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word of the day

发表于 1.6.2003 08:52:37 | 显示全部楼层
THREADS<br><br>American slang<br>     (noun) clothing.<br><br>          NOTE: This term is still heard today, but usually in jest.<br><br>               Alan: Did you see what Eric wore to school today?<br><br>               Greg: Yeah. Nice threads&#33; That guy has really good taste.
发表于 1.6.2003 08:53:53 | 显示全部楼层
BUMMED OUT<br><br>American slang<br>     (adjective) disappointed.<br><br>          NOTE: "Bummed out "has been updated slightly in the 90&#39;s by dropping the<br>          preposition, an extremely popular formula used today with many slang terms. <br><br>For example:<br>          bummed out (disappointed) = bummed;<br>          ticked off (angry) = ticked;<br>          freaked out ( very upset) =freaked;<br>          wiped out (tired) = wiped; etc.<br><br>                Nancy: What&#39;s wrong, Jodi?<br><br>               Jodi: I&#39;m really bummed. I just found out I failed the math test&#33;<br>
发表于 1.6.2003 08:56:36 | 显示全部楼层
BUMMER<br>American slang<br>     (noun) disappointment.<br><br>          NOTE: Teenagers of the 90&#39;s are commonly using this noun followed by<br>          dude meaning "man" as a way to update this 70&#39;s term. Within the<br>          past few years, teenagers commonly use dude when addressing a girl as well.<br><br>                Jodi: I&#39;m really bummed. I just found out I failed the math test&#33;<br>                Nancy: Bummer, dude&#33;<br>
发表于 1.6.2003 08:57:39 | 显示全部楼层
GOOD / BAD VIBES<br>American slang<br>     (expression) good / bad feelings (about someone or something.)<br><br>          NOTE: This is a shortened version of "good / bad vibrations."<br><br>                David: Did you rent the apartment you saw yesterday?<br><br>               Gary: No, I decided not to. I was getting bad vibes from the landlord.<br><br><br>
发表于 1.6.2003 08:58:32 | 显示全部楼层
THE PITS<br>American slang<br>     (expression) the worst possible situation.<br><br>          NOTE: A "pit" is a hole. Therefore, to be in the pits suggests a situation that couldn&#39;t get any worse or "lower."<br><br><br>          Irene: This is really the pits. I<br>          missed the last airplane of the night?<br><br><br>
发表于 1.6.2003 08:59:16 | 显示全部楼层
SYNONYMS FOR "HELLO"<br>American slang<br>      NOTE:These greetings don&#39;t require a response from<br>the other person.<br><br>          Hello&#33; (formal)<br><br>          Hi&#33; (informal)<br><br>          Hi there&#33; (very informal)<br><br>          Hey&#33; (informal)<br><br>          Hey there&#33; (very informal)<br><br><br>          Yo&#33; (very informal -- heard in New York)<br><br>
发表于 1.6.2003 08:59:48 | 显示全部楼层
SYNONYMS FOR "HOW ARE YOU"<br>American slang<br><br><br>          What&#39;s up?<br><br>          What up? (said by teens)<br><br>          &#39;Sup? (said by teens and rappers)<br><br>          What&#39;s cooking? (pronounced: cookin&#39;)<br><br>          What&#39;s shaking? (pronounced: shakin&#39;)<br><br>          What&#39;s happening (pronounced: happ&#39;nin&#39;)<br><br>          What&#39;s going on?<br><br>          What&#39;s going down?<br><br>          What&#39;s the word?<br><br>          What&#39;s new?<br><br>
发表于 1.6.2003 09:01:12 | 显示全部楼层
SYNONYMS FOR "GOOD-BYE"<br>American slang<br><br>          See ya&#33;<br>          See ya later&#33;<br>          See ya later, alligator (an older expression now used only in jest)<br>          In a while, crocodile (an older  expression now used only in jest)<br>          Later&#33;<br>          Toodaloo&#33; (from the French: "?toute ?l&#39;heure")<br>          Toodles&#33; (a variation of "Toodaloo"-- used only in jest)<br>          Take it easy&#33;<br>          Take care&#33;<br>          See ya around&#33; (pronounced: see ya &#39;round)<br>          I&#39;m history&#33;<br>          I&#39;m out of here&#33; (prounounced: I&#39;m oudda here)<br><br>
发表于 18.6.2003 12:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
Davy Jones&#39;s locker \day-vee-joanz-LAH-ker\ noun <br><br>: the bottom of the ocean <br> <br> <br>Example sentence:<br>The old seaman shook his head sadly and said, "That ship was sunk on a reef three years ago, and every poor soul aboard sent to Davy Jones&#39;s locker." <br> <br>Did you know?<br>Was there a real Davy Jones? Folks have been pondering that question for centu<br>ries. Sailors have long used "Davy Jones" as the name of a personified evil sp<br>irit of the ocean depths, but no one knows exactly why. Some claim the origina<br>l Davy Jones was a British pirate, but the evidence that this person existed i<br>s lacking. Others swear he was a London pub owner who kept drugged ale in a sp<br>ecial locker, served it to the unwary, then had them shanghaied. But the theor<br>y considered most plausible is that "Davy" was inspired by St. David, the patr<br>on saint of Wales. (St. David was often invoked by Welsh sailors.) "Jones" is <br>traced to Jonah, the biblical figure who was swallowed by a whale.<br><br>  
发表于 16.7.2003 12:54:46 | 显示全部楼层
· ace<br>· He&#39;s an ace reporter.<br>· MEANING<br>· very good<br><br>
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