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发表于 13.5.2006 09:56:15 | 只看该作者
扑克、麻将必胜科研成果诚征国际开发伙伴 在赌场上,为什么有的人愈奋愈挫、屡战屡败,以至身败名裂、倾家荡产,有的人却游刃有余、左右逢源,以至一夜暴富、身价百倍?在著名的蒙特卡洛,历史上甚至曾经有人连续五次赢空赌场。这团迷雾在世人头顶已经飘浮了几千年,与赌场的存亡绝续、个人的盛衰荣辱休戚相关。而娱乐影片及现代科技所能揭示的结果,无非是“赌神”使用了出千、魔术、遥控、密码、涂药水、做记号等卑鄙伎俩。事实真是这样吗?不!真正的“赌神”无需借助任何作弊工具及手段,也能光明正大地大获全胜,冥冥之中似有神助。我的一个朋友大学毕业后一直致力于麻将、扑克等赌局输赢的研究。经过十余年锲而不舍的努力,终于初步揭开了逢赌必赢的科学奥秘。利用这项技术,不管使用何种赌具,无需借助任何作弊手段,均可保证轻松获胜。因其成果只能利用、无法理解、被愚昧国人视作封建迷信,很难进行个人专利申报及知识产权保护,且受法律政策制约,在我国大陆无法施展,特面向海外急寻国际开发合作伙伴〈全球仅限一人〉,欢迎中介(促成有酬),欢迎具有雄厚经济实力的有识、有志之士联系鉴定、试用〈验后订立法律合同〉,也欢迎感兴趣的国家政府参与研究。电邮:wenbao0828@yahoo.com.cn 真实电话稍后告知。 <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />译文:<br />oker , mahjong must defeat the scientific findings and advertise for world sincerely and develop the partner on the gambling house, why some people exert oneself to frustrate , repeatly fight and repeatly frustrate , so that lose all standing and reputation , go bankrupt, but some people do a job with skill and ease , gain advantage from both sides, so that get rich quickly , find oneself greatly elevated in fame and status? In famous Monte Carlo, even once someone won the empty gambling house for the fifth time in succession in history. This group dense fog top of the head float several thousand year already in common people, continue definitely with survival or perish of gambling house , personal of close concern to each other rise and fall. And the result that amusement film and modern science and technology can be announced , it is &quot; gamble god&quot; that use appear a thousand, magic , remote control , password , scribble medicinal liquid , make mark base trick only. Is the fact really like this? No&#33; Real &quot; gamble the god &quot; does not need to draw support from any cheating tool and means, can gain a complete victory aboveboard , like having god to help in the unseen world. A friend of mine has been devoted to the research of victory or defeat of gambling such as mahjong , poker all the time after graduation from university. The efforts to work with perseverance through more than ten years, revealed in order to gamble the scientific secret that must be won tentatively at last. Utilize this technology, no matter which kind of gambling paraphernalia is used, do not need to draw support from any cheating means, can guarantee to win easily . Because its achievement can only be utilized, unable to understand , regard as feudalistic superstition by ignorant compatriots, it is very difficult to carry on declaring and intellectual property protection of the personal patent , and is limited by legal policy, in our country being unable to put to good use in continent , face abroad urgent to seek world develop cooperative partner specially &#39; the whole world restrict alone only&gt;, welcome intermediary(help , have reward), welcome , have rich economic strength have , know, person of noble aspirations connection determine , try out, welcome the national government of interest to participate in studying too. Transfer by telegram: wenbao0828@yahoo.com.cn The true telephone is told l<br />
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