He will offer to be Beijing’s strongest advocate in the West - saying no country is more ready than Britain to welcome China to the top table of global affairs. China’s rise is happening at 100 times the scale and ten times the speed of Britain’s own urbanization two centuries ago.China’s rise to world dominance is one of the defining facts of our age and we must like it or lump it.Last year China became the world’s largest trading nation. Next year China is set to become the world’s largest importer of goods and later this century it will become the world’s biggest economy.
We should be clear that there is a genuine choice for every country over how to respond to this growing openness and success. They can choose to see China’s rise as a threat or an opportunity. They can protect their markets from China or open their markets to China. They can try and shut China out – or welcome China as a partner at the top table of global affairs. Britain’s answer is clear. We want to see China succeed.
Cameron promised to “champion an EU-China trade deal with as much determination as I am championing the EU-US trade deal”.
Japan’s own air-defense zone has been as close as 130 kilometers from China, and includes the Diaoyu, or Senkakku, islands. Japan further pushed the envelope last year by ‘nationalizing’ the main islands, representing another effort to break the existing status quo. Beijing is likely to respond in kind.
我这里想跳开眼前这个具体的问题,谈一下长远的问题。美国现在有十几个航母舰队,中国一个都没有。但未来十年、二十年、三十年,中国可能会有三个、五个、八个、十个航母舰队,美国准备怎么办? 基辛格的《论中国》,集中讨论了这个问题。我的理解是,基辛格建议,美国要有两手准备,Plan A, and Plan B。如果中国出个格尔巴乔夫,垮台了,分裂了,美国要有所准备。如果中国工作做得好,持续强大,美国更要有所准备,要根据中国的实力,给与中国应有的地位和尊重。美国要有所准备,将来中国强大了,中国航母舰队环绕美国的时候,坦然面对。现在,中国划的这个识别区,正是中国长程、中程、短程导弹可以饱和攻击的区域。习近平干这个事情,是有充分准备的。随着中国海空军力量的逐步强大,中国还会划更多的区。总之,美国有什么,中国迟早也会有什么。 作者: vpr 时间: 8.4.2017 21:00