Professional Degree: M.B.A., J.D.,M.D., M.Ed., M.S.W., M.F.A., M.L.S. <br>M.D. 医学硕士学位: a professional degree in medicine<br>M.A. 文学硕士学位: Master's Degree of Arts<br>M.Sc. 理学硕士学位: Master's Degree of Sciences<br>M.B.A. 商学学位: Master's Degree of Business Administration<br>M.F.A.: Master's Degree of Fine Arts<br>M.L.S.: Master's Degree of Library Science<br>M.S.W.: Master's Degree of Social Work<br>J.D.: a professional degree in law<br><br>金融管理学位缩写: <br>AICB: Associate of the Institute of Canadian Bankers<br>ACFP: Associate Certificate in Financial Planning<br>ACUIC: Associate of the Credit Union Institute of Canada<br>AFC: Accredited Financial Counsellor<br>CA: Chartered Accountant<br>CAM: Certified Administrative Manager<br>CFA: Chartered Financial Planner<br>CGA: Certified General Accountant<br>CHFC: Chartered Financial cousultant<br>CIM: Certified Investment Manager<br>CLU: Chartered Life Underwriter<br>CMA: Certified Management Accountant<br>CMC: Certified Management Consultant<br>FCA: Fellow Chartered Accountant<br>FCI: Fellow of the Credit Institute<br>FCIA: Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries<br>FCSI: Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute<br>FCUIC: Fellow of the Credit Union Institute of Canada<br>FLMI: Fellow of the Life Management Institute<br>MTCI: Member of Trust Companies Institute<br>MTI: Member of the Trust Institute<br> FP: Personal Financial Planner<br> RP: Professional Retirement Planner<br>RFP: Registered Financial Planner<br>SFC: Specialist in Financial Counselling<br> |