Storm rider: Mikes Bettes, a member of the Weather Channel TornadoHunt Team, was driving away form the storm when his SUV was pickedup and thrown 200 yards
Intense: Storm chaser Brandon Sullivan (left) yells to his partnerto warn him of the danger ahead
The Weather Channel Tornado Hunt Team is safe, but shaken up aftertheir chase vehicles took a direct hit by a violent tornado west ofOklahoma City
Approaching: The heart stopping footage shows the Twisterapproaching their vehicle
Terrifying: They struggled to remain in control of their vehicle asthe tornado touched down
Calm before the storm: Mike Bettes of The Weather Channel TornadoHunt Team poses with his SUV just hours before they got caught upin Friday's tornado
The remains of Bettes' beaten and battered SUV lie in fieldsomewhere near El Reno, Oklahoma
Damage: Their windshield was damaged due to the impact of thedebris that flew straight into their vehicle
Flying debris: In the video, massive debris is seen flyingdirecting into their front windshield
Dangerous: The driver, Brett Wright, helplessly tries to drive andavoid the large items flying directly at their vehicle