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发表于 5.2.2007 03:19:56 | 只看该作者
要带些东西进德国,主要是些零食和一些调味品(包括火锅的调料)<br />但是不知道是否可以带?可以带多少?<br />从网上google了好久也没有找到,德国大使馆也没有找到.<br />有知道的朋友告诉一声,或者给个连接,最好是英语的<br /><br />/bow<br /><br /><br /><br />检疫 所有国际旅客都必须持防疫证明书。<br /><br />  出入境 入境仅检查护照、签证及访问是否携带应税物品。出境毋需事先申报,原则上仅能携带1件手提行李登机,除缴验护照外,德国尚对安全检查极为注重,如购有刀斧等利器或样品,则宜放入大件行李托运,免生困扰。 <br /><br />  免税品 可免税携入香烟200支、酒类(低于22摄氏度)1公斤、香水50克、茶叶100克。<br /><br />  违禁品 武器、弹药、鲜肉禁止带入。<br /><br />  其他 德国对外币、黄金等的进出口均不予管制,可任意携入或携出而不需申报,亦可在德国境内自由兑换他种货币,而不受任何限制。通常银行的汇率较有利。 <br /><br /> <br />
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发表于 5.2.2007 11:20:34 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 7.2.2007 08:58:53 | 只看该作者
希望对后来人有所帮助<br />www.zoll.de在大陆好象是上不去的,(起码我们这里上不去),所以要找个代理就可以。内容比较详细。<br /><br />Customs online &gt; Passenger Traffic &gt; Prohibitions and restrictions <br />rohibitions and restrictions<br />In spite of certain reliefs in the clearance of goods in the travellers’ personal baggage you may not carry with you all goods and products in passenger traffic without any limitations. <br /><br />The importation and exportation of certain goods is restricted and possible only under certain conditions (e.g. previous permission); for some products even absolute import and export prohibitions apply.<br /><br />Due to its key position at the external border of the European Community, the customs administration has been charged with the control of these import and export restrictions. First of all, these restriction serve the protection of <br /><br />the population, <br />the environment, <br />the fauna and flora and <br />the international security. <br />For private imports, prohibitions and restrictions are especially applicable in the following fields: <br /><br />firearms and ammunition (weapons of riflemen, hunting weapons, prohibited items) <br />firework <br />literature of unconstitutional content <br />pornography <br />food <br />narcotics <br />medicines <br />dangerous dogs (fighting dogs) <br />protection against animal diseases (pets, products made from animals) <br />protection of endangered species <br />sanitary protection of plants (e.g. potatoes) <br />counterfeit goods (product piracy) <br />For the private exportation of goods you will have to consider, first of all, restrictions as to the introduction of cultural properties from Germany into countries outside the European Community.<br /><br />lease, do not forget that there are prohibitions and restrictions to be considered even for taking goods within the European Community.<br />By controlling the above mentioned import and export prohibitions, Customs contributes to the protection of consumer and environment.<br /><br /><br />&copy; Bundesministerium der FinanzenQuelle: www.zoll.de<br />Stand: 28.11.2005<br /><br />
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 楼主| 发表于 7.2.2007 08:59:40 | 只看该作者
不知道国内那些ztjc每天到底在想什么?<br />tmd什么都封~~~
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