想起John Newton 贩卖黑奴的故事和他作词的那首非常好听的歌Amazing Grace .<br /><br />他出生于伦敦, 从事奴隶贩卖的勾当,宗教信仰早已放弃,并曾在运送奴隶的船上工作。直到1747年遭遇一次强烈的暴风,险些沉船,绝望中他企求神的恩典,后来化险为夷,他变成为虔诚的基督徒,但并没有立即放弃贩卖奴隶,不过几年之后他就因为更深入认识基督教的理念而改行了。最后成为牧师,从 1785 年直到死反对奴隶买卖,是威伯福士这位福音派信徒大力在国会推动反奴隶买卖的牧师的好朋友,也是他长期抗战的鼓励者兼支持者。事实上,威伯福士有一个时候虔诚到一个地步想放弃政治去传福音;纽顿说服他,让他相信他在现在的岗位上更能为神作工。现代奴隶制度得以废除,威伯福士扮演重要角色。"<br /><br />Amazing Grace <br />(words: John Newton 1725 - 1807, England; music: unknown) <br />Amazing grace! How sweet the sound<br />That saved a wretch like me!<br />I once was lost, but now am found;<br />Was blind, but now I see.<br /><br />’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,<br />And grace my fears relieved;<br />How precious did that grace appear<br />The hour I first believed!<br /><br />Through many dangers, toils and snares,<br />I have already come;<br />’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,<br />And grace will lead me home.<br /><br />The Lord has promised good to me,<br />His Word my hope secures;<br />He will my Shield and Portion be,<br />As long as life endures.<br /><br />Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,<br />And mortal life shall cease,<br />I shall possess, within the veil,<br />A life of joy and peace.<br /><br />The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,<br />The sun forbear to shine;<br />But God, who called me here below,<br />Will be forever mine.<br /><br />When we’ve been there ten thousand years,<br />Bright shining as the sun,<br />We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise<br />Than when we’d first begun.<br /><br /> |