A one-night stand is originally a single night theatre performance (usually a guest group on tour), and today more commonly also a single sexual encounter between individuals, where neither individual has any immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship.
一夜情指兩個陌生人之間發生的性行為,且雙方中至少一方沒有立即建立長期性關係或戀愛的意願,(英文為「one-night stand」(ONS),原意是一晚的戲院表演)。作者: Beila 时间: 20.6.2008 23:18
多谢指导, 作者: Beila 时间: 20.6.2008 23:18
顶贴为了积分..........................作者: Beila 时间: 20.6.2008 23:35
还要顶贴,累啊作者: bigshot 时间: 20.6.2008 23:53