都博士了, 这点与人交流的能力都没有??0 M5 [9 Z) n% C) F y6 a" F7 I
7 v4 S3 u2 l' V X% d
打个电话, 或者自己跑一趟问问不就什么都知道了吗 ...: ?! t$ }7 X' t1 w
yuyuxiongzhang 发表于 10.6.2010 11:44
不过是可以打电话问问,就算不 ...7 v4 G/ P. ^7 @, H2 C
慕尼黑求租 发表于 10.6.2010 12:23
说实话,如果博士生把用google当作浪费时间的话,这个博士真的是混的。( C3 L/ t0 v4 Y5 `3 H4 {0 @( l$ \7 u
GOOGLE.CN搬出大陆之前,Nat ...
穷二代 发表于 10.6.2010 12:28
google一下不就出来了; f' A8 `# O* \1 m* V4 K5 `) r6 Q
, Z/ g: t$ Q7 ?4 {9 y
看这里. Q" Q0 j$ L$ u+ E( m5 M- f
穷二代 发表于 10.6.2010 12:15
The faculty commission then subjects your application to an additional review. The applicant receives a decision concerning recognition from the Matriculation Office as soon as this review has been concluded.
Please note: the complete recognition procedure may require some time.
As soon as your degree has been recognized for doctoral studies, submit a written application for registration on the doctoral list to the dean's office of the relevant faculty. Either you or your supervisor can do this.
You may submit an application for recognition at any time. There are no time limits.
At an early juncture, please read the TUM's rules and regulations for doctoral programs which set out the regulations regarding your doctoral procedure.
You should also consult your faculty's individual pages or ask your supervisor, as to which additional regulations are set out by the faculty.
回复 穷二代 5 }) B3 H6 K9 }- [7 E
, y3 K" ^2 ]% C& L) k3 u4 N
$ Z" t. l; s; v1 ~5 n' h
这个我看过了,确实写得很详细,不过在确定老板、审核、注册这几个事情的次序和必要性上并 ... h: r! y5 K u2 T0 p
月之女祭司 发表于 10.6.2010 16:15
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