标题: 朱子家训翻译欣赏 [打印本页] 作者: quantum 时间: 16.9.2003 11:47
朱子家训是我国古时的家庭礼教文化精华,使人通人事,明事理,而张香桐院士的译<br>文无论从用词,达意,音韵等方面都堪称翻译的典范,现摘抄数篇供大家欣赏。<br> (1)一粥一饭,当思来之不易。<br> 半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。<br> The growing of rice and of grain<br> Think on whenever you dine;<br> Remember how silk is obtained<br> Which keeps you warm and looks fine.<br><br> (2)宜未雨而绸缪,勿临渴而掘井。<br> In periods of drought<br> Wise birds mend their nest<br> So when the clouds burst<br> They snugly may rest;<br> Never be the fool <br> Who starts to dig a well in the ground<br> When he wants a drink of water<br> And water can’t be found.<br><br> (3)与肩挑贸易毋占便宜,<br> 与贫苦亲邻须加温恤。<br> Bargain you not with the traveler who vends;<br> Share of your wealth with your neighbors and friends. <br><br> (4)居家戒争讼,讼则终凶;<br> 处世戒多言,言多必失。<br> Don’t take into court your family disputes,<br> Unpleasant endings emerge from lawsuits;<br> To comport yourself well in society,<br> Restrain loose tongue’s impropriety.<br><br> (5)勿恃权势而凌孤寡;<br> 勿贪口腹而恣杀性。<br> Use not your bow and arrow<br> To bully orphan and widow.<br> Do not dumb animals slaughter at will<br> Your appetite greedy to over fulfill.<br><br> (6)乖僻自是,悔悟必多;<br> 颓惰自甘,家园终替。<br> Egocentric people grow<br> Much regret and sorrow;<br> Lazy, slothful people sow<br> Poverty tomorrow.<br> (7)施惠勿念;受恩莫忘。<br> In proclaiming your virtues go slow;<br> And be mindful of mercy you own.<br><br> (8)凡事当留余地,<br> 得意不宜再往。<br> Leave room for retreat<br> When trying new feat.<br> You will try, try in vain<br> To repeat windfall gain.<br><br> (9)人有喜庆,不可生忌妒心;<br> 人有祸患,不可生欣幸心。<br> Don’t envy other’s success;<br> Don’t gloat o’er other’s distress.<br> (注:o’er即over,为了译文的音律而采用缩略的形式)<br><br> (10)善欲人见,不是真善;<br> 恶恐人知,便是大恶。<br> To brag of the good you have done<br> Will never impress anyone.<br> Personal scandals you try hard to hide<br> Will soon be known far and wide.<br> 作者: fire 时间: 16.9.2003 14:41
<!--emo&B)--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/cool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cool.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&B)--><img src='https://www.kaiyuan.info/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/cool.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='cool.gif'><!--endemo--> <br><br>汉语真乃博大精深,韵味无穷无尽!