标题: 请大家帮个忙 [打印本页] 作者: renxuan0742 时间: 28.4.2010 12:30 标题: 请大家帮个忙 各位在TUM的应该都有经验, 4 _" h( g- v4 ~/ o8 |昨天刚收到TUM的CSE专业的邮件,说是被提前录取了,8 a9 t+ V2 U$ q9 P4 `
说什么(1) We want you as a new CSE student this fall.之类的一长串 # [3 E6 J% ^( Q) b# \- g然后TUM的那个Online的页面里面,admitted下面是一个绿色的√, ) d# a6 G+ r j( j: i这两条加起来是不是说明我真的被TUM录取了啊。。。 Z5 W* g/ b( Y
# l2 r/ ^( [2 g h, w0 W3 g
因为我不是什么很好的大学,非211的,而且学校还说不用我面试什么的3 Q6 f* e4 v8 T' B7 M8 m
让我一下子很受宠若惊,从来没有过免试入学的经历。。 * _$ F# n9 q9 d从昨天早上看到邮件一直到现在就没开心过,我是真的很喜欢这个学校,但又怕学校过会又会发个邮件跟我说搞错了,发错人了。。。/ u9 R, V9 w6 n0 c* u ?! L* e
4 I) E0 D0 M! }3 }% f9 i8 T& E0 r
所以想来咨询下大家,我这样,是不是真的进了? , [+ d g& M1 N: `
先谢谢大家了。作者: 四-七 时间: 28.4.2010 12:59
为什么真的很喜欢这个学校?喜欢他什么?作者: renxuan0742 时间: 28.4.2010 12:59 本帖最后由 renxuan0742 于 28.4.2010 15:41 编辑 9 H! a1 u# {/ r/ J2 Z1 V* t' `$ G3 q1 X8 q* w
呵呵,他还没寄给我呢,也没说什么时候寄,就是光发了封邮件给我 2 {, \ J9 s% M: h# o- _# J: _Dear Ms XXX / m1 H+ M' g1 _/ R/ P* K6 e* O; O0 O
our admission board has just done a first pre-selection, and it is mypleasure to inform you that your application has been placed in thehighest category. For you, this means the following: 2 A' p2 E5 a% c0 f" O(1) We want you as a new CSE student this fall. : n" j/ G! v" e9 w! }/ n(2) In case that all formal issues, possibly still open now, arecompletelysettled, you will get the direct admission to the CSE program byTUM's administration.The formal admission can take some time -this email is to inform you that the light is on "green" and that youshould start your preparations. ' @+ `9 E4 q1 J( Z1 \' {4 J t% [(3) Of course, we strongly assume that you will take this chance tocontinue your education at TUM, one of Germany's Elite Universitiesand one of Europe's leading Institutes of Technology. & c. N' c: i ~; C( RHowever, if you donotintend any more to join TUM's CSE program for any reason,please inform us immediately - in any case, please send us a quickfeedbackon this email; you will greatly simplify our admission procedure. ! }6 @& z6 C8 l# j y- NLooking forward to welcoming you at TUM in October, , o c }. A* o. Ebest regards,# P3 V: _; s9 n
Hans-Joachim Bungartz- CSE program director - 9 a8 f5 C; U4 `# m O3 ]! ^ S
7 L8 S: J4 ]6 \' O( D我是想问问,当初大家收到TUM的录取通知时,是否也是这样的。。作者: shermanren 时间: 28.4.2010 13:02
就字面意思应该是录取了,只要你接受录取通知书,当然你依然要完成剩余的一些手续$ j: ?5 x# U5 C& D, _# f8 }
不过这信写的很private啊....+ w w/ W8 D( n. o, L1 R4 T
回复 shermanren B* F0 x% A# W' I. r/ B 3 c: N) I q* H# l4 V& a; h; m2 i. C$ z
为什么说写的很private啊,是说很非官方吗? " [" P9 N' j0 p$ p) T6 G9 N8 _' E0 Srenxuan0742 发表于 28.4.2010 14:06
作者: renxuan0742 时间: 28.4.2010 13:53
其实我也觉得,话说得感觉很怪,/ E/ c' g1 x# W/ p
我之前有收到其他两个学校的通知,人家都很直接的告诉我说我进了,然后还说过两天把PDF的那种Letter of Acceptance和住宿登记的东西给我。 0 N4 w T* {* G% A# ~7 L但是TUM愣是一个字没提。。。作者: 福临丹丹 时间: 28.4.2010 19:27 回复 7#renxuan0742 * b5 Q: c, ^; O: e$ U& s! [" j3 {, k 1 j* G0 w7 t2 [' _ ( k' I& E7 v V3 B; _% H 我有张照片跟你的头像非常像。。。。汗。。。。。作者: Gustavko 时间: 29.4.2010 07:41
要不写封email去问下programm的秘书?( X9 b3 h- E& l# X: w; N; [) Q r
我也觉得这信怪怪的,不像大学发给录取学生的信。作者: styler 时间: 29.4.2010 12:42
发邮件问问系里的秘书,或者打个电话问问吧。~~作者: gsr1945 时间: 4.5.2010 17:06
呵呵没想到在这也见到你了 0 a1 ~# \* t. B# ~# k 3 g7 o1 M$ B& z% q& B+ H1 c8 E我和楼主情况基本一样。我给小秘发邮件问了一大堆,她只回了我几句话 4 ]% r# \1 {( fDear XXX, r( S- [' C2 G: v9 }6 [+ |
Thank you fopr your email. $ |9 v9 o3 M' b; G7 IThe Letter of Admission is the pdf-file in your TUM online system.$ z3 I/ g0 j2 c, |( U! F
There will not be sent out a further paper letter.7 C6 m% m }. i! d
Looking forward to seeing you in Munich 1 _$ s2 `8 I" A% @C. Halfar (Mrs)& }/ K% F9 _' s, Y' h) U" d
Office B6 d( d" t7 a3 E3 m. aComputational Science and Engineering % O) M' n# R* J/ ^3 P$ @- i; U! I/ v. r" k) K1 T% l9 T
1 q' N( H/ g# ^& L( Z4 z
! L$ u( J3 u' M6 c" M5 a* }% p) ^On Mon, 3 May 2010, XXX wrote: 6 |) w7 v( o3 }- M2 E4 W0 A7 d L2 Y( F: e7 w8 q9 h4 p$ G/ |
> Dear Sir/Madam,( F+ m, g! P. W
> . \! k& \- Z! y3 v% q
> I am an applicant for your CSE master program and my application number is % E. M( E, h! |! ?' _> xxxxxxxxxx. My status on the TUMonline shows green ticks on "admitted" and 2 l& c$ t' q/ K4 f> "accept study place". Could you please tell me does it mean that I am already : v9 f' }* Q ]5 K' V> admitted by your program? If no, when will the final decision be made? If yes, ( k# ^5 G+ Y0 t0 v5 {> will you sent me a paper admmition letter?4 p; f- B3 T8 X' j4 |- ?
> % h7 P; U' T* Q8 A$ [
> Best Regards! ) Q+ R! C/ x$ y> Sincerely XXX作者: gsr1945 时间: 4.5.2010 17:07