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发表于 2.1.2004 13:32:25 | 只看该作者
I am really glad to hear that you have done a great job in the exams&#33;<br>Congratulations&#33;<br>trust yourself, and you will be successful&#33;<br><br>I believe that girls should also have her own undertakings.<br>Beauty is only skin deep and it goes away with times rapidly.<br><br>Some girls keep flaunting and dressing up themselves when they are young and pretty.<br>However, everybody is equal in God&#39;s eyes.<br>The more beautiful, the more rapid you lose your beauty, the more helpless you grasp your youth.<br>Nearly everybody likes beautiful vases, but almost nobody would like to share the whole life with a temporary beautiful &#39;vase&#39;.<br><br>Only the career will be whole life&#39;s accompany. <br>Girls should be independent and have her own career and that is the foundation of happy life.<br>Try to have your own business.<br>You do not have to be the most aggressive, <br>you do not have to be the cleverest,<br>you do not have to be the richest, <br>you do not have to be the best,<br>but---<br>         you should be active, distinctive and independent&#33;<br>Some of us always get pessimistic and become discouraged.<br>Because they do not value their own merit, <br>        or they do not know their own merit<br>        or even, they do not want to know their own merit...<br>So they always compare their defect with others&#39; merit.... How can they become optimistic?<br><br>just remember in your heart that God treats everybody equally.<br>try to find your distinction actively and independently.<br>Glory and happiness will always be around you&#33;<br>
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