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发表于 1.3.2006 01:23:32 | 只看该作者
附录1报告格式草稿 <br />举例 气体吸收试验 封面和目录页  内容安排同目录页 <br />     作为拷贝模板其中还有常用符号(主要针对希腊字符和数学符号),常用插入公式<br />Kernfach Trennverfahrenstechnik  WS 2005/2006<br />raktikumsdurchführung am       14.11.2005  Mo<br />Verbesserung des Protokolls vom   8.12.2005  Do<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /><br />Absorption / Desorption<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Betreuer/in: <br />Macakova, Marta          Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik   T 2.63<br />marta.cimlerova@cbi.uni-erlangen.de                         09131/85-27441 <br /><br /><br />raktikant/innen: <br />Ab<br />aaa@yahoo.com    <br />bc   <br />lccc@hotmail.com            <br />cd <br />ddd@hotmail.com    0176/7654321   09131/1234567<br />Inhaltverzeichnis<br /><br /><br />1 Kurzbeschreibung des Versuchs…………………......................................3<br />  1.1 Inhalt des Versuchs …………………………………………………...…...3<br />  1.2 Planung des Versuchs ……………......…………...………………...……3<br /> <br />2 Beschreibung zum Apparatus und Versuchsdurchführung....................3<br /><br />3 Auswertung .................................................................................................3<br />  3.0 Protokol und Aufgabestellung..............………………………………....3<br />  3.1 Auswertung des Absorptionsversuchs………………………………....3<br />  3.2 Auswertung des Desorptionsversuchs………………………………....5<br />  3.3 Aufstellen der Stoffbilanz von Kohlendioxid….……………………….6<br />  3.4 Fehlerbetrachtung ……...…..................................................................8                 <br />  <br />  <br />4 Diskussion…….........................................................……............................3<br /><br />5 Anhang.....…….........................................................…….............................9<br />  Symbole-liste   Formelsammlung   Quellen und Literatur  ggf<br /><br /><br />
发表于 1.3.2006 01:24:00 | 只看该作者
附录2 常见的两种过程工程实验类型及其思路<br />------理论验证试验 <br />两条主线<br />线索1 测量及其结论(其计算部分通常比较简单 尽量切近结论的直接的测量,尽量少的使用假设 例如,如技术上可能直接测量,甚至只通过衡算的方法都应尽量避免)<br />线索2 待验证/评估 理论/模型 的推导结果  并与实验结果比较 反思实验设计,但主要目的是对理论/模型 的评估<br /><br />------测量试验<br />阶段1 测量及其计算(计算过程注意逻辑,标明所有涉及的前提(计算式来源),数据来源)<br />阶段2 结论(通常是设备或者策略的评估)
发表于 2.3.2006 17:57:57 | 只看该作者
About review.<br /><br />Background:   What is a review<br />1 A review is an evaluation of a publication(normally with critical statement,and author may assign the work a rating ,like we can see in some movie magazin ,with&quot;five stars&quot; for instance )<br /><br />2 In terms of scientific literature, reviews is a category of scientific paper. which provides a synthesis of research on a topic at that moment in time. (A research review )<br /><br />3 Another case: the scientists assess the work of their colleagues that has been submitted for publication (A peer review )[1]<br /><br />My experiences:<br />On the way of studying we have to usually deal with a kind of activ learning-----we give ourselves a formulation of a question(for instance, what  is a modern point of view of insulin in the scienticific and technical field nowadays?),and try to find the answer for ourselves.   Such a acquirement exists usually when we want to prepare a exam,to finish a experiment...<br /><br />Then we have different ways to get our goal: to ask the assistants or professor for example.  But nobody like to hear &quot;stupid questions &quot;everyday,although we are students and they are teachers.<br /><br />So a review or a process of &quot;thinking in review in everydaylife&quot;is a possibility as a solution before we begin to ask or begin to give answers. <br /><br />A thinking of establishing a review paper (or giving answer of basic knowledges to myself ) is examplified (for key word &quot;insulin&quot;)as following:<br />1 from the scienticific aspects (e.g., its chemical properties, physiological funktions...)<br />2 from the applicated scienticific aspects(e.g.,for pharmaceutical uses, therapical or analytical uses, or application in technical field )<br />3 from the technical aspects(e.g., technical history,production process ,seperation strategies,marketing also sometimes ;for process engineers:from upstream to downstream,small scales to large scales, laborataory possibilities to commercial limit)<br /><br /><br /> And a  process of establishing a review paper reads<br />1 to find the topics,to establish the&quot;structure&quot;of article,to try to answer &quot;what do I try to answer in this article?&quot;<br />2 to search for answers for your questions<br />3 to hand it out <br /><br /> And a  most important process in these 3 steps reads<br />2 .to search for answers for your questions<br /><br />A ideal sequence to  retrieval readsaccording to my experience in the field of process engineering)<br />1. normal encyclopedia (e.g.,wikipedia)<br />2.specific encyclopedia  (e.g.,Ullman&#39;s in Uni-net)<br />3.standard reading (e.g., script to lecture,standard readings)<br />4.Papers and Reviews<br />4.1 Specific Retrieval Tools (e.g.,CAS in Uni-net)<br />4.2 Full texts which your look for (e.g.,ScienceDirect in Uni-net)<br />
发表于 2.3.2006 18:06:36 | 只看该作者
[1] from wikipedia<br /><br /><br />.S.,  another possibility is to get pir-ate co-py  which is illegal but also safe as long as you do not say and do not spread them anymore.<br /><br />It s incredible that one of my colleagues in China have even CAS and Ullman&#39;s(new CD-Edition) for private use &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;But that were true.
发表于 2.3.2006 22:15:06 | 只看该作者
很详细啊<br />我直到现在还不知道具体学哪个方向<br />看了你的之后明白了好多啊<br />谢谢师兄啊<br /><br />感叹一句,这里,同济的,真的很多很多啊<br />我之前住西南三,哈哈<br /><br /><!--QuoteBegin-eisenstange+01.03.2006, 11:22 --><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eisenstange @ 01.03.2006, 11:22 )</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->这么晚了还在“灌水”,实在难得,那我也来凑个热闹。<br /><br />关于电子专业各个方向的比较:<br />-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />1,普通电子(Allgemein):<br />2,自动化类:(Automatisierung)<br />3,能源类(Energie Versorgung):<br />4,电子信息类(Informationstechnik):<br />5,微电子(Micro)方向:<br />6,自由方向(freie):<br />[right][snapback]914194[/snapback][/right]<br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />
发表于 6.3.2006 18:24:45 | 只看该作者
to二楼,那个小卖店好像不在西北一楼,在礼堂旁面的一个小房子里面,反正是比较黑,但是每天那么多人在那里买东西,差点被诱惑过去开小店了。<br /><br />顺便提一下,好像同济出了一个硕士休学,收购废品垃圾,我在中央电视台还见过,据说现在搞得很不错。如果我当年开小店的话,是不是。。。。赫赫<br /><br />
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