01. 赛马 Horse Racing [0:03:15.50]
02. 江河水 River Water [0:08:37.25]
03. 二泉映月 Reflection of the Moon in Er Quan [0:07:01.00]
04. 烛影摇红 Flickering Red Candle Flame [0:04:37.50]
05. 椰岛风情 Beautiful Island of Coconut Trees [0:06:24.25]
06. 月夜 Moonlit Night [0:07:15.00]
07. 一枝花 A Stalk of Flower [0:08:29.37]
08. 山村小景 Village Scenery [0:04:07.25]
09. 阳光照耀在塔什库尔干 Sunshine on Tashkurgan [0:07:41.63]
10. 战马奔腾 Galloping Horses of War [0:03:15.50]