% H% b% G5 |8 @( J- z. c% S"XXX and the XXX won the right to host the XXX Olympics by promising to improve human rights. Instead, XX tightened restrictions on freedom of speech and religion. Repression of XXX and other minorities has increased dramatically. Political and religious dissidents can be held in “XXX” camps for up to four years without trial. "作者: 穷二代 时间: 16.9.2009 15:14 本帖最后由 穷二代 于 16.9.2009 16:17 编辑 5 q( Q3 c% \6 A. _0 p % ?/ ]& |3 I1 b" o4 W* C0 u随便引用XI主席的话:林子大了啥鸟都有. * w: I; w5 K8 Q9 T, { ) ]% ~+ Z- ^! ~2 h, j* ]6 W这种网站多了去了~~~,有什么好在意的,有什么好奇怪的?