Hi all (esp. those Munich badmitnon players "Goethingen"),& A: r0 a5 m0 M P! j; ~' U
( F# J) h3 V8 P6 K
Our dear friend, Yang Zu hua will be going back to China for good.
4 X) }6 p# }4 h) vShall we have a small gathering for him on this coming saturday?
+ [/ [! J- E. x: c. h6 M; M9 ~# R+ B$ c) X p& L
Lets have some badminton games at the Studentenstadt Sports Hall (2pm to 6pm) before we proceed to have a steam boat dinner together?# \: g1 a3 a M; x+ e$ h3 L
Please kindly try to inform, Edi and Mr Liu + family. 0 ~ s. d0 v/ y# G8 I. r6 x9 ]8 F7 }
2 b. t0 M3 M5 Z ~' jMany Thanks,# c* l! ]0 m* }" g- {: b
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