德国开元华人社区 开元周游
标题: Sons Suffer Strange Disease, Parents Seek Help [打印本页]
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 4.3.2006 14:31
I’m a university student of Chinese mainland, and recently learn that two sons of a family living in Guang Dong province both suffer from a kind of disease which is very rare worldwide. Through this forum, I’m sincerely hoped that it can arouse the worldwide attentions on this case as well as expecting the experts of medical profession to show their concerns.
二儿子得怪病 夫妻俩求救助
Sons Suffer Strange Disease, Parents Seek Help
Both sons of Chen Jiata suffered the disease named ALD/AMN (Adrenoleukodystrophy) and their vision and hearing gradually lost as well as the language and action ability. So far, there is no special effective treatment which can cure the disease. But it is reported that there is a special kind of oil which can control the disease in Taiwan. In order to acquire this oil, Chen Jiata takes no spare effort to search for it …
Chen lives in Haifeng County and owns a small video workshop himself, leading a happy life with two lovely sons. Unluckily, one year ago, Chen’s elder son Chen Liguang who is grade one of primary school sometimes acted indescribably, including walking unsteadily, running his head against the wall or stumbling suddenly meanwhile his hands are out of control and continues shaking when writing.
Due to his busy business, Chen Jiata at the beginning didn’t notice and paid enough attention to the abnormal act of his son. He just took it for granted that it resulted from the eye strabismus. And he brought his son to Sun Yat-sen ophthalmology hospital of Guangzhou and prepared him a pair of spectacles which cure eye strabismus.
However, the phenomenon of his son’s falling down occurred more frequently and even severely. Chen Jiata began to notice the gravity of his son’s situation. Misfortune never comes alone. When Chen Jiata was worried about the illness of his elder son, his second son aged five also appeared the disease’s symptoms of screaming suddenly, reacting slowly and gradually losing his vision. Chen Tajia was aware that the severity of the illness was not as simple as he thought and can’t be delayed any longer so that he determined to bring his two sons to the famous hospitals in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
Chen Jiata had never imagined that his family would be doomed to suffer this strange disease. And the diagnoses of several famous hospitals all showed that both of these two boys suffered the disease named Adrenoleukodystrophy(ALD/AMN) which is a rare cranial nerve disease in the world. The doctors told him that the disease is mainly caused by the hidden genes which are carried by their mother and pass down to their sons. In case the matrix possesses the genes, their sons will have 50% chances to suffer the disease. The patient lacks the enzyme which decomposes the Long chain saturated fatty acid so that the blood fat is too high and accumulates in the organs throughout the body, especially in the Cerebra White Matter and Adrenal Cortex, which results in the loss of Adrenal gland function and nerve conduction.
It is understood that children with Adrenoleukodystrophy have a high incidence of the disease aging from three to five years old. Their vision, hearing and aesthesia will gradually degenerates until all of functions are lost and become vegetable. The patient usually dies below ten years old.
At present, there is no special effective treatment for this disease. And the only way to cure the disease is to transplant bone marrow, which costs 500 thousand US dollars for each patient. However, the medical cost is an astronomical for the vast majority.
Both sons’ suffering on the incurable disease is a heavy blow to the happy family. Facing the sky-high medical cost, Chen Jiata can find no way out. But he never gives up. Through various efforts, Chen Jiata learned that there is one kind of oil named Lorenzo in Taiwan can control the disease.
When Chen Jiata witnesses the slight light in the darkness, he takes it as a hope and spares no effort to strive for it. In this year, Jiata has sent innumerable E-mails to the Red Cross worldwide, various charities & funds. And he has send an urgent letter to the province Red Cross through the city Red Cross and requests the province Red Cross to contact Taiwan counterpart for the Lorenzo oil to control the disease of his sons.
At present, his elder son has been paralyzed from the waist down, while the other has lost his vision. And both of them lose the ability of language and their lives are supported only by taking the medicine called Cerebrolysin. Seeing their two sons’ approaches toward the death minute after minute, the husband and wife choke into sobs. Now what the husband and wife can do is to wait helplessly for the response letter…
When disaster struck, help came from all sides. Charity and willingness of helping each other is our good tradition. We sincerely call upon the community to make effort to help these two sons of Chen Jiata.
电话:+86 0660 6865798 13828960422
Tel: +86 0660 6865798 13828960422
地址:广东汕尾海丰县人民西路 (腾龙影像工作室)
Add: Renming West Road, Haifeng County, Shanwei, Guangdong province, China (Tenglong video workshop)
注解:“罗伦佐油”(Lorenzo’ s oil) 肾上腺脑退白质化症(ALD/AMN)
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 4.3.2006 14:34
作者: LYWL 时间: 5.3.2006 16:08
就我所知,罗伦佐油是由一美国人叫罗伦佐发明的,罗伦佐因为自己的孩子得了这个罕见的疾病,求医无门下,自己专研医学书籍研发出这个油,这个真实故事甚至由好莱坞拍成电影,片名就叫罗伦佐的油. 这部电影我大约八或 九年前看过,所以知道他的由来.如果没记错的话,是由苏珊沙兰登及尼克诺特演的.
为什么会提到台湾的罗伦佐油,是因为在台湾有个张姓家庭他们的孩子也得到了这个罕疾, 接受了罗伦佐油治疗,延缓病情恶化, 但罗伦佐油并非根治之道,目前专门研就这个罕疾的国家是美国. 在得到台湾各界的捐款下,张家得以飞往美国接受这个医疗费昂贵的治疗.但由于没有等到合适的骨髓移植,张姓家庭只好黯然返台. 对于广东的束手无策的陈家,我想他们需要有组织的协助. 人间有爱,让我们把爱付出行动吧!
ALD( Adrenoleukodystrophy) 王陵寰老师 提供
【罗伦佐的油Lorenzo's Oil】并非只是一部精彩绝伦、感人至深的电影,它记述了真实世界一则难能可贵的传奇:Michaela Odone蜜雪拉欧顿、Augusto Odone奥古斯都欧顿和Lorenzo Odon罗伦佐欧顿一家从1984年起,和ALD大脑白质硬化症奋战多年的经历,以及食疗处方罗伦佐的油Lorenzo's Oil如何被研发出来。眼见稚龄爱儿罹患罕见的遗传性疾病ALD( Adrenoleukodystrophy)大脑白质硬化症,然而医学界还没有适合的治疗方法,若不及时遏阻病情恶化,小男孩再也活不久!随时可能失去心爱孩子的焦虑苦苦煎熬,一对从未受过医学训练的父母毅然投入艰深的医学研究,决定自行研发治疗的方法来救自己的小孩!
ALD( Adrenoleukodystrophy)大脑白质硬化症在欧美的比例:平均每四万五千人中有一位ALD患者。病童刚开始会狂叫,丧失说话能力,接著瘫痪在床、丧失吞厌能力,最后死亡,历时或数个月、或数年之速。ALD大脑白质病变是一种隐性性联遗传的疾病,ALD基因在X染色体上,由母亲将ALD基因遗传给儿子,所以发病者都是男性;携带ALD基因的女性绝大多数无症状,然而也有少数ALD基因的女性成年之后会有神经系统的症状。ALD大脑白质病变的病患,一般在5-10岁时发病,通常发病后三年内病情会迅速恶化甚至死亡。
ALD( Adrenoleukodystrophy)大脑白质硬化症的病患缺乏代谢长练饱和脂肪酸
等等。ALD病程的最初阶段,病人会出现情绪不稳,然后病人的感觉功能和运动功能都会恶化,ALD病人会从痉挛一路退化到瘫痪。 ALD( Adrenoleukodystrophy)大脑白质硬化症的治疗:罗伦佐的油Lorenzo's Oil是目前最普遍被采用的治疗方式;罗伦佐的油Lorenzo's Oil的处方为:患者严格控制脂肪摄取,果实的皮和子也不能吃,每公斤体重给予1.7公克glycerol trioleate oil和0.3公克glycerol trierucate oil。然而罗伦佐的油Lorenzo's Oil并不能治疗已经产生的神经病变,对成年病患也不具疗效;骨髓移植仍然是ALD大脑白质硬化症目前较佳的治疗方式。
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 6.3.2006 04:58
楼上说的资料我们都有 通过这次病情我们了解了很多世界上感人的事迹 对生命的意义有了全新的认识
最近有一个在德国留学的中国留学生给了我们很大的帮助 她说要给我们先寄一瓶油看看效果怎样 碰到了这位好心的学生 是孩子的福气 我们等待奇迹的发生 如果可以请在外国的同胞们把下面的资料发到一些相关的机构 请求给予帮助!如果能医好两个幼小的生命,就算下跪又算什么呢!汕尾电视台已经对这个事情进行了报道,暂时没有省级媒体来关注,希望上级媒也来关心报道。同时世界上的人也来对这个病有个认识。
I’m a university student of Chinese mainland, and recently learn that two sons of a family living in Guang Dong province both suffer from a kind of disease which is very rare worldwide. Through this forum, I’m sincerely hoped that it can arouse the worldwide attentions on this case as well as expecting the experts of medical profession to show their concerns.
二儿子得怪病 夫妻俩求救助
Sons Suffer Strange Disease, Parents Seek Help
Both sons of Chen Jiata suffered the disease named ALD/AMN (Adrenoleukodystrophy) and their vision and hearing gradually lost as well as the language and action ability. So far, there is no special effective treatment which can cure the disease. But it is reported that there is a special kind of oil which can control the disease in Taiwan. In order to acquire this oil, Chen Jiata takes no spare effort to search for it …
Chen lives in Haifeng County and owns a small video workshop himself, leading a happy life with two lovely sons. Unluckily, one year ago, Chen’s elder son Chen Liguang who is grade one of primary school sometimes acted indescribably, including walking unsteadily, running his head against the wall or stumbling suddenly meanwhile his hands are out of control and continues shaking when writing.
Due to his busy business, Chen Jiata at the beginning didn’t notice and paid enough attention to the abnormal act of his son. He just took it for granted that it resulted from the eye strabismus. And he brought his son to Sun Yat-sen ophthalmology hospital of Guangzhou and prepared him a pair of spectacles which cure eye strabismus.
However, the phenomenon of his son’s falling down occurred more frequently and even severely. Chen Jiata began to notice the gravity of his son’s situation. Misfortune never comes alone. When Chen Jiata was worried about the illness of his elder son, his second son aged five also appeared the disease’s symptoms of screaming suddenly, reacting slowly and gradually losing his vision. Chen Tajia was aware that the severity of the illness was not as simple as he thought and can’t be delayed any longer so that he determined to bring his two sons to the famous hospitals in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
Chen Jiata had never imagined that his family would be doomed to suffer this strange disease. And the diagnoses of several famous hospitals all showed that both of these two boys suffered the disease named Adrenoleukodystrophy(ALD/AMN) which is a rare cranial nerve disease in the world. The doctors told him that the disease is mainly caused by the hidden genes which are carried by their mother and pass down to their sons. In case the matrix possesses the genes, their sons will have 50% chances to suffer the disease. The patient lacks the enzyme which decomposes the Long chain saturated fatty acid so that the blood fat is too high and accumulates in the organs throughout the body, especially in the Cerebra White Matter and Adrenal Cortex, which results in the loss of Adrenal gland function and nerve conduction.
It is understood that children with Adrenoleukodystrophy have a high incidence of the disease aging from three to five years old. Their vision, hearing and aesthesia will gradually degenerates until all of functions are lost and become vegetable. The patient usually dies below ten years old.
At present, there is no special effective treatment for this disease. And the only way to cure the disease is to transplant bone marrow, which costs 500 thousand US dollars for each patient. However, the medical cost is an astronomical for the vast majority.
Both sons’ suffering on the incurable disease is a heavy blow to the happy family. Facing the sky-high medical cost, Chen Jiata can find no way out. But he never gives up. Through various efforts, Chen Jiata learned that there is one kind of oil named Lorenzo in Taiwan can control the disease.
When Chen Jiata witnesses the slight light in the darkness, he takes it as a hope and spares no effort to strive for it. In this year, Jiata has sent innumerable E-mails to the Red Cross worldwide, various charities & funds. And he has send an urgent letter to the province Red Cross through the city Red Cross and requests the province Red Cross to contact Taiwan counterpart for the Lorenzo oil to control the disease of his sons.
At present, his elder son has been paralyzed from the waist down, while the other has lost his vision. And both of them lose the ability of language and their lives are supported only by taking the medicine called Cerebrolysin. Seeing their two sons’ approaches toward the death minute after minute, the husband and wife choke into sobs. Now what the husband and wife can do is to wait helplessly for the response letter…
When disaster struck, help came from all sides. Charity and willingness of helping each other is our good tradition. We sincerely call upon the community to make effort to help these two sons of Chen Jiata.
电话:+86 0660 6865798 13828960422
Tel: +86 0660 6865798 13828960422
地址:广东汕尾海丰县人民西路 (腾龙影像工作室)
Add: Renming West Road, Haifeng County, Shanwei, Guangdong province, China (Tenglong video workshop)
注解:“罗伦佐油”(Lorenzo’ s oil) 肾上腺脑退白质化症(ALD/AMN)
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 6.3.2006 05:02
同期声:陈佳塔 Chen Jiata
My elder son Liguang always scored full marks when in kindergarten.
All these are.
His performance was still satisfactory when in preschool classes.
都是90多分 100分
All were between 90 and 100 scores.
His performance began to decline since the first semester of last year.
He can’t write the Arabic numbers such as 1, 2, and 3 ect in a correct way and his hands continued to shake.
同期声:陈立光的老师 the teacher of Chen Liguang
(陈立光)刚开始上课时 老师在黑板上写字 他老是跟(老师)说看不清楚
When the teacher was in class and wrote on the blackboard, he (Chen Liguang) always complained of seeing what on the blackboard unclearly.
他的家长也来(学校)反映 怀疑是斜视
His parents also reflected it to the school and suspected it as strabismus.
He was asked to write some words on notebook to check whether it was strabismus or not.
(陈立光)写字时非常吃力 也非常困难 字也不对格 写的歪歪斜斜
When writing some words, he seemed in a hard way and can’t write normally.
后来老师叫他读课文 他也读不清 生字也读不清
Then the teach asked him to read the texts out, and he can’t pronounce them clearly.
表达能力非常差 讲话模糊
The communication was rather poor and he couldn’t speak clearly.
同期声:陈佳塔(Chen Jiata)
It should be traced back to March and April.
当时老师反映他的眼睛(有问题)其他认识他的人也在反映 反映我这个大儿子眼睛看起来有点斜
At that time his teacher as well as his acquaintances reflected that there was problem with his eyes and suspected it as strabismus of his eyes.
我平常工作忙 没有去注意他
And I was busy with my work and didn’t pay enough attention to him.
同期声:陈佳塔 (病童父亲)Chen Jiata( patient’s father)
(配了眼镜)到一个月后 陈立光的体育老师来放映说 你的大儿子不会上体育课
(After wearing spectacles) one month later, Chen Liguang’s physical teacher reflected that my son was unfit for the physical education.
I began to worry about it.
当时刚好彭湃医院的医生到学校为学生体检 其中一个医生对老师说这个学生的脑子可能有问题
At that time the doctors of Pengpai hospital happened to come to the school for the students’ body check and one of them told the teacher that there was problem with the brain of this student.
That doctor had noticed his abnormality when having body check for him.
与此同时 我那个在幼儿园的二儿子的老师也反映说 他的眼镜看东西有点模糊 拿东西也拿不准
At the same time, the teacher of my second son who was still in kindergarten also reflected that the boy can’t see clearly though he wore a pair of glasses and had difficulty in holding something firmly.
At that time, I surely noticed that he also had some abnormality.
当时在那一段时间 我大儿子走路开始不正常了 走起路来有时还会碰壁 看不着那样子
During that time, my elder son began walking unsteadily and sometimes running his head against the wall as well as gradually losing his vision.
二儿子也出现了同样的情况 发作不到十天的时间 越来越严重
The same symptom also happened on my second son. Less than ten days, the disease got much worse.
采访:陈佳塔 Chen Jiata
I hurried to bring them to the city hospital and Yihui hospital for check.
在市人民医院拍了CT片 结果医生初步定为肾上腺脑白质退化症
In the city people’s hospital, the doctor shot CT film for both of them. And the doctor’s early diagnosis was Adrenoleukodystrophy(ALD/AMN).
开始(医生) 不敢诊断 后来(那个医生)请教了他在省人民医院当教授的专家诊断的
At the beginning, the doctor wasn’t sure the diagnosis and consulted the professor of province people’s hospital.
后来我就带着两个儿子到 中山大学附属第一医院
Later I brought both of my sons to the First affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University.
那个姓徐的教授检查了以后 基本与初步诊断的结果相同
After checking by professor Xu, the diagnosis still remained the same as before.
开了一些药 (教授)说目前在西医上 这种病还没有针对性的药物 即没有有效药物
Though giving some medicines, the professor said that there was no specific drug for this disease in the field of western medicine so far.
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 6.3.2006 08:40
--- 右击鼠标,然后保存 ---
现在把录像发上来 是电视台播出过的
作者: alexmandhu 时间: 7.3.2006 17:11
QUOTE(yuanzidesign @ 06.03.2006, 08:40 )
--- 右击鼠标,然后保存 ---现在把录像发上来 是电视台播出过的
作者: alexmandhu 时间: 7.3.2006 17:14
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 11.3.2006 01:53
QUOTE(alexmandhu @ 07.03.2006, 17:11 )
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 11.3.2006 01:58
[quote=alexmandhu,07.03.2006, 17:14 ]我同时建议楼主更多地,积极地去联系各个大学的医学院,如果有治疗的可能性,以后再考虑申请德国的红十字基金会。
这个病最后的结果是要做骨髓移植,世界上这个成功率非常低,德国,美国应该做过这种手术,现在孩子的情况一天比一天坏,如果找到了治疗的医院,家里还是承担不起这么多的费用,德国的红十字会有这方面的帮助么? 如果要申请的话,应该怎么做呢?
成为世界上首例利用脐带血对这种病(ALD)进行治疗的成功例子 在医学上具有深远意义!
如果能知道怎么联系德国的移植中心 还有足够的医疗费用 我们可以去德国作手术 前提是要有合适脐带血 !
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 11.3.2006 14:35
成为世界上首例利用脐带血对这种病(ALD)进行治疗的成功例子 在医学上具有深远意义!
如果能知道怎么联系德国的移植中心 还有足够的医疗费用 我们可以去德国作手术 前提是要有合适脐带血 !
作者: beadtj 时间: 13.3.2006 08:14
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 13.3.2006 11:04
QUOTE(beadtj @ 13.03.2006, 08:14 )
我们需要的帮助目前是 医疗费用和世界上治疗这个病的相关机构
在德国我们不熟悉 家里的经济又不好 如果能得到一些基金会的帮助就最好了 或者德国红十字会的帮忙 和一些相关机构的帮忙
最近台湾脐带血基金会提供给德国移植中心帮助一个这种病的儿童作干细胞移植,成为世界上首例对这种病的脐带血移植成功 在医学上来说具有深远意义
目前在国内我们做的具体行动就是找媒体报道 让社会人士帮忙 筹集医疗费用
还有在一些学校的等机构筹集资金 可是他们的大部分是农民兄弟 虽然钱少 可是有很重的心意 还有佛教界也在当地给两个孩子祈祷
还有德国开元论坛上的留学生也帮忙把资料发给相关的机构 请求帮助
香港那边的同学也帮我把相关资料寄到香港的一些机构 以请求帮助
希望版主能发到一些比较有影响力的网站 不单单在德国地区 还有其他世界各地的华人网站 美国的 欧洲的 请求同胞帮忙
我希望版主能联系一些相关机构 例如:这个专门治疗这个疾病和成功率比较大的机构 还有德国红十字会或者基金会等可以提供帮助的机构
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 16.3.2006 16:33
广州的羊城晚报最近也对着家庭进行了报道 http://www.ycwb.com/gb/content/2006-03/15/...ent_1086983.htm
作者: kangson 时间: 17.3.2006 17:09
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 19.3.2006 14:51
QUOTE(kangson @ 17.03.2006, 17:09 )
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 20.3.2006 16:25
为这个家庭做的海报!父亲母亲喜欢的色彩 一分一合!
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 24.3.2006 15:03
作者: 蓝水晶 时间: 24.3.2006 18:13
作者: yuanzidesign 时间: 26.3.2006 14:15
很多人要用一生去读解的生活哲理 让这个家庭在一夜之间清醒!
作者: sophiazj 时间: 30.3.2006 05:16
本帖最后由 sophiazj 于 2.3.2020 07:35 编辑
作者: 陈佳塔 时间: 2.4.2006 13:54
QUOTE(sophiazj @ 30.03.2006, 12:16 )
ALD and Lorenzo's Oil
Disease still not fully understood
The 1992 movie "Lorenzo's Oil" brought to the attention of the world a rare disorder called adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). It is a progressive degenerative myelin disorder, meaning that myelin, the "insulation" around nerves, breaks down over time. Without myelin, nerves can't function normally, or at all. Unfortunately, the body can't grow replacement myelin, so the disorder is progressive--it gets worse over time.
What causes ALD? Who gets it?
ALD is an inherited genetic disorder linked to the X sex chromosome. Because of the way genetic inheritance works, only boys have the most severe form of ALD. The disorder leaves the body unable to break down big fat molecules, either ones the body makes itself or ones that enter the body through food. Recent research shows that this is most likely due to a carrier protein that fails to work correctly and carry the fat molecules to where they would be broken down.
The fat molecules build up and clog up cells, and hurt nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.
Scientists now have a way of examining a woman's ALD gene to see if it's abnormal. This way, a woman who may have inherited an abnormal gene will know for certain whether or not she has it (is a carrier) and could pass it on to her children.
Do all boys with ALD die?
There are several forms that ALD can take. The most devastating type, what Lorenzo Odone has, is the childhood cerebral form, meaning that nerves in the brain are destroyed. About 35-40% of all cases of ALD are this type, which usually appears between 4 and 8 years of age in boys. These boys will become totally disabled in 6 months to 2 years, and will die sometime after.
ALD can also appear like multiple sclerosis, in that there is a gradual loss of function in the body but without the severe brain damage of the cerebral type. This second form is called adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), represents about 40-45% of all ALD cases, and affects men in their twenties or middle age.
Because adrenoleukodystrophy damages the adrenal glands, the disorder can begin as Addison's disease. This represents about 10% of all ALD cases, and affects males between 2 years of age and adulthood. Young men with this form usually also develop AMN by middle age. Boys diagnosed with Addison's disease are usually tested to see if ALD is at the root of the problem.
Can ALD be cured?
Unfortunately, there is as yet no complete cure for cerebral ALD. However, there are several methods being tried that seem to slow down the destruction of the disease. One method is the use of "Lorenzo's oil," made from olive and rapeseed oil, and a very low fat diet. Unfortunately, Lorenzo's oil has not proven to be as effective as first thought. Researchers are still trying to understand the complex relationships among fats in the body, and how Lorenzo's oil could be further modified to be more effective.
A second treatment, being tested experimentally, is an anticholesterol drug called Lovastatin. Researchers aren't clear exactly why this drug seems to help, but are working on understanding the processes involved.
A third method for treating cerebral ALD is bone marrow transplant. The idea is to replace cells that have a defective ALD gene with cells that have a normal ALD gene and will break down fats.
As for adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), no treatment has yet been developed. If an adrenal disorder like Addison's disease is present, long-term hormone replacement provides treatment.
How is Lorenzo doing? Is he still surviving?
Lorenzo Odone turned 27 years old on May 29, 2005. He is "holding his own," said his father, Augusto Odone, in an interview with The Washington Post in 2003. "He looks healthy, but he hasn't recovered any functions in a big way," he added. Lorenzo is almost totally paralyzed. Unfortunately his mother, Michaela (portrayed in the movie by Susan Sarandon), died June 10, 2000, of lung cancer.
Information for this article was taken from:
- GeneClinics (1999). X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy.
- Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (Oct. 28, 1998). New test spots ALD carriers with near-perfect accuracy.
- King5.com (2000). 'Lorenzo's Oil' mother Michaela Odone dies. Reprinted from The Washington Post, June 11, 2000.
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