FlyingSMS.COM 的越洋短信服务
飞信中国网站( http://WWW.FlyingSMS.COM/ )目的就是希望为海外与中国国内之间的联系建立一个快速,简便的通道。
FlyingSMS.COM 的越洋短信服务的特别之处有以下几方面:
(1)注册只需要提供email,立即赠送5条短信;现在付费享受29美元 1200条; 19美元 600条;10美元 250条; 6美元150条的待遇
(3)发给联通或移动手机,直接输入手机号码,如139*****, 发给小灵通,需要在号码前面加区号,如010, 025等,比如发给北京的小灵通,要输入010然后输入电话号,比如01088**1234
(4) 国内手机接收短信完全免费,国内手机回复短信简单易用,只是需要在手机上直接按回复即可,回复时使用我们的越洋短信通道完全免费,即时发送、即时接收。
更多功能,去 http://WWW.FlyingSMS.COM/体验一下吧
FlyingSMS.COM is a platform for people overseas to send sms to China via email or website or MSN, You can Get 5 Free short messages (SMS) to China immediately after registration. SMS to China wireless users, including China Mobile and China Unicom. Wireless users in China receive SMS for free, they can reply to your message directly, it costs same as they send SMS inside China, only about $0.01 cents. You receive SMS from China for free. You can change your SMS Setup so SMS replies can also go to your emails or your MSN directly.