen, Mannheim, Stguuart etc travel more than 800 km to Munich.  Thanks to Shen Jie for bringing the Aachen guys here and also special thanks to Dr. Liu for taking the effort/time/energy to integrate all these elements into a good time for all of us to enjoy.
! T9 N2 L: A; q' x
) i$ ^- h* i% aFor people who want fun, they got it. * c+ k/ |1 s! }7 I* S
For people who want to gain more experience from playing, they gained some too/ A3 G) v& V+ i( _9 g
For people who want to know more friends, we knew more now.' D8 h! L! L* v5 W: U3 G) {

3 d; @& B9 I$ x/ g) e# N+ jReading this forum is really interesting. On the bright side, I can see there are many concerned and enthusiastic "players" in Munich. This is great news.
# @5 a; j* d% ti think it will be great idea if we can gather 1-2 times a month to play badminton together. + i& K% Y3 J" y, [# V
Though we are recreational players, but it will be great if we can improve our skills together and enjoy this badminton games.
2 N; f4 w# {8 j8 ^1 H+ [  ?! u" d( [3 ~1 H
Make love/peace and not war! :-)
7 k0 d2 L6 o2 p/ {  @5 `# N. K# `+ D$ `( e
Warmest Regards,- l# t9 Z) N2 }( R
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发表于 5.8.2009 22:54:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 一剑 于 5.8.2009 23:58 编辑
/ M; F7 ]+ Z/ p: p
Hi all,# s" u, R, Z. h

6 ~! c4 E% Q( a& `i think it will be great idea if we can gather 1-2 times a month to play badminton together. - j: q! B! H+ a+ N- j, V) G
Though we are recreational players, but it will be great if we can improve our skills together and enjoy this badminton games. - `4 F- {: ^' ~
6 Z. t6 Q. R" K: v0 W- k; J
Make love/peace and not war! :-) $ S8 i) a2 C1 n2 t( f1 P$ c

  z5 p* A( R8 d+ M- ~5 r$ d( ?Warmest Regards,8 T: W1 x- y7 t0 [4 ?$ E
Mike$ L! I$ C$ F1 L7 Q

" D* V, S" _9 `; I8 c2 r密码 发表于 5.8.2009 09:13

- z4 V/ W4 h; h$ q) i9 i- \9 B+ C% y1 i" Z1 ?0 N0 H& v
Are you the super star Mr. Cai Chi Qiang from Singapore? Yes, you are our great star, I agree with your opinion completely.! s* Y$ g$ p) U

2 w; v, ^" H5 r6 U( h5 cBy the way, what does the Phrase “make love “ mean in Singapore?  I know its interesting meaning in USA. ) n% Z: Z8 Q3 T+ D- B" w. ?, [% @

9 m7 W  s' I9 {; T3 p2 HWarmest Regards,
3 a6 ?" `' J. S4 v' @Yi Jian
3 ]. p; \5 }0 c- V% K
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