标题: 慕尼黑机场免税店里有没有钢皂卖? [打印本页] 作者: birders 时间: 27.1.2007 12:58
有人买过吗?多少米,效果怎漠样? 谢谢作者: 决不放弃 时间: 27.1.2007 13:17
我妈上次来欧洲旅游的时候带了一块回去,我想应该是在机场买的。 应该就几欧元吧~效果好不好就不太清楚了,反正说是可以除腥味。 我妈硬要把它放在冰箱里,说可以去异味。 作者: birders 时间: 27.1.2007 13:32
那就是挺好的了,要不没效果谁还用啊作者: 5日元 时间: 27.1.2007 14:08
这个据说表面材料是纳米的 10年有效 但是表面必须接触水才能发挥作用作者: birders 时间: 27.1.2007 18:50
机场免税店里是不是肯定比karstadt里卖的便宜阿????作者: 鸿客 时间: 27.1.2007 21:43
Isartor的免税店也有 http://www.kaiyuan.de/club/article.php/17作者: Kay 时间: 27.1.2007 23:39
用过这种钢皂,刚洗过的时候是没什么味,但过一会好象腥味又出来了作者: 秋月寒 时间: 28.1.2007 01:55
The shape of a soap bar is purely decorative, any piece of stainless steel, such as a spoon can be used for the same purpose.
In the absence of plausible chemical explanations of why this may work, or experiments using controls, it is unknown whether the stainless steel soap is actually effective. Stainless steel soaps are often advertised for use in conjunction with water; it is likely that sulfurous compounds either dissolve directly in the water or (less likely) are catalyzed by the steel, if indeed the odour removal is measurably greater with stainless steel than any other substance.