QUOTE(雨虹 @ 22.01.2007, 04:35 ) Why does my post become blocks? Could some one read it?
O.K. I paste it again.
I want to ask windofmysoul that whether this rule is only available for the people who get the drive licence 6 months before he lives and registers in Germany. Does the US drive licence work for the people, who has lived in Germany for long time, and he just goes to USA occasionally and gets the drive licence there? [right][snapback]1228263[/snapback][/right]
In the US you have to renew your license every four to five years. I think every state in the US has this rule. When I came to Germany, they did not want to except my US drivers license, because that particular piece of plastic I had was just 7 month old. The Germans said I was a new unexperienced driver. I had to get a prove from the US that I was licensed since such and such year... I am not sure, if I just got bad luck and the German caseworker was a dick, or it is a general rule. |