德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: [MV] Return To Innocence [打印本页]

作者: 陌路狂奔    时间: 5.7.2006 01:37
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作者: DISSECTION    时间: 5.7.2006 10:11
一直很喜欢这个很具野味的调调~<br />美中不足是画质较差~<br />对了,这歌叫啥啊?下来听听。
作者: 陌路狂奔    时间: 5.7.2006 11:30
叫Return To Innocence呵呵,<br />大师浮出水面真不容易,<br /><br /><br />Love - Devotion<br />Feeling - Emotion<br />Don&#39;t be afraid to be weak<br />Don&#39;t be too proud to be strong<br />Just look into your heart, my friend<br />That will be the return to yourself<br />The return to innocence.<br />(The return to innocence)<br />And if you want, then start to laugh<br />If you must, then start to cry<br />Be yourself, don&#39;t hide<br />Just believe in destiny.<br />Don&#39;t care what people say<br />Just follow your own way<br />Don&#39;t give up, and use the chance<br />To return to innocence.<br />That&#39;s not the beginning of the end<br />That&#39;s the return to yourself<br />The return to innocence.<br />(That&#39;s the return to innocence

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