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In维姬ble的个人空间 https://bbs.kaiyuan.cn/?101323 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


9.2.2010 18:16 回复|
9.2.2010 14:11 回复|
fresh air
9.2.2010 13:36 回复|
7.2.2010 14:31 回复|
I v got shut up last night and now even my IP was blocked. Amazing!Kaiyuan forum is a club that governed by narcissistic dictators and take only the members that could tolerate to compromise.
7.2.2010 11:13 回复|
Even my IP has been blocked?!
7.2.2010 11:11 回复|
Do you still dare to talk to me when most "correct people" saying NO?
6.2.2010 16:17 回复|
哪个傻逼版主禁止我发言的?! 我要求发言!
6.2.2010 12:10 回复|
6.2.2010 12:09 回复|
Welcome to the Invisible World!
6.2.2010 11:42 回复|
Because you have to lie and please everybody, you have to tolerate all stupid women that either doing stupid things directly onto you or dominating stupid men doing that for them.
6.2.2010 01:45 回复|


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