About review.<br /><br />Background: What is a review<br />1 A review is an evaluation of a publication(normally with critical statement,and author may assign the work a rating ,like we can see in some movie magazin ,with"five stars" for instance )<br /><br />2 In terms of scientific literature, reviews is a category of scientific paper. which provides a synthesis of research on a topic at that moment in time. (A research review )<br /><br />3 Another case: the scientists assess the work of their colleagues that has been submitted for publication (A peer review )[1]<br /><br />My experiences:<br />On the way of studying we have to usually deal with a kind of activ learning-----we give ourselves a formulation of a question(for instance, what is a modern point of view of insulin in the scienticific and technical field nowadays?),and try to find the answer for ourselves. Such a acquirement exists usually when we want to prepare a exam,to finish a experiment...<br /><br />Then we have different ways to get our goal: to ask the assistants or professor for example. But nobody like to hear "stupid questions "everyday,although we are students and they are teachers.<br /><br />So a review or a process of "thinking in review in everydaylife"is a possibility as a solution before we begin to ask or begin to give answers. <br /><br />A thinking of establishing a review paper (or giving answer of basic knowledges to myself ) is examplified (for key word "insulin")as following:<br />1 from the scienticific aspects (e.g., its chemical properties, physiological funktions...)<br />2 from the applicated scienticific aspects(e.g.,for pharmaceutical uses, therapical or analytical uses, or application in technical field )<br />3 from the technical aspects(e.g., technical history,production process ,seperation strategies,marketing also sometimes ;for process engineers:from upstream to downstream,small scales to large scales, laborataory possibilities to commercial limit)<br /><br /><br /> And a process of establishing a review paper reads<br />1 to find the topics,to establish the"structure"of article,to try to answer "what do I try to answer in this article?"<br />2 to search for answers for your questions<br />3 to hand it out <br /><br /> And a most important process in these 3 steps reads<br />2 .to search for answers for your questions<br /><br />A ideal sequence to retrieval reads according to my experience in the field of process engineering)<br />1. normal encyclopedia (e.g.,wikipedia)<br />2.specific encyclopedia (e.g.,Ullman's in Uni-net)<br />3.standard reading (e.g., script to lecture,standard readings)<br />4.Papers and Reviews<br />4.1 Specific Retrieval Tools (e.g.,CAS in Uni-net)<br />4.2 Full texts which your look for (e.g.,ScienceDirect in Uni-net)<br /> |