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匿名  发表于 1.7.2004 11:05:35
FATALITY<br><br>命运<br><br>The tree is happy because it is scarcely sentient; <br>那树是幸福的,因为它几乎没有感觉;<br>the hard rock is happier still it feels nothing: <br>那坚硬的石头是快乐的,因为它对一切一无所知:<br>there is no pain as great as being alive <br>没有一种痛苦能够像生存那样伟大,<br>no burden heavier than that of conscious life. <br>也没有什么担子比有意识的人生更加沉重。<br><br>To be and to know nothing and to lack a way  <br>去活着,无知,需要一条道路,<br>and the dread of having been and future terrors... <br>为已经发生的担心也为未来恐惧——<br>And the sure terror of being dead tomorrow <br>最真切的恐惧是明日之死, <br>and to suffer all through life and through the darkness <br>去忍受所有的生命,穿越所有的黑暗,<br><br>and through what we do not know and hardly suspect... <br>穿越那些我们并不知晓也几乎不怀疑的——<br>And the flesh that temps us with bunches of cool grapes<br>那肉体临时雇佣我们如同成串的凉葡萄, <br>and the tomb that awaits us with its funeral sprays<br>而坟墓却用那葬礼上的花朵把我们等待,<br>and not to know here we go<br>不知道现在我们要去哪儿 <br>nor whence we came&#33;... <br>也不知道我们来自何处——<br><br><br><br><br>NOCTURNE<br>夜曲<br><br>Silence of the night a sad nocturnal <br>夜晚的静寂,一首忧伤的夜曲的<br>silence--Why does my soul tremble so? <br>静寂——谁让我的灵魂如此战栗?<br>I hear the humming of my blood<br>我听到我血液的嗡鸣,  <br>and a soft storm passes through my brain. <br>一团温柔的风暴穿过的我的大脑。<br>Insomnia&#33; Not to be able to sleep and yet<br>失眠!已经无法入睡然而可以 <br>to dream. I am the autospecimen <br>做梦。我是自己的哈姆雷特<br>of spiritual dissection the auto-Hamlet&#33; <br>科学解剖的单独样本!<br>To dilute my sadness<br>去稀释我的悲伤, <br>in the wine of the night <br>在夜晚的美酒中<br>in the marvelous crystal of the dark--<br>在那黑暗的不可思议的水晶中——<br>And I ask myself: When will the dawn come? <br>我在问我自己:那黎明何时来临?<br>Someone has closed a door--<br>有人关上了一扇门—— <br>Someone has walked past--<br>有人在散步经过—— <br>The clock has rung three--If only it were She&#33;-- <br>时钟响了三下——这儿难道只有她!——<br><br><br>A Sonnet on Cervantes <br><br>致塞万提斯的十四行诗 <br><br>In all my days of troubled loneliness <br>在我所有孤独杂乱的日子里, <br>And fretted grief Cervantes is to me <br>焦虑而悲伤的塞万提斯是我 <br>A faithful friend, and none so true as he, <br>最忠实的友人,没有谁能像他那样真实, <br>That brings me precious gifts of quietness. <br>带给我平静而宝贵的赠礼。 <br><br>All nature his, and life. Of his largesse <br>他拥有着自然和生命,我梦想着 <br>My dreams, that are knight-errants bold and free, <br>他的慷慨,他就像侠客那样自由而大胆, <br>Have golden casques to crown them gloriously. <br>戴着金色的头盔,顶着光荣的冠冕。 <br>He is, for me: sigh, prayer, joyousness. <br>对我来说,他就是叹息,祈祷和欢乐。 <br><br>He speaks as runs a brook, so amorous <br>他的话语宛如奔流的小溪,这个 <br>And very gentle is this Christian knight, <br>基督徒骑士是如此多情而文雅, <br>Even undaunted. And I love him thus, <br>又是如此勇敢。我爱他,因为 <br><br>Beholding how the world, by fate&#39;s design, <br>在命运的精心设计中,我可以看清这个世界, <br>Reaps, from his deathless sorrow, rich delight, <br>在他不死的悲哀,丰富的快乐得到收获, <br>And laughter from a madness so divine&#33; <br>还有那笑声,在那如此神圣的疯狂行动里! <br><br> <br>
发表于 3.7.2004 18:52:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 6.7.2004 12:50:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 6.7.2004 13:52:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 6.7.2004 16:46:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 7.7.2004 14:47:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 10.2.2006 17:29:56 | 只看该作者
have u it in Spanish or Germany.<br />thanks a lot<br /><!--emo&--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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