Dear User,
your computer has been suspended from internet access due to exceeding our packet rate limits. Most likely your computer is infected by a worm or virus! This message might also be caused by some P2P software used for file sharing like Gnutella, Kazaa, BitTorrent.
To regain internet access please disable any P2P software and make sure you have installed an up to date virus scanner.
In some rare cases a computer can be suspended due to a valid application's misconfiguration or runaway reaction in answer to unreachable servers.
Further information can be found on: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/security/antivirus/ and http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/netzdienste/nat-o-mat/
Status Report for r052064.osh.swh.mhn.de.
Gesperrt seit / Blocked since 21.10.11 17:49
Überschreitungen Protokoll Zielport und Grund der Sperrung
Number of hits Protocol Destination port and suspension reason
95 UDP 8000
13 TCP 8090
8 UDP 3478
5 UDP 11845
4 UDP 80 - HTTP, zu viele Web-Requests
3 UDP 17101
2 UDP 50824
2 UDP 4466
2 UDP 14853
1 UDP 12583
更换IP地址后就又可以上网了,360杀毒扫描显示没有中毒,自己也没有在现在什么东西,大家有没有遇到过类似问题的?知道是怎么回事吗?谢谢了! |