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标题: 华裔军官公开拒绝赴伊战是"英雄"还是"叛徒"? [打印本页]

作者: start    时间: 6.2.2007 17:21


美国陆军中尉Ehren K Watada7日在华盛顿举行新闻发布会,公开拒绝赴伊拉克服役。Watada表示,参加伊拉克战争,将把他推向战争犯罪(party to war crimes)的道路。据悉,Watada是美国首个拒绝服兵役的美军军官。



旧金山华埠小区1月29日首次打破对伊拉克战争保持沉默的态度,近400百华埠居民、小区分子及市府员官在刘贵明小学表示反对战争,并声援有华裔血统的美军上尉和多田艾伦(LT. Ehren Warada),他因拒绝到伊拉克战场而面临2月5日军事法庭的审讯,最高可判监6年,他也是第一位拒绝带兵到伊拉克战场的亚裔军官。

Lt. Ehren Watada, illegal Iraq War refuser

美国陆军中尉Ehren K Watada 在华盛顿举行新闻发布会

A Soldier's Duty? The Ehren Watada Story

据美国《星岛日报》报道,和多田艾伦的母亲何桂梅(Carlyn Ho)是夏威夷的土生华裔,为声援儿子免遭军事法庭起诉,去年12月中旬已开始四出游说,寻求各界人士的支持。何桂梅自27日起已参加了在旧金山举行的五千人反战大游行,29日更出席了整天的活动。


何桂梅在华埠居民月会上表示,儿子是爱国的人,自从911恐袭事件发生后,即决定入伍,在军官学校受训后,2004年底至2005年派驻韩国,被官方视为派驻伊克拉带兵的人选。2005年初被调返华盛顿州的Ft. Lewis军营,为带领士兵上战场作好准备,也包括了研究伊拉克战争的前因后果,将所作结论送交美国国会,作为美国出兵的理据。






Soldier on trial for Iraq refusal

Watada's supporters, including actor Sean Penn, gathered outside the army base [AP]

A US army officer who refused an order to deploy to Iraq has pleaded not guilty to several charges at a court-martial that calls into question the right of officers to speak out against the war.

First Lieutenant Ehren Watada has described America's involvement in Iraq as illegal and morally wrong.

On the first day of the court-martial in Fort Lewis, an army base near Seattle, Watada explained that he saw the order to go to Iraq as illegal because the war itself was illegal.

He said: "I had no other choice but to refuse the order."

'Illegal' war

The 28-year old faces four years in prison if convicted on one count of missing movement and two counts of conduct unbecoming an officer for refusing to go with his unit, the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.

He refused conscientious-objector status, saying he would serve in Afghanistan but not Iraq.

Anti-war activists consider Watada a hero and his supporters say he is the first army officer to publicly refuse to deploy to Iraq.

"As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honour and integrity refuse that order"

First Lieutenant Ehren Watada

Watada had hoped to make his case against the war in court, but John Head, the military judge presiding over the case, denied the defence's request to argue the legality of the war, saying the question cannot be answered in a military court.

Head also denied a list of possible defence witnesses and limited what the defence could ask potential members of the military panel that will determine Watada's fate.

Eric Seitz, Watada's lawyer, said: "It has become clear now that there is nothing for us to say in this courtroom."

Seitz called the decisions "comical" and "atrocious".

Watada's supporters and opponents gathered outside the gates of the army base, waving banners and shouting.

'War crime'

The two charges of conduct unbecoming an officer stem from public comments Watada made encouraging soldiers "to throw down their weapons" to resist an authoritarian government at home.

Defence lawyers had intended to argue that Watada's comments were free speech protected under the US constitution but Head rejected this.

In a video statement in June, Watada said: "As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honour and integrity refuse that order."

Despite having already been charged, he spoke out again in August, at a Veterans for Peace rally in Seattle.

Watada said: "Though the American soldier wants to do right, the illegitimacy of the occupation itself, the policies of this administration, and the rules of engagement of desperate field commanders will ultimately force them to be party to war crime."

Army 'betrayal'

Army prosecutors say Watada's behaviour was dangerous to "the mission" and morale of other soldiers.

Captain Dan Kuecker said at one hearing: "He betrayed his fellow soldiers who are now serving in Iraq."

Colonel Dan Baggio, a US army spokesperson, said: "[It] sets a bad example for the soldiers underneath that person. It sets a bad precedent. At that point in time you've lost good order and discipline. You can't have that in a military

作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 6.2.2007 17:25
作者: huwen_2007    时间: 6.2.2007 17:55
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作者: 五香    时间: 6.2.2007 17:57
作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 6.2.2007 18:23
QUOTE(五香 @ 06.02.2007, 17:57 )

作者: 五香    时间: 6.2.2007 18:31
QUOTE(慕尼黑不眠夜 @ 06.02.2007, 19:23 )

作者: huwen_2007    时间: 6.2.2007 18:44
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作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 6.2.2007 18:45

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作者: 糖醋黄花鱼    时间: 6.2.2007 18:45
作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 6.2.2007 18:48
QUOTE(五香 @ 06.02.2007, 18:31 )

作者: 五香    时间: 6.2.2007 18:50
QUOTE(慕尼黑不眠夜 @ 06.02.2007, 19:48 )


作者: 慕尼黑不眠夜    时间: 6.2.2007 18:57
QUOTE(五香 @ 06.02.2007, 18:50 )


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