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中国人才日 CTD2019
由Campus China主办的第九届中国人才日(Chinese Talent Days)工作招聘展会即将于2019年4月12-13日在德国科隆召开。届时,来自中德两国各行业的优秀企业将齐聚美丽的莱茵河畔,与具有德国、欧洲留学背景的中国青年专业人才交流,为企业的蓬勃发展寻找助力。 展会正式举办前,Campus China官方平台将定期为各位求职者提供大量企业工作岗位信息,欢迎感兴趣的求职者提前关注和申请。不想错过更新内容的求职者们也可以加入中国人才日官方微信群获取职位信息。
展会开始倒计时30天,点击 此处到官方主页免费报名参与。以下为本周职位信息:
Testing Engineer/测试工程师_ATMO (Suzhou) Entry Level Position
Job Description *Customer requirement analysis and support concept design for BOSCH product testing. *Using equipment in the hydraulic labs to design and verify test processes. * Electrical hardware design with E-plan. *Software development using LabView and Teststand. * Station controlling and process realization with PLC or Beckhoff. *System tryout and rampup both inhouse and at customer side. *Hydraulic engineering and understanding of hydraulic and PN plan are preferred.
Qualifications *Master degree and good knowledge in NI LabVIEW and Test stand programming. Good knowledge in physics. Experiences in electric system design (both HW and SW). *Familiar with LabVIEW or Teststand programming. *Experience in special machinery industry *Practical experiences in electrical system design with HW&SW experiences. Experiences in mechanical engineering. *Good English skills.
市场营销经理 / Marketing Manager 中国西安 / Xi'an, China Entry Level Position
岗位描述: 负责拉美区域市场开拓
Job Description: Develope regional markets in Latin American
岗位要求: 1.具有机电行业工作经验者优先; 2.对西语或葡语具有熟练的读写能力,具有商务谈判经验; 3.掌握中文的外籍人员优先录用。
Qualification: 1. Those with experience in the electromechanical industry are preferred; 2. Proficient in reading and writing in both Spanish and Portuguese, with business negotiation experience; 3. Foreigners mastering Chinese are preferred.
Senior Sales Engineer - Technique Project 高级销售工程师-技术项目 (Shanghai) Experienced Position
Job Description * Develop key customer in target market segments for regularly business; 开发常规业务的目标市场中的关键客户; * Approaching potential customer until gain order; 接触潜在客户以获得订单; * Reach or overachieve yearly project sales target; 完成或超额完成年度项目销售目标; * Maximizing customer satisfaction rate by customer orientation behavior; 以客户为导向,尽可能最大化地获得的客户满意度; * Support cross-selling with other departments of Rexroth and Bosch and external partners to ensure the best and efficient solution of quotation and project proposal for both parties; 支持力士乐、博世和其他合作伙伴的交叉销售,确保解决方案对于双方皆为最佳和最高效的.
Informatiker - Data Scientist (Vienna) Entry Level Position
Ihr Profil *Abgeschlossenes oder laufendes Studium im Bereich Informatik, Mathematik *Sehr gutes konzeptorientiertes und analytisches Denken *Kenntnisse in den Programmiersprachen C++ und Python *Gute Auffassungsgabe und selbstständiger, organisierter und strukturierter Arbeitsstil *Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (mind. B2) *Hohe IT Affinität, sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office sowie allen gängigen Kommunikationsmedien *Grundlegendes Verständnis von SQL im Design und Aufbau von Datenbanksystemen *Grundsätzliche Reisebereitschaft (ca. eine EU-Reise pro Monat)
Unser Angebot *Die Möglichkeit unmittelbar in die Mobilitätsbranche einzutauchen *Ein internationales Umfeld mit globalen Herausforderungen *Die Chance, eigene Ideen zu entwickeln und einzubringen *Die Möglichkeit die Beratungsbranche kennenzulernen und sich zum Consultant zu entwickeln * Eine wertschätzende Firmenkultur und ein starkes Team, in dem Sie als Mensch zählen *Gezielte Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogramme (interne und externe Trainings)
Function Software Developer (PMA)/功能软件开发工程师(倒车雷达系统)_BEG (Suzhou) Entry Level Position
Job Description * SW (ASW) development for PMA function in customer project 负责对客户项目上的泊车功能进行功能应用层软件开发 * Support system requirement analysis and system design in PMA customer projects 负责对倒车雷达系统客户项目的系统需求进行分析和系统设计 * Participate requirement discussion with customers and Bosch internal partner 参与和客户以及博世内部供应商进行需求讨论 * Support PMA system integration, working together with software, test and application team. 支持倒车雷达的系统集成,与软件,测试和匹配标定工程师一起工作 * Support PMA system integration, working together with software, test and application team. 支持倒车雷达的系统集成,与软件,测试和匹配标定工程师一起工作 * Support technical activities for project acquisition and development 支持项目获取和开发中技术相关的活动 * Follow company development and quality processes 遵循公司研发质量流
Please register to meet EFS Consulting and other Top Employers like Bosch, BMW, CRRC Zelc, Continental, Covestro, eepos, Karl Dungs, Laserline, Plansee, Schaeffler, Thyssenkrupp, Trumpf, Volkswagen and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 12/13 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!