公司简介: 深圳市华宝新能源股份有限公司是行业领先的便携储能品牌企业,系国家高新技术企业。秉承“让绿色能源无处不在”的使命,以及“成为全球消费者最信赖的绿色能源品牌”的愿景,坚持不懈为应对全球气候危机而努力。 华宝新能致力于便携储能产品的研发、生产和销售,公司及子公司拥有境内专利116项(其中发明专利21项),拥有境外专利66项(其中发明专利4项),累计获得德国红点设计奖、汉诺威工业(IF)设计奖、美国CES创新奖、A'Design Award & Competition设计金奖共12项,产品创新性得到了国际消费电子领域的认可。华宝新能善于发掘潜在需求,于2015年开创锂电池便携储能新品类,以满足户外旅行和应急备灾对便携、绿色和安静的能源新需求。 华宝新能历经五年规划布局,构建了集研发、生产、品牌、销售于一体的全价值链的M2C经营模式。依托“Jackery”和“电小二”主力品牌,以电商直销为主,现已成为“亚马逊、乐天、天猫、京东”等全球主流电商平台细分市场中的领先品牌。华宝新能聚焦主业,以数字化M2C智造直销全球平台为基础,不断创新应用,立志打造成为世界一流的消费级绿色能源品牌。
(一)欧洲渠道销售负责人(全职) 岗位职责:
(二)高级渠道销售/渠道销售 岗位职责:
(三)德国办公室人事行政主管/专员 岗位职责: 熟悉招聘模块,负责日常招聘工作,包括但不限于:简历筛选、候选人邀约、面试接待、招聘渠道维护等; 负责员工入离职,晋升,岗位异动等手续办理; 建立和维护人事档案、员工花名册,及时更新员工的个人信息资料; 负责德国办公室员工劳动合同的签订和日常管理工作; 擅长员工关系管理,负责公司企业文化氛围搭建,员工活动组织和员工氛围营造; 负责公司日常办公制度维护、管理; 负责公司内部行政后勤的总协调、组织和具体落实,包括但不限于办公环境管理、行政采购、接待、会务工作等; 负责公司信息的上传下达,各项布告、通知的拟定及公布 处理公司其他人事行政相关事项。
本科及以上学历,专业不限,人力资源管理专业或者其他相关专业优先,2年以上人事行政相关经验,创业公司全盘HR优先考虑,条件优秀的可接受实习生; 英语能作为工作语言,德语能做日常沟通; 有较好的沟通表达能力及服务意识,具有相关工作经验者优先考虑; 具备强烈的责任感,事业心,优秀的沟通能力,耐心、细心,以及严谨的逻辑思维能力,有团队协作精神; 熟练电脑操作及Office办公软件。
(四)Senior Key Account Manager / Key Account Manager (DACH) 岗位职责: Prepare, build & implement yearly/quarterly business cases and strategies for the key accounts and channels; Lead the optimal sales strategy that will allow to meet the sales target by analyzing the channel accounts and products; Manage the Sell In process with each partner via the appointed distributor or directly; Support the Sell Out process to achieve the partner KPI; Manage inventory and take appropriate measurements to avoid excess or out-of-stock situations; Coordinate internal and external resources to align key stakeholders, product strategy and business strategy with the strategy of the assigned accounts; Develop, implement and refine new initiatives with the partners to achieve better visibility in the various channels.
Have 5+ years of experience in key account management in the CE/Photo/DIY/RV industry; Analytical thinking with excellent cross-functional communication and account management skills; Result and sales-driven mindset with a hands-on approach; Ability to work under pressure and to excel within a fast-paced environment; Fluent in English and German;
(五)Senior Key Account Manager / Key Account Manager (UK) 岗位职责: Prepare, build & implement yearly/quarterly business cases and strategies for the key accounts and channels; Lead the optimal sales strategy that will allow to meet the sales target by analyzing the channel accounts and products; Manage the Sell In process with each partner via the appointed distributor or directly; Support the Sell Out process to achieve the partner KPI; Manage inventory and take appropriate measurements to avoid excess or out-of-stock situations; Coordinate internal and external resources to align key stakeholders, product strategy and business strategy with the strategy of the assigned accounts; Develop, implement and refine new initiatives with the partners to achieve better visibility in the various channels.
Have 5+ years of experience in key account management in the CE/Photo/DIY/RV industry; Analytical thinking with excellent cross-functional communication and account management skills; Result and sales-driven mindset with a hands-on approach; Ability to work under pressure and to excel within a fast-paced environment.