Created in 1959 the Eurailpass / Eurailpass Flexi has become the traditional European rail offer and gives you the maximum freedom for traveling by train on 17 European networks, shipping lines and many interesting bonus partners. Whether you choose the convenient Eurailpass or a Eurailpass Saver Flexi for traveling on specific days within the period. A Eurailpass always offers you good value for money.
Small groups from 2 to 5 persons benefit from the reduced Eurail Saver and the Saverpass Flexi offer (prices valid from 01.01.2003).
Valid for Eurailpass 1) Eurailpass Youth, 2nd class 2) Eurail Saver 3)
15 days 588 US$ 414 US$ 498 US$
21 days 762 US$ 534 US$ 648 US$
1 month 946 US$ 664 US$ 804 US$
2 months 1338 US$ 938 US$ 1138 US$
3 months 1654 US$ 1160 US$ 1408 US$
1) for children from 4 to 11 years the Eurailpass and Eurailpass Flexi is available fo half the adult fare. 2) the Youth Pass offer can be purchased only by young people between the ages of 12 and 25 3) Offer for 2 to 5 persons travelling together. Price per person. Children from 4 to 11 pay half the adult fare. Passes are also available in Germany at selected stations (Aid Offices) at a 10% higher price. Prices in Germany are calculated in Euro.