I see the light from the heaven
I can feel the Angels coming around me
They carry the message into the world
About love , faith , hope and eternity
像孩子仰望母亲 像旱地渴望甘霖
像寂寞需要爱情 像开始在等待结局
走过世纪末的验丽 寻找擦肩过的真情
我的心在夜里叹息 我在等候天使降临
黑暗中 我看见
爱的光 从亘古 像太阳 的辉煌
温暖我虚弱的脸庞 告诉我生命仍有盼望
Oh ! Angel 从天而降
Amazing grace!how sweet the sound,(奇异恩典,何等甘甜)
That saved a wretch like me!(我罪已定得赦免)
I once was lost, but now I am found,(前我失丧,今被寻回)
Was blind, but now I see.(瞎眼今得看见)
When we've been there then thousand years,(将来禧年后,圣徒欢聚)
Brightening as the sun,(恩光爱谊千年)
We've no less days to sing,(喜乐颂赞,在父座前)
God's praise that when we first begun.(深望那日快现)