哈萨克斯坦 哈萨克斯坦约有30架。 马来西亚马来西亚在2003年为18架苏-30MKM预付了900万美金,这批飞机在2006年到货。苏-30MKM装备了最新的导弹,包括AA-10、AA-12和AA-11。以及空对地导弹,包括制导或非制导导弹和炸弹。
Malaysia's aircraft come equipped with canards and thrust vectoring engines for high agility.
俄罗斯 449架服役于俄罗斯空军俄空军计划升级现役Su27至苏-27SM标准:全玻璃整形座舱以及更换的数字火控系统。The radar is to be upgraded with a phased array (most likely Pero) allowing increased range. The self defense and navigation suites will also be upgraded, as well as an attack suite. They hope this will be completed by 2008. Besides the 苏-27s, Russia also has 19 苏-30, 28 苏-33, 30 苏-34 and 11 苏-35.